$1,820 is Next: GOLD SHAKEOUT!

by | Oct 26, 2020 | Headline News | 7 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    This article was contributed by Future Money Trends. 

    I love skiing. Since 2010, I’ve visited the European Alps and have enjoyed the slopes of Austria, Italy, France, and Switzerland. I’ve also tasted the powder of Whistler (Canada), Colorado, and Utah (U.S.A.) and have recently been looking at options for this upcoming January 2021, if restrictions allow travel.

    In Switzerland, one famous little skiing village is called Davos. It’s the Monaco of the Alps since the parking lots are filled with Bentleys, Porsches, Range Rovers, and Ferraris. Every year, the World Economic Forum meets there. Do you know what the theme is for the meeting that’s just a few months away?

    Take a look:

    Courtesy: WEforum.org

    I’m not sure whether you got the memo or not but the elites of this world apparently want a reset, and that includes you.

    The world has changed and the most dangerous thing one can think is that it hasn’t or that the changes don’t apply to them. FutureMoneyTrends.com is built on studying just that: trends, so what is true today could be totally wrong tomorrow; the key is to adapt.

    2020 has shown that being stubborn, full of self-pride, and unable to exhibit flexibility can cost one a fortune in the markets, bring them to their knees (emotionally), and could cause them to not be themselves and act like a nervous wreck in the presence of others, and this year isn’t over yet…

    In fact, we’re nine days away from seeing a very dividing moment for Americans, one that could distance Republicans and Democrats even further – the elections.

    Because of the way both candidates are portrayed in the media, neither of them get any respect from their detractors.

    It’s a difficult task governing 330 million citizens where half of them think you’re incompetent while the other half, believe you’re a genius.

    Courtesy: Seeking Alpha (Florian Grummes)

    Why have traders been exiting gold, then? If so much uncertainty is right ahead of us, what’s the logic?

    Markets believe that the stimulus checks aren’t coming; not yet, at least. It seems that the $1.8tn package the Republicans want and the $2.2tn one the Democrats are pushing for won’t be able to be bridged in time (before November 3rd).

    No free money equals less of a reason to bet on gold for now…

    Therefore, gold has downside potential and we believe that the gold bulls haven’t been spooked enough to head for the exits yet, but $100 skimmed off the top would probably do it, sending the metal to $1,820/ounce.

    Courtesy: Seeking Alpha (Peter Krauth)

    Zooming out, though, you get the birds-eye view of the big picture, and it tells us that while traders like to trade in and out of this sector on a monthly basis, the most reliable trend in finance, which is the DOW/GOLD RATIO, is clearly showing that in September 2018, gold started a new bull market.

    If you look at the 20-year bear market of the 1980s and 1990s, you’ll notice that within it, there were several mini bull markets as well. It could be that we’re in a time like this now and that this bull market isn’t going to last for a full decade, but rather that it has only a couple of years in it.


    This isn’t a time to bet big. It’s actually much better to wait for the price to hit $2,000 again – even surpassing its August all-time high of $2,089 – before firing the bazookas.

    A new all-time high will confirm the strength of this bull market, in our opinion.

    Courtesy: Seeking Alpha (ESI Analytics Limited)

    I leave you with this chart, which might tell you how I’m personally feeling about the sustainability of the valuations of the stocks that Robinhood “investors” are betting on.

    What’s amazing is that thousands of companies are still down -20% to -80% from where they were in February, yet instead of seeing mean reversion of those, the retail crowd is going for the companies whose present valuations would require 20 years of non-stop growth to justify themselves.

    Get real, people!

    No company is worth 100-times earnings or 200-times sales…


    It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point

    Gold has been the right asset with which to save your funds in this millennium that began 23 years ago.

    Free Exclusive Report
    The inevitable Breakout – The two w’s

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      1. Of course Silicon Valley loves Chinese style “communism” because it allows  billionaires,  and the techies also want complete control over everyone’s life, and total surveillance of everyone’s life, and total control of a fake money supply, which by the way also requires that you use their technology! They are the psychopaths that destroyed America, and now they want to assume total control over everything! Hell No! Send them to prison for their crime sprees! from massive Bill of Rights violations and crimes ranging from profiteering off of to 9/11 to covid scamdemic! They are the disease! They are not capable of providing the cure! Oh, and let’s not overlook how faulty the technology is, as well as how expensive! The Great Reset is
        The Great Swidndle, the largest swindle in world history if it goes through, not only of money, but of rights, autonomy, and freedom! As if most people haven’t already lost enough in those categories! They have not even admitted any wrong doing! They are still pretending that covid warrants the Draculonian measures taken, and they say “trust us.” Sorry, but I am more afraid of them seizing more power than I am of covid! By light years! Better to die of covid than live in total oppression, tyranny, enslavement, and destruction of rights, at least for me, I am only speaking for myself! If other people would prefer to live that way, it is something that I cannot understand!

