This article was contributed by Portfolio Wealth Global.
Oh man, yesterday proved what happens when there’s uncertainty about a major event, coupled with the CERTAINTY that no Federal Reserve is coming to your aid in the days ahead. This is education for the millennials, who have been trained to expect Daddy Jerome Powell to show up every time they load-up.
There is no BACKUP COMING, no Navy Seals coming to the rescue.
This is it; between now and perhaps the end of the year, price discovery is going to be real. We’re going to see exactly what big money and algorithms think about valuations with nothing to prop up markets.
Panic? YES. Volatility? SURE. Buying opportunities? 100%. Craziness and illogical behavior? EVERYWHERE you look.
This will be one of the most important investment months of your career. By acting responsibly, professionally, and with poise and composure, not with an inability to see positions going up and down like yoyos, one will be able to exploit others’ mental incapability to handle bullets firing above their heads.
For the next few days, the FED is out of the business of putting a floor on stocks; perhaps even more than just a few days…
The major indices are now RED for the month of October.
Famed hedge fund manager David Einhorn, who got his ba**s handed to him for shorting TSLA, is convinced the markets peaked on September 2nd. He believes the bubble is over and cites IPO mania, elevated valuations for the Robinhood app darlings, market concentration (FAANG), options trading volumes being off the charts, and the parabolic charts of some stocks.
On top of that, Rasmussen polled Americans and has issued a VICTORY ALERT for President Trump – what a turnaround.
The same polling company actually found that tens of millions of Americans likely believe that a REAL McCoy Civil War is a possibility.
Courtesy: visualcapitalist.com
This chart has a lot to do with how America got here!
The ability to create currency and segregate it so it ends up in the hands of the rich and powerful to decide what to do with it has led to expensive asset prices, record buyback programs, no wage growth, and the worst income gap in history.
Think about the process of currency creation: how dollars are born and get pushed into the banking system where the institution cherishes safety and lends to the big and the wealthy, STARVING the real economy.
I personally bought shares yesterday, according to the watch lists we have previously published, taking nibbles at companies, not whole chunks.
NEVER buy a full allocation right off the bat; one can be fully correct on the potential of the company and COMPLETELY WRONG on the timing. Being flexible with your purchases (being patient about the process) is the tactic of successful investors.
Nothing is “now or never” – NOTHING. There’s always time to think things through.
The odds are fully in your favor; let the game come to you.
As I see it, if Joe Biden wins (despite this huge controversy with Hunter’s compromised dealings with China), between now and January 2021, it’s going to get sickening at times since the world will be paralyzed until Inauguration Day. If Trump wins, I still don’t expect SMOOTH SAILING because I think a contested result is coming either way, but Trump won’t lose a recount if he wins the initial vote.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
Egg theft is becoming the new heist, as thieves set their sights on breakfast foods because of the...
United States ruler President Donald Trump and his administration have no plans to send American...
The United States is trudging into worrisome territory. Elon Musk, who leads the Department of...
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hahaha. funny! Re-runs of the news! It’s the same damned thing every day! That saves journalists and news casters a lot of time and effort!
Still talking about Russian hackers, Nazis, and debating over WW2 in rabbit holes. Still talking about JFK, RFK, and 9/11.
Same bat shit crazy time!
Same bat shit crazy channel!
aka covid19 ( that’ll keep’em busy for decades!) &
Andrea Iravani
You changed the picture!
Andrea Iravani
ShutDownDC intends to shut the country down unless Biden is declared the victor and Trump concedes the election to Biden and the Obviously Deep State Fake Rebel Group AKA TIP has made public anouncements for calls for disruption, chaos, and violence, ( as Transition Integrity Project “predicted.”)
