A Chinese Company Reportedly HACKED Hillary Clinton’s Private Server, Has A Copy Of ALL Her Emails

by | Aug 29, 2018 | Headline News | 81 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    A Chinese company that claims to have hacked Hillary Clinton’s private server reportedly has a copy of every single email the former presidential candidate sent and received afterward. The Chinese state-owned company inserted a code that forwarded all Hillary’s emails to them, and Donald Trump is already demanding that this is investigated.

    According to reporting done by The Daily Caller, the Chinese state-owned firm operating in the Washington D.C. area wrote code that was then embedded in Hillary’s private server and generated a “courtesy copy” for almost all her emails. Those were then forwarded to the Chinese company.

    A source briefed on the matter confirmed to Fox News the details of the Daily Caller’s reporting, and said that the ICIG (Intelligence Community Inspector General) was so concerned about the revelation that officials drove over to the FBI to inform agents of the development after it was discovered via the emails’ metadata. One of those agents included the anti-Trump Peter Strzok.

    The source told Fox News the hack was from a Chinese company, describing it as a front for Chinese intelligence.

    A second source briefed on the matter told Fox News that officials outside of the FBI indicated code on the Clinton server suggested a foreign source was receiving copies of emails in real time. –Fox News


    President Donald Trump immediately took to Twitter to announce that some investigating should be done.



    “This isn’t the first time we’ve heard similar kinds of allegations,” said Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying in response to Trump’s tweets.  “China is a staunch defender of cybersecurity. We firmly oppose and crack down on any forms of internet attacks and the stealing of secrets,” she said, according to Reuters

    What’s even more telling, a May 2016 email from Strzok, obtained by Fox News earlier this year, said “we know foreign actors obtained access” to some Clinton emails, including at least one “secret” message “via compromises of the private email accounts” of Clinton staffers.


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      1. Can we do a freedom of information act request to the Chinese?

        Maybe then we will get to see the true extend of Clinton’s corruption.

        (ordered the hit on the DNC staffer that leaked the DNC emails to wikileaks?)

        • JS,

          I believe you are correct about Seth. Professional job. The amazing thing is that this is supposed to be a new revelation. I have always contended that the Mueller investigation is going to backfire on the Dems. Every single bit of hard evidence points to Shrillery being in cahoots with the Ruskies.

          • Good article, the damn is finally breaking on information many have had for months and years.

            Hillary wasn’t just in cahoots with Russians, but any foreign or domestic entity that would contribute/pay to the Clinton Charities.

            Play to play has always been the foundation, of the Clinton Foundation!

            I’m so hopeful this will all come to light. I will destroy the Democrat party, and severely injure the Republican RINO party.

            It will take years to overcome this corruption, but a bloodless revolution that fills prisons is often better than a bloody revolution that fills graveyards.

            Oh my I really like this quote. Gotta save it and search on it periodically. It could go viral.

            • The vile clan known as the Clintons are such fine examples of what is wrong with this country and also prime examples of who and what you do NOT want anywhere near gov’t in any form. The entire bunch deserves to HANG!!

            • PTPO, my guess is that the revolution will probably be more bloody than bloodless. There’s gonna be a lot of graveyards getting filled and even new ones getting set up. It’s hard for me to see any PEACEFUL change taking place now.

          • The horror of what is happening with the American people is that they damn how manipulation of presidential elections took place United States that published Wikileaks, but seeking those who published what was happening from a crime. Where rolling gentlemen?

        • I dont want to live under black rule and communism.

          Whites in South Africa are living under black rule and communism.

          It’s so disgraceful that this is happening without a fight.

          Were the founding fathers “terrorists”???

          Did George Washington believe in “political violence” and “hate speech”????

        • i asked for some information. I only got a menu.

          • and a nice big helping of cat.

            • Boyo and JS, what I had on the menu gave me food poisoning, 15 years ago. Never been in another Asian restaurant since.

        • You don’t even have to do that.

          Clinton’s email server (a bog-standard Exchange 2003 server with no firewall in front of it – even had webmail via Outlook Web Access) was as open as a whore’s legs during Fleet Week. Someone even did a quick scan on it and found a metric ton of issues, vulnerabilities, and worse. It’s like they never bothered to patch the thing after they built it:


        • I would like to be the first to volunteer as a shooter in this Traitorous Btches firing squad. Obama also knew Hillary was using her own personal server cause he sent her emails to the device. Obama did nothing to stop it. He needs to be charged with treason and get the same punishment. All emails from the in box and outbox were copied and forwarded to the Chinese. What other Patriots would like to volunteer for the firing squad duty? And I want to use a Gatlin Gun .50 cal.

          • Not me. I’d rather use my 10-22 and make the fun last for awhile.

