The networks have all reported the DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) cyberattack upon the DNS (Domain Name Server) Dyn that occurred last Friday. This attack effectively tied-up (and shut down) thousands of websites in the Northeastern United States and eventually progressed to affect the West Coast, most of Texas, and then a large part of Europe. Tens of millions of people were affected by this attack on the networks.
This article is not about the specifics of that attack. The most definitive post on the cyberattack can be found within an article by Libby Plummer for MailOnline written for the entitled Massive cyber hack that floored Amazon, Twitter, HBO and Reddit could be ‘practice for election day. The article covers the “how’s” and technical parameters of everything that happened with the attack, and it is approximately 26 pages long. We will be utilizing some of the key tenets of that article here; however, the purpose for this one is not to examine the specific attack. Please refer to Miss Plummer’s article for those specifics and a good primer on the intricacies of a cyberattack.
In this instance the attack was conducted against Dyn, an infrastructure maintenance DNS based in New Hampshire that enables users to connect to the servers of various websites. Dyn has stated that tens of millions of IP (Internet Provider) addresses were used in the cyberattack to effect chaos. Dyn was quoted as saying the breach was “a very sophisticated and complex attack.” To understand what Dyn does is critical to the rest of this article.
DNS firms serve the critical function of converting IP addresses, in the form of a number, into the various domain names found on the websites that users link to. Picture it as being a “baseball team manager” who manages the players and organizes them into an effective team. Of course this analogy is small-scale, as this cyberattack effected thousands of different websites.
The point is this: just one DNS was taken down, effectively disrupting thousands of websites and millions of users.
Here is an excerpt from the aforementioned article that gives some basic insight.
“…online criminals have once again gone after a significant site with a DDoS attack. Not Twitter, or other popular and equally affected sites such as Spotify, Reddit, Github and SoundCloud though, but rather DNS provider Dyn. And that highlights a problem – any company running its own website may well have its own technology in place to mitigate DDoS attacks, but it’s all for nought if the DNS provider itself is not applying a sufficient enough level of protection to its own servers and data centres.”
Lee Munson, security researcher for
Basically what Mr. Munson is saying is it is the DNS provider that is the key to such rampant chaos in the cyberattack. The DNS’s are “soft” targets in themselves. Following the Alinsky principle out of “Rules for Radicals,” Obama, Clinton and their ilk don’t have to collapse the websites: they just have to take down the DNS’s…throughout the entire economy. They don’t have to convince all the Union workers…just the Union Rep and the leadership…then the rest will follow. They’ll take out the “big dogs” (the DNS’s) and then all of the “little dogs” (the websites) will crash and burn.
Not to mention the fact that they can set us up by taking down the computer network in the Department of Defense…blaming it on foreign hackers from nations such as North Korea, China, or Russia. Then it’s “open season” on the U.S., taken down effectively from within and blamed on foreign nations.
Here is a partial list taken from that article of the more well-known sites out of thousands that were affected by the cyberattack:
Thousands of sites were hit, including: | |||
Twitter Spotify Esty Box Wix Customer Sites Squarespace Customer Sites Zoho CRM (iHeartRadio) Github The Verge PayPal Big cartel | Basecamp ActBlue Intercom Twillo Grubhub Okta Starbucks rewards/gift cards CNN Yammer Playstation Network Recode Business Insider Weebly Yelp |
A group called New World Hackers took credit for the cyberattacks, stating they used an organized network of botnets that staged the attack at a rate of 1.2 terabits per second of data and directed it toward Dyn’s servers. As you may read in the article, one hacker claimed to be in China, another in India with a third in the UK. One more excerpt from the article deserves attention:
“DNS has often been neglected in terms of its security and availability from an enterprise perspective – it is treated as if it will always be there in the same way that water comes out of the tap and electricity is there when you switch it on. This attack highlights how critical DNS is to maintaining a stable and secure internet presence, and that the DDOS mitigation processes businesses have in place are just as relevant to their DNS service as it is to the web servers and datacentres.”
