This article has been generously contributed by Neithercorp Press for your reading pleasure.
Also read: SURVIVE ANYTHING! Chapter 1: Nuclear Attack
By Giordano Bruno
Neithercorp Press – 04/01/2010
Food production is one of the most essential concerns of any society. Without direct availability and ease of consumption, without the consistent flow of agricultural goods, every nation existing today (except the most primitive) would immediately find its infrastructure crumbling and its people in a furious panic. It’s strange to me, then, that long term independent food planning is the one concern that many Americans seem to take most for granted. Firearms and ammo, camping gear and bug-out-bags, MRE’s, beans, and rice; these are the easiest part of your survival foundation. The hard part is not storage of goods, but devising a solid and practical plan for sustainability in the long term. This starts with the capacity to support your own agriculture regardless of how long the grid is down, even if it is down indefinitely.
Understandably, there will be some people who do not have enough land to implement many of these strategies. They should still know the fundamentals and be ready to apply them at a retreat location or within a community should the opportunity arise.
In the first chapter of our ‘Survive Anything’ series, we covered all the consequences of a nuclear attack on American soil, and how to not only make it out alive, but even thrive after such an event:
The reason Neithercorp covered survival tactics for a nuclear strike first was simple; we wanted to make it clear that the title of this series is not an exaggeration. Truly, ANYTHING is survivable with the right knowledge and preparation. Those who promote a ‘doomer’ view of economic collapse or global war are on average people who have simply given up before the struggle has even started. Therefore, their opinions on survival are empty, and barely worth the effort to ignore. Life goes on after collapse, as it always has since the beginning of organized civilization. It is YOU who decides whether or not you will be a part of that life. It is you who decides your chances of success.
With that success in mind, let’s dive into the most important aspects of food survival in a country where infrastructure has ceased to function…
Emaciated Grocery Chains
Last winter, I witnessed perhaps the most incredible snow storm I have ever seen in my life. A low pressure system punished the Northeast with downpour after downpour, stopping most road travel and cutting power to millions for at least a week. Being that the average family has only a week’s worth of food or less in their pantry, you can imagine the chaos that unfolded. Those grocery stores with backup power were flooded with customers buying armloads of batteries, water, ice chests, and, of course, foods that don’t require refrigeration. Now, what I want you to imagine, is what would have happened if no grocery stores had been open that week. What would have happened if they had never reopened? How many people would have been in the very real position of starving to death? From what I observed that winter…far too many…
The problem of storage and backstock is widespread in the U.S. and the culprit is actually one which we have been trained to admire; efficiency. It is because of the over-application of efficiency in grocery models and in the freight sector that most outlets carry little to no backstock in goods. Instead, they order goods as quickly as they sell out, refilling shelves on a product by product basis. This means that in most grocers, what you see on the shelf, is all that they have. The speed of trucking deliveries makes this business model possible, but its operation suffers from a seriously fatal flaw…
Grocery stores may seem like a bounty of goods at first glance, but if freight shipments shut down, or even slowed, those aisles would empty within the span of a few days. Many households in America operate on the same faulty “efficiencyâ€. They rely on the weekly trip to the grocer to maintain the pantry while also attempting to save money by reducing backstock. It’s a frayed rope holding up too much weight, a completely inflexible system that cannot withstand any deviation from the set routine. One unexpected disaster could render the entire food and agriculture distribution network immobile.
Many grocery chains also function on a line of credit from banks while operating at a loss. Profits are poured directly into the liabilities the companies incur from loans and then more money is borrowed to continue ordering goods. Some stores in the chain (flagship stores) usually bring in enough money to cover the red ink of the other branches, however, what if banks were to cut off credit completely to a grocery chain? Or maybe ALL grocery chains? The cycle of debt, to sales, to profit, to debt, becomes disrupted. Any stores that rely solely on credit to stay open for business would immediately lose the ability to bring in new stock. Again, we are faced with empty shelves in less than a week.
This scenario is entirely possible in the U.S. today, especially in the event that big banks institute capital retention in order to protect themselves from a further collapse of investment markets. Banks have already restricted loans to consumers down to the bare minimum. A restriction of loans to the business sector in the near future is not that far fetched.