            • Repr Sleepr, LOL! I also have a 10-22. .22LR would definitely be a torture. Like your idea.

          • I would pay them if I could go to work on them with a pair of pliers & a blow-torch. It would be the greatest day since July 4,1776!

          • Sorry, Thar… I got dibbs.
            Lived in Arkansas while slick Willy was gov. and was part of force reduction while he was pres.
            Keep your guns – too quick. Got better ideas – ones that take weeks/months to complete.

          • Obama also used a fake pseudonym in his e-mails to subvert US law about government employees using government only email.

        • convict and EXECUTE this treasonous seditious bitch involved in espionage.

        • nobody hacked hillarys emails they gave chinese access to her emails

          • That’s what I believe too.

      2. JS, I think it’s funny as hell that the RED CHINESE, who Slick Willie gave so much of our technology to, are screwing the hildebeast. Let’s see her try to order a hit on the Chinese. It won’t happen. Commies screwing other commies. You just gotta love it.

        • If it starts to get seriously out of hand, it may very well be the Chinese who rid themselves of the Shrillery problem.
          I can see MSNBS now: “poor Hildebeast, I guess loosing the election finally took its toll”.

          • Stuart, although I don’t love the Red Chinese, I wouldn’t have any problem with them doing something to Hillary.

            • One could only hope…

          • Imagine all the dirt from Benghazi when Hiltlary told the Marines to stand down and let the US Ambadsador get slaughtered. This Witch needs to FRY.

            • I watched that movie again the other day with my wife, she never saw it and God it infuriates me how the U.S. Gov’t did NOTHING to save the other Americans, including an Ambassador and various other Intel. agency staff, WTF is wrong with that picture people??

            • You do know they were sacrificed to prevent the gun running from Benghazi to Syria from being made public.

              The consulate in Benghazi was a front for weapons confiscated from Gaddafi to be smuggled to Syria to support the overthrow of Assad. A consulate is different than an embassy in that an embassy is sovereign territory and a consulate is not. The consulate was the tip of the spear for CIA operations under cover of “diplomacy”.

              In fact, the ambassador was smuggled into Libya hidden on a cargo ship. He knew what was going on and the risks involved and chose to take the mission. It was a covert operation. Those that attacked the consulate also knew what was going on. It wasn’t some random demonstration about a video or whatever.

        • How do you say “Suicide by Clinton” in Mandarin? I pity the poor Chinese government. I pity the fools.

          • Lol that stupid commie whore has no power in China ..if China wants to they will make an example of the arrogant b1tch

          • Blame-e, how the hell can the hildebeast order a hit on anyone working for the Chinese regime? They have plenty of ways of dealing with any Clinton hit team. The Chinese commies always take care of their own.

            • Sorry. I forgot that stupid and ignorant people like you need the brackets. The “A-Team?” Remember them? Of course not. Because you’re an idiot.

              • Blame-e, uh, I hope those remarks were NOT directed at me. If so, why? I’ve always enjoyed your posts and don’t recall us having any trouble before.

      3. Put them on the auction block. Might have to wait a little longer for the border fence though, but the result could be priceless to see that beatch swing by her neck or be skinned out and sold to the nearest Venezuela meat locker.

        • Besides everything is better with “Old Bay” crab seasoning or Moores hot sauce for all you Muchachas out there.

          • NO, Mount olive jalapeño slices. Now who’s the man?

      4. Shehag Clinton emails will never see the light of day because too many present government bigshots would be incriminated in assisting the treason, like the whole damn bunch of them. A very good article at veteranstoday.com titled: Unpleasant truth: 1941 Parachuting of Rudolf Hess in England. This lays out that Germany and Hitler in WW2 were proxy armies for the US. The same people pushing WW3. No wonder the US is becoming a military occupied shithole.

        • Aljamo: You are right, the U.S. is not only becoming a 3rd $hit hole but they are decimating our so called civil liberties, rights, etc, etc. I so, so wonder why they are pushing so hard to steal all of the guns from us citizens I mean Patriots. Folks, do NOT give up a stinking single gun, nope, never, forget it!

      5. If this had been a Republican, they would have been indicted, tried, found guilty and sentenced to prison for obstruction of justice.

        Yet this woman continues to run around and annoy all good Americans with her BS rhetoric.

        I will believe that this country has hope when this POS is wearing an orange state issued jumpsuit.

      6. Chinese may hold out exculpatory evidence which would help Trump against Clinton and Deep State, but only if Trump “complies.” Like giving in on trade issues for starters so that Chinese can maintain their advantage the US, under Slick Willie through entry into the WTO, gave them.

        You see, it is all about blackmail, bribery, coercion and payoffs now.

      7. Can some genius tell me why all these flawed third world or police state scum all have black hair and brown eyes? . Is there some genetic reason for this?