Richard Meeus, VP technology EMEA at NSFOCUS, a DDoS mitigation company
So there you have the “Achilles Heel” for the internet as a whole: attacks on website’s DNS providers. Now also of interest besides this attack is what happened this last week in Chicago, Illinois, where Rahm Emmanuel (“Never let a crisis go to waste”) and the Democratic Party rule the roost. There was early voting last week in Chicago, and this should be of particular interest in light of the cyberattack we just covered. An article posted October 22nd entitled ‘Calibration error’ changes GOP votes to Dem in Illinois county written by should ring the alarm bells.
Here is a large excerpt from that article that presents a foreshadowing of things to come in November:
“Republican state representative candidate Jim Moynihan went to vote Monday at the Schaumburg Public Library.
“I tried to cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent,” Moynihan said. “You could imagine my surprise as the same thing happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.”
The conservative website Illinois Review reported that “While using a touch screen voting machine in Schaumburg, Moynihan voted for several races on the ballot, only to find that whenever he voted for a Republican candidate, the machine registered the vote for a Democrat in the same race. He notified the election judge at his polling place and demonstrated that it continued to cast a vote for the opposing candidate’s party. Moynihan was eventually allowed to vote for Republican candidates, including his own race.”
So here we are with “calibration error” being assigned to a “change” in voters’ selections in early voting. Keep in mind, as it has been reported throughout the independent news media that George Soros has connections with the companies supplying the voting machines for more than a dozen different states.
Returning to our cyberattack, is it not interesting that the United States Department of Defense has its own branch that deals with Cyberwarfare, set up by General Keith Alexander at Fort Meade, Maryland…without even an arrest yet regarding Friday’s incident? With a $50 billion dollar NSA Data Collection Center in Utah, and the ability to tie in CCTV (Closed Circuit Television), computers attached to the Internet, cellular telephones, and smart devices…and no QRF (Quick Reaction Force) busted down the doors of three individuals that claimed to take part in the attack?
No action was taken because this attack was initiated by and sponsored by the U.S. government, specifically the Obama administration with use of intelligence agencies.
This cyberattack was a Beta-test upon a fairly “soft” target, such as the little websites and accounts that people use to do online shopping, play video games, watch movies, and other minor functions. Now let’s “rewind” to some information posted in previous articles and covered on different websites. In 2014, GridEx 2014 took place where the Russians and Chinese were allowed access to our Internet infrastructure, as well as complex functions dealing with defense computers and our responses to an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) threat. Recently a Russian “hacker” was taken into custody in Prague, Czechoslovakia for questioning regarding hacking into U.S.-based internet systems.
Let us also not forget that on October 1, 2016 the transfer of U.S. control over the Internet management passed to ICANN that has an office in Beijing and is owned by many nations, such as Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, and Saudi Arabia, to name a few. Then, on September 9, North Korea detonated a nuclear device with a yield of 20-30 kilotons, and such was significant because two days earlier, September 7, this occurred, as written in a previous article:
“On 9/7/16, two days prior to the North Korean nuclear test of 9/9/16, a DoS (Denial of Service) attack crashed the website of the Project on Crowdsourced Satellite Imagery based in California. So what? So, this project is the one responsible for continuously monitoring North Korea for nuclear tests and missile firings, and hackers shut down their computer systems, preventing satellite image transfer.”
Source: An EMP Attack and Nuclear War: Our Biggest Security Threat is Not from North Korea, Russia, Or China
The hackers were listed as being potentially Russian, Chinese, or North Korean. Everyone is also well aware that Julian Assange’s Internet connection was severed…possibly, “maybe” …at the behest of US Secretary of State John Kerry’s prompting of the Ecuadoran Embassy where Assange is exiled…and “coincidentally” just before Assange was ready to release a plethora of documents and e-mails pertaining to Hillary Clinton. These communications were between her and the “big banks,” as well as her longtime supporter John Podesta.
The U.S. is deliberately facing off with Russia on numerous fronts, such as Syria, Ukraine, and the Baltic States of Eastern Europe; the U.S. is deliberately trying to provoke Russia into a war. The alleged “hacking” of the DNC (Democratic National Convention) e-mails is being blamed on Russia without any evidence except the nebulous testimony of the intelligence agencies with no concrete proof.