Go to hell you God damned fucking psychos! You obviously are CIA and Military! Nobody in the world would take such risks for Biden unless they had a guarantee that they could get away with it! You stupid fucking jack asses! Bad Actors Take Center Stage! Frauds! This whole God damned fucking country is just one giant cluster-fuck of freak shows, psy-ops, charades, lies, scams, and distractions! The country, government, and economy are now entirely based on lies! You disgust me! You could not be honest if your lives depended on it! How long do we have to be subjected to your freak shows and corruption for?! One lie leads to another, and another, and another! Someone has to stop this crazy thing! Go Away! Do not come back!
I am not supporting Trump or Biden in this election, but this is Cracker Jack Stand is just plain asinine! What is it like to be a brainless fucking dope ShutDownDC?! You are a God Damned fucking laughing stock! If Biden is your man, then you are obviously full of shit! Biden is definitely not a populist and Biden definetely lacks populist appeal! That is just pointing out the obvious, based on, well, the obvious, like his legislative record, rather than his Joe Shmoe rhetoric!
Andrea Iravani
You plagiarized this article from Wealth Research Group! The only thing that you changed was the photo! It is even on this same website!
Oh, never mind, same author, known as Contributing Author, my mistake. Sorry.
Andrea Iravani
Which did you enjoy the most, the lock downs, the forced distancing and prohibited freedom of assembly, the masks, or the contact tracing?
Why are you claiming that Trump is responsible for peace in the Midfle East when 3 countries that were not at war with Israel, and are still not at war with Israel under Trump, and the countries and people that Israel was at war with are still at war with those people? Isn’t that kind of like claiming that Trump negotiated peace with Canada by signing a trade deal, even though we were not at war with Canada under Obama? Did you know that Trump bragged about being awarded with The Bay Of Pigs Award for the failed coups in Venezuela?
America has not entered into any new wars under Trump, and we owe this to the graciousness of the nations that Trump has antagonized relentlessly, and not because Trump is a diplomatic steward of peace. It is a very long list of nations that Trump has managed to push to the brink, and the straw that breaks the camel’s back is an inevitability if Trump is re-elected and Trump fails to do an immediate about face. People are only willing to put up with so much. In fact, I would not at all be surprised if the United States is multilaterally attacked with the first wise crack that comes out of Trump’s mouth if he gets re-elected. People around the world are literally mad as hell for Trump’s self-imposed dictatorship over world trade sanctioning every nation that would like to be trading partners with any of the many nations that Trump has sanctioned. Citizens, business leaders, and governments around the world feel as though Trump has taken over their countries as a result of it.
This is a wake up call to Trump, Trump supporters, and America!
Andrea Iravani
A hacker prevented me from posting the above comment in this artcle:
Trump Supporters, Please tell us, which did you enjoy the most, the lock downs, the forced distancing, the prohibited freedom of assembly, the masks, or the contact tracing?
Why are you claiming that Trump is responsible for peace in the Midfle East when 3 countries that were not at war with Israel, are still not at war with Israel under Trump, and the countries and people that Israel was at war with is still at war with those people? Isn’t that kind of like claiming that Trump negotiated peace with Canada by signing a trade deal, even though we were not at war with Canada under Obama? Did you know that Trump bragged about being awarded with The Bay Of Pigs Award for the failed coups in Venezuela?
America has not entered into any new wars under Trump, and we owe this to the graciousness of the nations that Trump has antagonized relentlessly, and not because Trump is a diplomatic steward of peace. It is a very long list of nations that Trump has managed to push to the brink, and the straw that breaks the camel’s back is an inevitability if Trump is re-elected and Trump fails to do an immediate about face. People are only willing to put up with so much. In fact, I would not at all be surprised if the United States is multilaterally attacked with the first wise crack that comes out of Trump’s mouth if he gets re-elected. People around the world are literally mad as hell for Trump’s self-imposed dictatorship over world trade sanctioning every nation that would like to be trading partners with any of the many nations that Trump has sanctioned. Citizens, business leaders, and governments around the world feel as though Trump has taken over their countries as a result of it.
Here is today’s example of Trump diplomacy:
MBS summoned by Whatsapp to appear in court for torture and attemptemed Khashogi assassination, in the tradition of US diplomacy and prtotected status for CIA members, and even willimg to cause WW3 for a CIA agent whose brother collaborated with the CIA in the 9/11 attacks!