      8. I heard the number 200 million enemy troops? And new Babylons , Land of Demons? Not too hard to see? 5 million Muslims, How many , You Are A Racist? 8% of this planet are white. For now?

      9. Al Gore is now working for the Chinese? I thought they had more class.

      10. Nothing will ever happen, these people are not subject to any sort of law as we are, nothing will ever change, nothing at all other than one more cut to the people, one more nail,

        • What about the Secret Service personnel who witnesses all of this corruption in person. WTF? Fn Tyrants

          What about Clinton’s pedophile torture chambers in the basement of the Clinton Library?

      11. No wonder the Clintons have returned to flying commercial. Nobody is going to shoot them down in a commercial airliner. The Clintons have resorted to using American Citizens — men, women, and poor little defenseless children — as human shields.

        • When I go see my friend in AZ late this year, I’ll be sure that I don’t take a Dulles or BWI flight coming from NY. Planes do drop out of the sky for all sorts of reasons. Aren’t the safest seats in the back third?

          • In a crash, it does seem like the tail always survives.

          • I was being sarcastic. I forget that with bunch of morons you have to remember the brackets []. My bad. [sarcasm]

          • The safest place of a commercial airliner in a crash, are the seats in the middle of the plane by the wings. People don’t sit on the tail wing of an airplane. The front is pretty screwed with all the first class elites. Poetic justice. “Would you like some Grey Poupon with that face plant crash?”

            However, when choosing a seat for a flight, choose the seats in the very front, you will get there quicker than the rest.

        • Commercial planes have been shot down just to get one person.

          Larry McDonald in 1983 [Korean Air], Ron Brown, others forgotten. . .

          • Awed Bawl, thank you for reinforcing my point I made to Blame-e.

            • You’re still an idiot.

              • blame-e, uh, WHO is an idiot?

          • Yeah, like I forgot all about Larry McDonald and Ron Brown. Get real.

        • Blame-e, I wouldn’t be so sure about flying commercial being protection for the Clintons. If someone wanted to get them bad enough it can be done. The question is whether they’re willing to take out innocents also.

          • This is why we need mandatory term limits for all of Congress. 1/3 of US Congress is being blackmailed by AIPAC. FACT!!!!

            • Dems are so desperate they want to lower the voting age to 16. Whats next after that? Pets can vote?

            • Only one third?

      12. Does anyone find it ironic that our own government couldn’t recover what was public information via the hildabeast emails, but a foreign actor (Chinese) can. Doesn’t say much for our intelligence community now does it!!!! FBI couldn’t find their arse with both hands!!! Makes me want to puke how corrupt our intelligence community has become!! Hang them all I say!!!

      13. I hope this fries her. I’m sick of this bitchs face

      14. They are holding all of it until she get elected in 2020 to use against her.

        Maybe they can send it to MAC and he could post them. LOL.

      15. She is done, even the dems want nothing to do with her.

      16. Jim, agreed she’s done but I think it’s more because of her health issues. All during the 2016 campaign, she made as few campaign appearances as possible due to her health. She was traveling everywhere with a DOCTOR AND NURSE and had to constantly have assistance in walking, especially going up and down any stairways. No one else I know of has ever run for any public office in that kind of condition and especially never had a doctor and nurse with them all the time. Say what you will about Donald Trump, but he was barnstorming across the whole country, averaging 2 to 4 stops per day and taking only one day off a week for rest. Hillary was taking 3-4 days off every week due to her health. She would make one appearance somewhere and then HAD TO GO HOME AND TAKE A NAP. Remember the 9/11 memorial service in 2016 when she complained about the heat and had to leave early, when she stumbled and fell trying to climb back into the specially-equipped van she leased for the campaign? Remember someone from her Secret Service detail revealing she was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease? Trump was and still is in top health so he ran the most effective campaign. Hillary’s campaign was a total joke. None of the Dems’ voter fraud could secure the election for her. Maybe not enough dead people out there, LOL. She still travels around the country blaming everyone but herself for her loss. BTW, she STILL travels with a doctor and nurse and the same staff she had during the campaign. Maybe her health issues will kill her first before any hit team can.

        • I agree: it is her health issues that are holding her back not because Trump is going after her. The Clinton Foundation blackmailed the entire government and political elite and so they have ALL of them in their back pocket. All that trash and dirt on the Western elite was sent to China in real time where the Chinese now have the most comprehensive ‘dirty file’ on all power elite in the West. They know their paedo habits, their bribery, corruption etc.

          Hillary, just like so many so-called ‘feminists’, had bad personal habits – no excercise, poor food habits, drinking and smoking – that took their toll on her health. It is why most feminists look like hell by the time they reach their 30s and have far higher obesity rates than ‘non-feminists’.