        Andrea Iravani

      2. Actions speak louder than words.Obviously, judging by their actions, they believe that they are all stake holders in individuals.
        The sales-pitch is for them saying that employees, consumers, and communities are stake holders in corporations, but the sales-pitch is in direct conflict with their actions. They have censored, de-platformed, surveilled, data-mined, and bilked us, in addition to the lock-down, distancing, masking, lay-offs, limited mobility and freedom of association and right to assembly, and have also demanded access to medical records.

        It is just not possible for them to be anything but complete frauds apparently. These are grown adults with many years of experience, and their pattern has been that they are psychopaths, meaning that their behavior is pathological and on auto pilot. Each crime is worse than the last. They get charged and fined and say that they are sorry, and that they are going to reform themselves, and the reform is even worse than the preceding behavior. It is like being in an abusive relationship with someone. The abuse gets worse over time. Mark Zuckerberg has proven that he is just not capable of not violating people’s rights. He is just one example.

        They want stakes in every person on earth, obviously.

      3. Actions speak louder than words. Obviously, judging by their actions, they believe that they are all stake holders in individuals. 
        The sales-pitch is for them saying that employees, consumers, and communities are stake holders in corporations, but the sales-pitch is in direct conflict with their actions. They have censored, de-platformed, surveilled, data-mined, and bilked us, in addition to the lock-down, distancing, masking, lay-offs, limited mobility and limited freedom of association and limited right to assembly, and have also demanded access to medical records.

        It is just not possible for them to be anything but complete frauds apparently. These are grown adults with many years of experience, and their pattern has been that they are psychopaths, meaning that their behavior is pathological and on auto pilot. Each crime is worse than the last. They get charged and fined and say that they are sorry, and that they are going to reform themselves, and the reform is even worse than the preceding behavior. It is like being in an abusive relationship with someone. The abuse gets worse over time. Mark Zuckerberg has proven that he is just not capable of not violating people’s rights. He is just one example. 

        They want stakes in every person on earth, obviously. 

        Andrea Iravani

      4. Why in the hell would we trust them?! You have to read this! These people are sick as hell!

        Wave Your Brain Goodbye ! Everyone knows that the Silicon Valley techies are in the CIA ! It is not even a secret! This is a warning to all life on earth ! As disgusted as I am with the gangstalking psyvhopaths that have literally destroyed my life, and property, even doing illegal surgery on me, I would never think yeah, these people are hopeless, better do ectrotherapy and spychiatry on them to make them more docile. That is just so God damned fucking sick and freaked out! I would throw them in prison where they can no longer harm people, not just for my own sake, but for all of humanities! They pose grave dangers to society! They are super-predators! I am literally unsafe in the most severe senses of the definition while they are not in prison! They have been torturing and terrorizing me which I keep writing about! They are absolute monsters! They are terrorists! They revived me from the dead to terrorize and torture me! I was dead! They could have left me in the condition of being dead! It is bettter than being tortured and terrorized for years! Josef Mengela also revived people from death to torture them. They are sadists! They do it because they love torturing people!