Food In A World Without Walmart
The above section illustrates just a few of the weaknesses in U.S. food distribution. I haven’t included the catastrophe inherent in a hyperinflationary situation because I think the consequences of that are self evident. The point is, if you are not standing on solid ground in terms of not just food storage, but a plan for sustainability, then you and your family are in serious danger. This is not a game, and it is not to be taken lightly. It is not something to be shrugged off and postponed for some undefined “later dateâ€. If you have not already started the process of prepping for economic downturn or collapse, then you need to start today.
Buying food with a long term storage capacity is half the battle, and I recommend purchasing at minimum a year’s supply of these goods totaling at least 2000-2500 calories a day per person. Do not forget to include salts, sugars, and ample fats, without which, your body cannot function. Being that we have covered food storage in great detail in previous articles, let’s examine some practical methods for food production after your stores run out.
Squarefoot Gardening: One of the most productive styles of gardening I have ever seen is devised by Mel Bartholomew, a civil engineer who was frustrated with the immense waste involved in single row gardening. The process involves building easy to make above ground 4 foot by 4 foot soil boxes and then dividing those boxes into grids. These grids retain water and nutrients to a much greater capacity than traditional yard gardens, resulting in up to 80% less space required, 90% less water use, and 95% less seed to grow the same amount of vegetables. Fertilizer is not necessary and existing soil can be easily used. I would not set up a survival garden any other way.
There is one downside to squarefoot gardening, however, and it is one of visibility. If you are in a situation which calls for discreet growing of crops, then the highly visible soil boxes and neat rows will stand out like a sore thumb and alert others to your presence. If you feel secure in the defense of your homestead or retreat, though, then garden visibility is irrelevant and Bartholomew’s strategy is the best by far. Read his book, or check out his website here:
Non-Hybrid Seeds: Non-hybrid heirloom seeds are basically the seeds nature intended to be planted. These are the only seeds you should ever consider using for your survival garden for numerous reasons. Genetically modified seeds are unreliable, give you a low production count of vegetables, and very few quality seeds can be taken from the plants for the next season. Not to mention, there is no telling what has been infused into the DNA of GMO’s. A company in California called Ventria Bioscience has created a form of rice which contains HUMAN DNA, and this rice has been approved by the U.S. Department of Agriculture! The reason? Ventria claims it can be used to treat diarrhea in children, of all things…
I don’t know what the direct health effects are of people consuming food made out of people, and I would rather not find out. I never thought I would see the day when the movie ‘Soylent Green’ was treated less like fiction and more like a documentary…
Natural Pest Control: I hate to say it, but in the event of a total collapse, it may be best to keep pesticides in stock. The first few years of a grid down scenario will likely be brutal, and if you are extremely dependent on your garden crops to keep your family fed, then you don’t want to take any chances on vermin decimating your plants. That said, there will probably come a point when your pesticides will run out, and natural methods will be necessary.
Some proven tactics of organic pest control include…
Lady Bugs (ladybugs eat pest insects and are incredibly beneficial to any garden)
Organic Pesticide (often contains garlic, chilli pepper or powder, vegetable oil, and water)
Repellent Plants (some plants naturally repel pests, like garlic, tobacco, or rhubarb. Some hot peppers are so acidic that they act as an anti-bug defense. Any peppers that contain large amounts of Capsaicin should be included in your garden plan)
Vinegar (can be used as an effective weed killer)
Cornmeal (can be applied to garden soil or turned into a juice and sprayed on crops. Cornmeal attracts fungi from the Trichoderma family, a good fungus which kills pest funguses)
Plant Daisies Around Fruit Trees (daisies attract a certain kind of wasp which is the natural predator of the bagworm, a worm that is notorious for killing crop trees. This wasp also kills locusts, an added bonus)
Herbs (strong smelling herbs repel many animals, including deer, that would attempt to feed on your veggies. Of course, you might like the idea of attracting deer to your property too…)
Grow For Your Region: The region in which you live will greatly affect the types of crops that grow well. Listed below are the various regions of the U.S. along with the vegetables that thrive best in them…
Northeast – Tomatoes, sweet peppers, snap beans, garlic, potato, bulb onion, cabbage, broccoli, mustard, spinach, eggplant, sweet corn, cucumber, radish, snow pea, asparagus
Southeast – Sweet pepper, garlic, hot pepper, broccoli, summer squash, collards, watermelon, cantaloupe, okra, scallion, lima bean, pole bean, sweet potato, potato, radish
Midwest – Corn, onion, lettuce, tomato, garlic, squash, pumpkin, turnips, beets, broccoli, cucumber, hot pepper, carrot
Central Rockies – Carrot, spinach, tomato, bush snap peas, potato, radish, fava beans, beets, shallots, leek, scallion
Northwest – Snow pea, pole bean, potato, garlic, pumpkin, squash, hot pepper, scallion, lettuce, onion, carrot
Southwest – Tomato, carrot, summer squash, bulb onion, snow pea, sweet pepper, eggplant, hot pepper, beet radish, sweet potato, southern pea, scallion
Keep in mind that these are not the only crops you can grow in your region, just some of the top producers. Many vegetables will grow almost anywhere in the U.S.