“You, Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, are hereby summoned….”
A US Federal Court in DC today issued a summons to the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia to answer charges of torture via WhatsApp. It’s well known that MBS uses WhatsApp all the time. pic.twitter.com/LQVNHjQ8o8
— Liz Sly (@LizSly) October 29, 2020
Hey, what about me US Federal Court, when will you summon Columbia St. Mary’s Ozaukee staff and Grafton WI government to court via Whatsapp over the extrajudicial torture and numerous attempted murders against me? I am a law abiding US citizen! In other words, I am not in the CIA, but still, it should count for something! Do they know that Saudi Arabia purchased missiles and nuclear weapons from America? No big whoop. Do they know that there are Saudi citizens in Abu Graib that are still being tortured by Americans? Probably not.
How ridiculous they look!
This is a wake up call to Trump, Trump supporters, and America!
Andrea Iravani
A hacker prevented me from posting the above comment in this artcle:
Thanks for the laugh. Check this out:
Andrea Iravani
Off your meds again I see
You are still acting like a cowardly, anonymous, libelous, psychopath again I see. What is it like having your life reduced to attacking torture victims while you yourself are obviously cowaring in such fear that you are too terrified to reveal your identity because you would probably end up in prison if you did?
How is it that you benefit by such libelous attacks? You evidently believe that you benefit in some way by it. Does it make you feel powerful in some delusional and narcisstic way that feeds your ego and allows you to convince yourself through the act of self-deception that you are more than the insignificant, irrelevent, mentally incompetent, nobody that you have proven youself to be for some brief lapse of time? How frequently does the hob gobblin of your little mind require such neurological synapses of a dopamine induced rush so frequently sought after by psychopaths in thrill seaking? Please tell us, Anonymous poster.
Andrea Iravani
The surveillance abuse is out of hand, as if everyone hasn’t noticed, with the contact tracing. These psychos have absolutely no respct for human life, human rights, or the rule of law, and will find any excuse under the sun, and even create problems themselves so that they can spy and extort funds from the government. I have absolutely had it! It is time that all of their security clearances and funds are abruptly cut off and they are thrown in prison for crimes against humanity and terrorism ranging from the 9/11 attacks to covid, as well as other conspiracies that they have orchestrated! The TSA should be abolished. They exist strictly for themselves. They make people’s lives miserable. They are a bunch of worthless, useless, self-serving tyrants that America can easily do without! They have raised the cost of travel, and they have increased travel time. It is time to have Trump or Biden if elected just yank the security clearances and fundimg from this massive Orwellian state of theft, perversion, and deviancy that has cost America tens of trillions of dollars not only in waste, fraud, and abuse, but in a rapacious crime spree that is government over reach in the strongest sense of the definition. It must stop! The individuals are deviants that deserve punishment, not perks and rewards. It is probably why the governments at all levels have developed really weird and creepy attitudes. This is surveillance abuse that endangers our lives and property and it has to stop. A,erica cannot go on this way. The bullshit excuses for spying, and the freaked out creeped out behavior by the government, corporations, universities, medical mafia, and media is literally unbearable! Stop it now! These people are sick as hell and have destroyed this country, and they have certainly destroyed my life and property!
Andrea Iravani
It really infuriates me that I have even been driven to feel compelled to point out to U.S. citizens that one of the rights that has not been granted to U.S. citizens is the ability to be able to spy on other citizens. In fact, it is 100% illegal and violates numerous class one felony laws in addition to violating people’s
4th amendment rights and thereby violating their 13th amendment rights. If you will notice in the Bill of Rights, at no point are these rights allowed to be violated by individuals that are not in the government, they pertain to everyone, whether they work for the government or not!