        • Psychotronic Weapons 

          Since the devices were illegally implanted in me while unconscious at Columbia St. Mary’s Ozaukee on March 27th, 2014, I have barely been able to cry, despite intense feeling of sorrow resulting from a serious of personal tragedies and losses that few would be able to survive, all tragic events were a cascade of losses in such a rapid succession and of such grave consequences that to say that it is truly a series of horrors would be a gross understatement. I used to cry constantly. I am simply unable to express it as a result of psychotronic weaponry, it is not that I do not feel it. It started with immediate sleep deprivation and extremely loud tinnitus in my left ear, and the inability to cry. They turned my brain into a three way transistor radio with devices implanted in both ears and in my nasal cavity. I have written about this in the past and have told many people and informed law enforcement, politicians, and health care at all levels, and all notifications have been ignored, laughed at, and even resulted in threats against me by St. Mary’s staff. Immediately my first phone was hacked in June of 2017, someone started using DEWs on me. The DEW users repeat non-sensical chants and sexually harrass me and ask me to give up things to them, none of which I have given up. I do not hear it if music is playing, or listening to the radio because the radio waves are larger than the microwaves and displaces them like ripples in a pool from a boulder would displace ripples from a pebble. It is the most offensive and grotesque personal invasion concievable and I have been raped by a stranger, prior to this, and this is much worse, because it never stops, it is an invisible, cowardly, brain-raping, parasitic, psychopath that will not stop. It is total rape by a total coward(s) and a total moster(s) that belongs in a federal pennitentiary for life. I do not know how many people are involved. Anything with a motor also repeats these chants, as well as anything with plumbing because the microwaves can jump to copper pipes. Since I have experienced it miles away from my home, with or without cell-phone, I have concluded that it is beamed from a satellite, and are frequency specific to the illegally implanted devices. My house is constantly broken into and things stolen and vandalized as well as neighbors that stalk and spy and gas-light and have even placed things in their windows that they stole from my home including curtains , and small round globe colored lights which the lights have been removed and placed back in their windows dozens of times. This terrorism has conicided with all of the tragic losses that I have endured since 2014. I have lived in this neighborhood since 2000 and never had a single problem with a neighbor until then. New neighbors have also moved in all around me since then on three sides. Two of those neighbors have placed items stolen from me in their windows. 

          There is a terrorist network in my neighborhood. The people involved in this are not from a particular political party or religion. Some of the individuals involved that livec here prior to 2014 are Republicans, some are Democrats, some are Christian, some are Jews. I have lived in this neighborhood for longer than all of but four other households. Many new neighbors have also moved into the neighborhood and the majority of the men and women do not have jobs, so how they can live here without jobs is unusual. This was all pre-lockdown.

          Vault7 tevhnology is also being used on me. My smart meter was hacked as well as appliances and people remotely control my lights, thermostat, and appliances at their whims. This could only happen to someone living in a shit-hole neighborhood, in a shit-hole village, in a shit-hole county, in a shit-hole state, in a shit-hole country, considering all that have been notified and refused to prosecute and imprison the psychopathic terrorists. Notifications have gone from the Grafton police, all the way up to Donald Trump. 

          The only reason that I have not killed myself is because I want to expose them and have them permantly thrown in federal pennitntiaries where they can no longer harm people because they pose extreme dangers to society.

          Here is documention that Psychotronic Weapons do exist by written author Mojamir Babacek:



          Andrea Iravani

      5. Systemic corruption, systemic incompetency, and systemic indifference, are America’s problem’s from my point of view. Unfortunately, the only way to avoid those problems are by not being part of the system. The dark forces will attack and destroy anyone and anything in their way through totally illegal methods. Boycott the system! Starve the parasites! Turn the Great Reset into The Great Rejection!

        Andrea Iravani

      6. I believe that the power structure is trying to evade responsibility for their crimes of 9/11 inside job with full cooperation of all government, large corporations, financial institutions, media, and universities, and now for the Health Scare Scamdemic by attempting to persuade people that people are remotely controlling them with MKUltra techniques. Everyone knows how weird Hillary acted with Secret Service agents reaching in their pockets and pressing buttons on a device, how strange Pelosi, Schiff, Trump, Fauci, and Gates are acting, like circus freak show acts.
        This illegal surgery and MKUltra techniques have been performed on me and have tortured me and resulted in sleep deprivation and an inability to cry, as well as reduced concentration from the obvious fact that I am being terrorized with DEWs and EMF radiation. It produces extremely horrible sensations, as if my brain gets magnetized, it actually has been with the EMFs. Despite the fact that these DEWs have been used on me, they have been incapable of controlling deciscions that I make, asking me to give things up, or move out of the neighborhood, This has been done to approximately 300,000 people according to anesthesiologist Dr. John R. Hall on his website International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies:

        Others have stated over and over again that a person under hypnosis cannot be compelled to do things that they are morally opposed to doing. :


        They obviously want to get away with criminal behavior by saying that they were remotely controlled to commit crimes. Well, the technology is being used on me, and I do not commit crimes, and I do not do what they tell me to do, in fact, I don’t even believe in the Lock Downs, distancing, masks, covid vaccines, social and travel restrictions, and I am not going to vote for any candidates, because they are all totally corrupt. Only a totally delusional person would take orders from an anonymous, cowardly, psychopath that is using DEWs on them. The DEW users have threatened me as well. I simply refuse to obey the DEW criminal psychopaths.

        Andrea Iravani

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