So we’re to believe that Russia is tampering with the election process and the intelligence agencies are “certain” of it, but nobody can even find and arrest three individuals that “caused” a cyberattack that affected tens of millions in the U.S. and Europe?
Here is the synopsis:
The United States government (directly and with “sanctioned” associates or government operatives), as ordered by the Obama administration carried out a Beta-test on a “soft” segment of the Internet. This was done in preparation for a False Flag event to come, either before or during election time.
The Russians will be blamed for it as justification to enter into a war and/or to suspend or contest the election. Phony “precedence” is already being set, such as the man arrested in Prague (akin to Marius Van der Lubbe as the patsy for the Reichstag fire before WWII) and the “incidents” of hacking already attributed to Putin and the Kremlin. Phony precedent has also been set with things such as the GridEx2014, where Obama and the administration can point the fingers at Russia and say, “See! We tried to cooperate with them in a “partnership” and they turned around and used the information to sway our elections!” The ICANN Internet transfer can also be “pointed at” and used in the same manner, to make Russia a scapegoat.
Obama handed all of this sensitive information over to them to use as “justification” to blame the Russians, when it is Obama who will direct and conduct the False Flag operation(s) against the U.S.
The election, per se, is already a “done” deal, and the administration knows that civil unrest will occur no matter who “wins” the election. Such a crisis containing rioting and civil unrest will not be allowed to go to waste. Vice President Joe Biden already directly threatened the Russians with cyberattacks for the purpose of “embarrassing and humiliating” the Kremlin. The U.S. is cornering Russia and deliberately setting the stage to initiate WWIII…perhaps with the first strike against the U.S. coming from our own government…in the form of an EMP.
The end objective is the suspension of Constitutional rights and the inculcation of martial law in the United States.
The next war will be initiated by an EMP device detonated over the continental United States, followed by a limited nuclear exchange and then conventional warfare.
We already have early voting with changes of votes due to “calibration” problems. That is a total lie. This, too, is a minor “Beta-test” for the Democrats to see what they can get away with…to perfect the technique before the election. They are still trying to figure out how to switch the votes and yet make the voter believe he or she actually voted for the candidate desired. As the Communists proclaimed, “It’s not the voters who decide the election, but those who count the ballots.” As election day draws closer, the feds have even told the Russians that there could be “criminal charges” brought against them if they even monitor the results of the election.
The American people are being set up for a False flag operation or series of operations that will give Hillary Clinton a victory and take us into a war with Russia. All of this is designed to strip us of our individual liberties and propel us into the totalitarian state that Obama has worked to create for almost eight years. Cyberattacks, election fraud, and war are the tools being used to close the gates on this trap. There is little time remaining, and this next few weeks will see whether the United States remains intact as a people and as a nation.
Jeremiah Johnson is the Nom de plume of a retired Green Beret of the United States Army Special Forces (Airborne). Mr. Johnson is also a Gunsmith, a Certified Master Herbalist, a Montana Master Food Preserver, and a graduate of the U.S. Army’s SERE school (Survival Evasion Resistance Escape). He lives in a cabin in the mountains of Western Montana with his wife and three cats. You can follow Jeremiah’s regular writings at or contact him here.
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Put it up once and nobody looked……………just watch the live stream of the IT tracking systems for 15-20 mins. of the 1 & 1/2 hour maps of the US and world.
As a follow-up to a post concerning this attack a couple of days ago….. Today, there is an article available via Drudge about Lenovo pcs. They carry embedded in the OS a back-door that can be utilized by …. whoever knows of it. I feel that it as a manufacturer is in no way unique. I’ve seen tell-tale traces of similar surreptitious comm functioning in other Chinese-made computers, mobile device (cellphones, tablets, minis…). Just a head’s up. If the “S” does HTF – best advice is to ditch your internet enabled device and learn anew how to talk to one another fact-to-face, “for real” folks.