The fact that U.S. citizens are clearly prohibited from spying on other citizens means that citizen spies are full blown criminal psychopaths with deviant personality disorder that belong in prison and pose grave dangers to society and individuals! It is a form of deviant behavior that must be forbidden, and punished! The only reason that people are doing it is because they are perverts and thieves. They are fooling nobody but themselves!
Andrea Iravani
Revenge of The Manchurian Candidates
We know for a fact that the goals of the Manchurian Candidates are trying to obtain our DNA and intellectual property and physical property through lock-downs, testing hysteria, and data through spying since they are obtaining our DNA through testing and intellectual property through spying, and property through forced lock downs that resulted in bankruptcies. Everyone knows that covid does not warrant such illegal and unconstitional measures.
Are we supposed to believe that it is just a coincidence that they wound up with our DNA, intellectual property obtained through spying, and physical property obtained through lock down induced bankruptcies but that it wasn’t actually their goals to end up with all of that?! Please tell me that nobody is stupid enough to believe that that was not the intended goal for them to end up with all of that!!
But it is even worse than that!
The Manchurian Candidates Want To Own Our Thoughts Via Mind Reading Technology
Only mentally incompetent psychopathic serial criminals would waste their time and resources in an internationally orchestrated campaign of fraud to gain acess to our DNA via force, coersion, or fear based on fraud, in addition to mass surveillance also based on scientific fraud. There is a God given reason that they do not have our DNA and thoughts, and they simply refuse to accept it. They cannot gain access to our DNA via natural selection, so they obtain it through the medical mafia using scientic fraud as a means of extorting it. Gynecologists also steal ovums. Do not go to them unless absolutly necessary! It is completely unnatural for a woman to be implanted with the ovums from another woman! It is also completely unnatural to try to genetically alter DNA. Do not get a colonoscopy either unless absolutely necessary ( although I can’t imagine what reason that might be, especially considering that prior to 1990 they did not even exist! ) since they use anesthesia and nobody has any idea what they are doing to all of these seemingly healthy people that are willingly subjecting themselves to colonoscopies every year just because the government said that it is good for them, like yearly gynecological and prostate exams, and mammograms, which really ought to be setting off alarms in everyone’s heads! If that is what the government has to offer us, I politely suggest that they shove their tests up their asses!
They want to mine our brains and own our thoughts and intellectual property and creations as their own:
The psychopaths in control also want to convince us that they are not responsible for their behavior and they would like us to believe has resulted from MKUltra mind control programs.
Others have stated over and over again that a person under hypnosis cannot be compelled to do things that they are morally opposed to doing. :
Psychotronic Weapons
I believe that the power structure is trying to evade responsibility for their crimes of the inside job of 9/11 with the full cooperation of all government, large corporations, financial institutions, media, and universities, and now for the Health Scare Scamdemic by attempting to persuade people that others are remotely controlling them with MKUltra techniques. Everyone knows how weirdly Hillary acted with Secret Service agents reaching in their pockets and pressing buttons on a device, and how strangely Pelosi, Schiff, Trump, Fauci, Biden, and Gates are acting, like circus freak show acts. Also recall the way that George W. Bush used to just blank out mid-sentence and gaze off into space, as if he was having either petit mal seizures or TIAs
(or check if you are too young to recall.)
Illegal surgery and MKUltra techniques have been performed on me and have tortured me and resulted in sleep deprivation and an inability to cry, as well as reduced concentration from the obvious fact that I am being terrorized with DEWs and EMF radiation. It produces extremely horrible sensations, as if my brain gets magnetized, because it actually has been with the EMFs. Despite the fact that these DEWs have been used on me, they have been incapable of controlling deciscions that I make, asking me to give things up, or move out of the neighborhood, This has been done to approximately 300,000 people according to anesthesiologist from Austin Texas, Dr. John R. Hall on his website International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies:
Froedert Hospital in Milwaukee is also managed by James Brunnquell who is also the Village president of the village that I live in Grafton, Wisconsin even though he does not work any hours at all at the village and he does not have voice mail at the village, and Brunnquell keeps running for office and has been in the village government since I moved here in 2000 is coincidently involved in such a project.:
They obviously want to get away with criminal behavior by saying that they were remotely controlled to commit crimes as Manchurian Candidates. Well, the technology is being used on me, and I do not commit crimes, and I do not do what they tell me to do, in fact, I do not even believe in the Lock Downs, distancing, masks, covid vaccines, or social and travel restrictions, and I am not going to vote for any candidates, because they are all totally corrupt. Only a totally delusional person would take orders from an anonymous, cowardly, psychopath that is using DEWs on them. The Son of Sam was probably a victim of it, and he was definitely delusional, and definitely insane since he murdered people because his dog commanded him to do it! The DEW users have threatened me as well. I simply refuse to obey the DEW criminal psychopaths.