          Always judge women. If they can’t keep their physical condition together that tells you about their character. My mother raised three children, worked, kept a clean and tidy house and was beautiful and physically fit and a stylish dresser. She didn’t turn into a lump of crap, wearing elasticated pants, watching day-time TV and eating junk food. She was a health nut, only drank herbal tea, ate small, healthy portions and excercised every day.

          • You’re so right on that Frank!

            • WRONG!

            • Please show me Franks medical and research degrees.

        • Whatever she has I’d bet Bill gave it to her.

          • Bill sure does love his puuuuuussy!

            And I don’t blame him. Hillary was once very hot but then she became fat and shrill.

            Look, all guys in power screw like crazy. The stress of the job needs a release and the healthiest release is sex. Jack Kennedy would always keep around 18 year old interns who would do stress relief on his buddies between pow wows. This would even happen in the White House pool. Jack would just say “looks like Bill there is a little stressed. Think you can do something about that Candice?”.

            • FT “Bill sure loves his p*****y.”

              And Trump the womanizer doesn’t?

              He even leers and lusts after his own daughter.

            • They’re dogs, I have no admiration for dogs. Where are the upstanding , honest, and caring leaders? Women should think more of themselves and value themselves more than to be used as a semen depository. This is part of the problem in politics. Look at the ugly bastards who are so stupid as to think these women would even look twice at them if it were not for their political position of power. And the women are even more pathetic to lower themselves for these scum bags.

      17. http://map.norsecorp.com/#/

        There’s no conventional explanation for an unfriendly country that still has access to our infrastructure, buys up our real estate and other critical resources.

      18. The Chinese were merely keeping close tabs on one of their agents…Hillary Clinton.

      19. China has always been our enemy, they have always been “MONKEYING” around with our secure communications.Note, I will use MONKEYING as much as I can to upset the racist blacks.

      20. Perhaps you can coordinate payments to the Clinton foundation with E mails on her account. Want specific information donate money and the information appears on Hillarys E mail account which is hacked and she knows it. Gives her deniability in that she did not directly give the info to China rather she set it up that they could get it via her E mails. A spy ring for hire. LOL Hillary will be inspecting concrete at the cross bar hotel for the rest of her life.

      21. If any other Federal employee had done what Hillary Clinton did with high-security information, they would be in prison.

      22. hillary gave the chines access to the emails there was no hacking

      23. nobody hacked hillarys emails she give them access to it

      24. HAHAHAHAHA! I love it!

      25. The MIC, CIA, FIB, (FBI), DoJ, DHS, etc., all have
        secrets they would kill for…to protect those secrets
        from the Constitutionally minded American public.
        Remember the Las vegas massacre?

        I don’t know a about any body else…. but I am
        sick up to my eyeballs of the tributes to Traitor
        John Mccain. He alone killed 134 navy soldiers
        and ingured 161, destroyed an aircraft carrier,
        27 fighter jets and nearly killed a friend of mine
        when he was blown off the ship!! All because
        McCain was a show off.. who flooded the gas on
        his plane to scare the guy (Lt. Col (?) White)
        in the jet behind him, with a fireball blast out of
        his tail end…causing the fire to ignite gas tanks….
        and killing White and other crew when bombs and
        missles and fire exploded on the flight deck and
        the spreading gas fire ran down into the sleeping quarters
        of the crew….many men still sleeping.
        They transfered McCain to another ship for his own safety…
        because the crew was so angry.
        The press was told to squash that story. And blame it on
        electrical problem. But the witnesses on deck that day knew
        what happened. And what a jerk Mccain was.
        I don’t know a about any body else…. but I am
        sick up to my eyeballs of the tributes to Traitor
        John Mccain. He alone killed 134 navy soldiers
        and ingured 161, destroyed an aircraft carrier,
        27 fighter jets and nearly killed a friend of mine
        when he was blown off the ship!! All because
        McCain was a show off.. who flooded the gas on
        his plane to scare the guy (Lt. Col (?) White)
        in the jet behind him, with a fireball blast out of
        his tail end…causing the fire to ignite gas tanks….
        and killing White and other crew when bombs and
        missles and fire exploded on the flight deck and
        the spreading gas fire ran down into the sleeping quarters
        of the crew….many men still sleeping.
        They transfered McCain to another ship for his own safety…
        because the crew was so angry.
        The press was told to squash that story. And blame it on
        electrical problem. But the witnesses on deck that day knew
        what happened. And what a jerk Mccain was.

        The vietcong were amused that he did so much more damage
        for them, than they were able to do themselves.
        The only accounts of his stay at the HANOI HILTON prison
        were his version only…. His prison camp was not like other
        (fellow servicemen’s) POW camp.

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