At first I thought my connection to the .gov site was out. But then I just realized that they are lazy, incompetent and stupid, and were probably all just out watching x-rated videos, golfing, or at a 3 hr lunch like always. My bad.
I was looking at the list of a few of the sites down and figured”Who the fuck cares”?!I then saw that starbucks reward card/gifts site down,now I see the issues here!
And how many people are consumed in this kind of shit as if any of it matters ? probably 75% of Amerika ! Fuck starbucks , twitter and the other worthless assholes, especialy FB.
Okay… so as long as you keep a good supply of cash and PMs at home (locked up and hidden, duh), and avoid using “Smart” devices/appliances, you’re largely good to go. A shortwave radio helps circumvent even more mayhem, since you can get a lot of your news from it.
OQ, good to see you back and AMEN about the shortwave radio. I’ve always kept my 2 Grundigs in storage cause I always knew one day we’ll lose the internet one way or another. I Just tested both of them yesterday and they still work like a charm. And don’t forget the batteries; a shitload of them. I have several items that use AA, AAA, and D batteries. I have a good supply of all three types. I also have a few LED flashlights which run on the CR123 lithium batteries; also have a good supply of those. Also have a shitload of cash stashed away.
It makes no sense to launch a practice attack, because it only causes the system to look for solutions. Which I believe was the stated intent of the hackers in the first place.
Screw DNS anyways just keep a list of the IP addresses of your favorite sites just in case. For example takes you to…
The truth is that the vast majority of the rest of the world couldn’t give a crap about your pointless elections, whether Trump or Clinton the empire will continue to be run by the same people it always is…
This ” retired vet” living with his cats in a cave in Montana strikes again! And when NONE OF THIS HAPPENS will anyone remember all this “sky is falling” nonsense?
Hitlary’s gonna win cause all you armchair “patriots” and weekend gun nuts have allowed Amerikkka to be taken over by the globalists. Democans, Republicrats, all rats to me. We get the government we deserve.
There will be NO MARTIAL LAW.
Hitlary will win in a landside (real or imagined).
No one will care.
Go back to watching Netflix, Mr. Joe Blow.
“…Blaming it on foreign hackers from nations such as North Korea, China, or Russia. Then it’s ‘open season’ on the U.S., taken down effectively from within and blamed on foreign nations.” SPOT ON! The time for mere words via the Internet is coming to an end. All that has been learned will have to be put into action and all that has been revealed will have to be considered by those who would be free.
Didn’t old Uncle Joe just say something was going to happen as a payback to Russsia that would “Emabarass them”?????
A prolonged comms-down would be the perfect cover for last minute WW3 preps and a round-up of key dissidents before hostilities commence.
Both of those were cited as key priorities for NATO governments during the now-declassified Cold War era “War Books” of the British government (as cited by Peter Hennessy in his 2010 book, The Secret State).
However, one would expect to see the other build-up “tells” as well, i.e., cancellation of leave, recall of recent retirees to the military, sudden shortages of key medical supplies, possible travel restrictions (this one could be masked behind a sudden terror threat), fuel and food supply wobbles, and so on.
Personally, I would make it a standing order between now and the inauguration that any web-down, comms-down, or grid-down event be treated as the signal to go into full survival mode, at least until it passes without your arrest.
It would not be just comms down ? It would be all commerce down and be a much grander scale of events. When the freebies are not readily available that will be when SHTF and not before !
I do not trust our government as far as I could throw BHO. They are capable of any act and that should concern all of us at this election. Something big is just ahead of us and it will not end well for any of us. Unless you are like me and would rather get on with it and get it over with !m Fuck em.
Yes, you’re quite right, it would suspend commerce too. Maybe that’s the crisis the German government has been warning its citizens about.
A lot of people will say governments are too incompetent to do this; the big mistake there is conflating every day bureaucratic idiocy with highly skilled black ops work. I would assume the absolute worst about government intentions and capabilities in my planning!