Devices were illegally implanted in me while unconscious at Columbia St. Mary’s Ozaukee on March 27th, 2014, I have barely been able to cry, despite intense feeling of sorrow resulting from a serious of personal tragedies and losses that few would be able to survive, all tragic events were a cascade of losses in such a rapid succession and of such grave consequences that to say that it is truly a series of horrors would be a gross understatement. I used to cry constantly. I am simply unable to express it as a result of psychotronic weaponry, it is not that I do not feel it. It started with immediate sleep deprivation and extremely loud tinnitus in my left ear, and the inability to cry. They turned my brain into a three way transistor radio with devices implanted in both ears and in my nasal cavity. I have written about this in the past and have told many people and informed law enforcement, politicians, and health care at all levels, and all notifications have been ignored, laughed at, and even resulted in threats against me by St. Mary’s staff. Immediately after my first phone was hacked in June of 2017, someone started using DEWs on me. The DEW users repeat non-sensical chants and sexually harrass me and ask me to give up things to them, none of which I have given up. I do not hear it if music is playing, or listening to the radio because the radio waves are larger than the microwaves and displaces them like ripples in a pool from a boulder would displace ripples from a pebble. It is the most offensive and grotesque personal invasion concievable and I have been raped by a stranger, prior to this, and this is much worse, because it never stops, it is an invisible, cowardly, brain-raping, parasitic, psychopath that will not stop. It is total rape by total coward(s) and total monster(s) that belong(s) in a federal pennitentiary for life. I do not know how many people are involved. Anything with a motor also repeats these chants, as well as anything with plumbing because the microwaves can jump to copper pipes. Since I have experienced it miles away from my home, with or without cell-phone, I have concluded that it is beamed from a satellite, and are frequency specific to the illegally implanted devices. My house is constantly broken into and things stolen and vandalized as well as neighbors that stalk and spy and gas-light and have even placed things in their windows that they had stolen from my home including curtains, and small round globe colored lights which the lights have been removed and placed back in their windows dozens of times. This terrorism has conicided with all of the tragic losses that I have endured since 2014. I have lived in this neighborhood since 2000 and never had a single problem with a neighbor until then. New neighbors have also moved in around me since then on three sides. Two of those neighbors have placed items stolen from me in their windows.
There is a terrorist network in my neighborhood. The people involved in this are not from a particular political party or religion. Some of the individuals involved that lived here prior to 2014 are Republicans, some are Democrats, some are Trump supporters, some are Christian, and some are Jews. The only common link that I am aware of is their criminal behavior. I have lived in this neighborhood for longer than all of but four other households. Many new neighbors have also moved into the neighborhood and the majority of the men and women do not have jobs, so how they can live here without jobs is unusual. This was all pre-lockdown.
Vault7 technology is also being used on me. My smart meter was hacked as well as appliances and people remotely control my lights, thermostat, and appliances at their whims. This could only happen to someone living in a shit-hole neighborhood, in a shit-hole village, in a shit-hole county, in a shit-hole state, in a shit-hole country, considering all that have been notified and that have refused to prosecute and imprison the psychopathic terrorists. Notifications have gone from the Grafton police, all the way up to Donald Trump. We Energies ( Wisconsin Energy ) and technology companies have also been notified and other than We Energies replacing my smart meter after it was hacked in Februrary of 2016, and read ddd-ddd for a default code, all refuse to find the culprits and have them arrested for the hacking crime spree that continues to this day.
Gang Stalking is a common problem in Wisconsin:
The only reason that I have not killed myself is because I want to expose them and have them permantly thrown in federal pennitentiaries where they can no longer harm people because they pose extreme dangers to society.
Here is documention that Psychotronic Weapons do exist by written author Mojamir Babacek:
This invasive brain raping technology is being implemented throughout countries around the world ranging from America, China, Iran, Sweden, you name it! There are numerous international collaborative human brain interfacing with technology projects, in addition to projects by the Medical Mafia, Militaries, Universities, and private corporations. They claim that these technologies are being developed to help those with neurological problems like Parkinsons, which I believe that they deliberately caused, because there is a direct correlation between EMFs and Parkinsons as well as other neurological diseases. It is Super Man Complex, otherwise referred to as Munchausen’s Syndrome, where they provide both the disease and the cure and often for profit as well as other benefits, in this case intellectual property. Is it a coincidence that Stephen Hawking had ALS? Is it a coincidence that Michael J. Fox developed Parkinson’s Disease at such an early age which is basically unheard of and has used his voice to request such technology? Is it a coincidence that anti-psychotics cause Parkinsonism and mirror the effects of Parkinsons disease supposedly by attaching to dopamine receptors and blocking dopamine up-take, and that it is suspected that Parkinson’s is caused by the brains inability to uptake dopamine, but when levadopa is administered there is an initial improvement followed by an extremely rapid decilne in functioning as well as an extremely rapid increase in Parkinson’s symptoms?
I demand Truth and Justice, which would entail that the evil, sadistic, psychopaths that have tortured and terrorized me and have committed a litany of the most offensive crimes against humanity against me concelievable to be permanently thrown in federal pennitentiaries where they are no longer free to continue their sadistic crime spree against me. These individiuals are involved in a massive organized crime ring and have proven themselves to be serial criminal psychopaths, incapable of living within the law in a manner that does not entail violating my rights and property. They have destroyed my life, as well as a lot of my property. They pose grave dangers to humanity over all. They are psychopaths unworthy of even negotiating with. I refuse to reward them for their illegal sadistic behavior by dignifying them in any manner. Hopefully, they do not have the audacity to believe that they are even entitled to associate with me in any manner that would involve any sort of reconciliation. They are evil, destructive, serial, criminal, psychopaths that do not deserve escaping imprisonment for their barbaric crime spree. I would rather die than talk to them. I am not exagerating in any way. They are not worthy of my recognition. They are not worthy of being listened to. They are not worthy of being trusted. They are not even worthy of the respect that would be required to reconcile with anyone. They have destroyed my one and only life, in a pre-medidated, organized crime spree with the deliberate intent to cause harm by committing physically destructive and psychologically abusive crimes against me and physically destructive property crimes against me, and to be direct beneficiaries of the illegal harm that they have caused, and there is no reconciliation for that. They are terrorists in every sense of the definition. I demand that they be sent to prison so that I will be able to live the remainder of my life in the liberty and safety that their terrorism and crime spree has prevented me from doing.
Andrea Iravani
I have discovered the evil psychopathic hacker that is the culprit of Sputnik radio shows being abruptly stopped while I am listening to Sputnik, in which the goal of the psycho was to attempt to convince me that Sputnik was using DEWs on me, despite the fact that Sputnik’s radio frequency in DC is occupied by a Milwaukee radio station where I live. That is how retarded the psychos are! I was listening to it while monitoring my network, which for some strange reason under the on button, shows a list of users whose wifi is for some reason being flooded into my home and bombarding me with their toxic wi-fi signals, sometimes over a dozen users appear, which showed that as soon as a psycho with a user ID name appeared above my user ID, the reception immediately stopped.
Andrea Iravani