I try to post the following statement every now and then, and right now seems more applicable than ever:
Since the elections are upon us, and let’s assume you are living within a city, the larger the more hazardous might be a safe assumption for the greater % of them, why not book a motel room a good hour or two away, preferably tucked away in a boxed-canyon valley but anywhere “out in the country” would be splendid.
Just a thought is all… (it already seems as if ‘something is in the wind’ regarding this election, and it has more than one soul sensing a ‘great something’ (mass loss of life via TPTB viciously culling for reasons we have yet to learn of).
The only “thing” out there that seems to be substantiated (out there) are those Russian ships, an entire attack fleet “fully nuked out”, boats (subs) included. Our media is mum on that except for a short something on Fox two days ago, but nothing raising alarm, and certainly nothing stating what has happened since we mistakenly destroyed whatever we wanted destroyed has been said in any of the major medias – only Hillary and Trump dominate all of the news and they all favor Hillary and are obvious about doing it. (You can tell everything you are being fed is a damned lie), so even the internet is getting to be tough to find unbiased reporting of events.
Naw shutting down the internet and cell phones ect. That wont kill very many. Now False Flag or for Real shut down the Electric Grid. That will skyrocket us back to the stone age. and many more will die than live.
JJ was wondering if you think that the ptb would opt for a massive cyber attack shutting down networks and power grids vs an EMP. Given that the cyber attack can be reversed by the same hacks that cause it, whereas an EMP would permanently damage much of the electronics that they use to surveil all of us
Dear JPB,
I believe that your scenario is the most possible, and I believe it will be blended with an excuse that an EMP has been initiated, as then TPTB have their “boogeyman” when it was the administration that did it. I also believe that they would also only reverse the attacks for themselves, i.e., never let anything be allowed to affect their grid.
They would prefer for the EMP to happen, because it would be more definitive; however, the actions after either…a “self-shutdown” or a foreign EMP (or even a domestic EMP blamed on a foreign nation)….all will engender the same results…the government declares martial law and takes over in either case.
Thanks for the comment and for reading!
Respectfully Yours,
I really appreciate your feedback. I always enjoy reading your articles.
Thanks again,
JPB from the mountains of East Tennessee
I agree with Jay in the UK… there will be some sort of event to hide the war preps. I just finished putting small electronics in antistatic bags in a steel garbage can as recommended in Dr. Bradley’s “Disaster Preparedness for EMP Attacks and Solar Storms. S/W radios must have single sideband capability. I regularly listen to the HFGCS frequencies, 8.992 mHz USB now has the best propagation. I opine that IF traffic on this soars, it could be the first warning we would get. Everyone needs a hard copy of Cresson Kearny’s “Nuclear War Survival Skills” and make several Kearny Fallout Meters ASAP. I’ve made five to give to neighbors along with his book. Folks, it is going to take much more than “beans, bullets, and band aids” to make it through the coming crisis. Real time information and comms will be critical. Do not depend on the web nor on cell phones, both will be down. Consider CB radios for yourself and family. We’ve one in both vehicles, a base station at the farm and house. The latter two have their own hardened PV/charge/battery system to power them, along with the excellent TecSun PLL 660 radios that can also use 1.2 VDC rechargeable batteries. Consider RadAlert rad meters, very clever design. We’ve these and a 0-50 mR/hr meter in both vehicles. The RadAlerts are in the glove compartments and they will chirp if sensing radiation above a certain level, and will not saturate as will most all Geiger-Muller tubes in rad meters.
I have had a NukAlert keyring device for years and would you believe it, I emigrated to Latvia and left it behind along with my iodine pills and all my nuclear war kit. Just in time for WW3 to become a major theme for preppers. Stupid, or what? The worst part is, I can’t even recall exactly where I left it all; could be in a storage container at my friend’s rural home or it could be somewhere at my parent’s house. And to think I call myself a prepper.
Got the radios, GMRS type with a 50-mile boost, but nothing to warn of rising radiation via ‘chirping’…just an old analog meter you keep an eye on which gives the background ‘rad’. A Geiger counter of a sort I suppose.
I fail to see why commo is going to be so critical (at a time when nobody is getting out of anyone’s sight for fear of them falling prey to an attack).