Most Nutritious Plants: The plants and vegetables with the highest nutritional content of vitamins and minerals are: Sunflower seeds, soybeans, almonds, leaf amaranth, broccoli, navy beans, collards, potatoes, dandelions (yes, the weed), lima beans, northern beans, kidney beans, okra, spinach, kale, butternut squash, sweet potato, peanuts, avocados, and watermelon (believe it or not).
Focus On Grains: Grasses that produce grains are hearty and grow almost everywhere in the U.S. Grains are the mainstay of our diets because they are so abundant and because they can be stored for years, even decades if needed. Families and communities hoping to restore food production after a breakdown in infrastructure will need personal gardens, but also reasonably sized tracks of land set aside for wheat, rice, barley, oats, etc.
Wheat is one of the few plants that can grow during the winter, but only if nitrogen content in the soil is adequate. Growing legumes in a garden patch can add large amounts of nitrogen, after which, wheat plants can be rotated in. Wheat also needs loose soil to grow well, and compacted soil can ruin a crop. The squarefoot method can be used just as easily for wheat as with regular garden vegetables and could help avoid the soil compaction problem, along with certain space issues.
‘Hard Wheat’ is the best type to plant if you live in a dry temperate climate with cold winters. ‘Soft Wheat’ is better for climates with more moisture and mild winters. After harvest, your wheat kernels should be stored in a cool dry place (40-60 F is optimal) and sealed in containers that prevent oxygen exposure.
Grains are the single most important food item for the survivalist because of their longevity. Civilizations are built and rebuilt on grains and grain storage. The average adult requires around 275 pounds of wheat a year, and the average child requires around 175 pounds a year. A well maintained acre of plants will produce around 40 bushels or more of wheat. A bushel contains around 60 pounds of wheat, meaning a standard acre could yield around 2400 pounds of grain; more than enough for two families every year. If the squarfoot method is applied, the yield could be significantly higher and the space could be reduced tenfold. Extra grain can be easily packed away, saving you in the event of a bad crop or other unforeseen problems. Grains combined with beans also make a complete protein in the event that your diet is low on meat. The advantages of grain production for survival are endless.
Indoor Growing And Hydroponics: I realize the word “hydroponics†is synonymous with wacky weed, Maui Wowie, and that shy neighbor in the aviator shades that lives on the corner lot of your block. Of course, its none of my business what that guy is growing in his basement, nor is it the government’s, but before you go out to order a subscription of ‘High Times’, let me assure you that my primary reason for bringing up hydroponics is one of survival, and not “mind expansionâ€.
Hydroponics is simply a method for growing plants using electric lights that simulate the rays of the sun, and this includes vegetables. There are many benefits to growing your food indoors.
If you are in a survival situation which offers minimal protection and greater danger from looters or others, you may want to consider the hydroponic option. This method would be a considerable edge for those who have chosen to stay within a city or suburban landscape with less open land and more people in tighter quarters. A hydroponic garden in your home or apartment might show up on infrared surveillance, but otherwise, no one would be the wiser to your food supply.
Hydroponic plants grow 30% to 50% faster than outdoor plants and their vegetable yields are often much higher. Some hydroponic systems don’t even require soil for growing! ‘Active Systems’ use a pump to supply nutrients to your plants while ‘Passive Systems’ use a wick to absorb nutrient solutions and pass them on to the roots of your crop. You can build your own hydroponic system using guides available on the web, or you can purchase pre-made systems. Pre-made systems with special lights are likely to run you around $1000, though deal hunters may be able to put something together much cheaper.
The downside to hydroponic growing is that you are paying for the light that you would normally get for free from the sun. Not to mention, in a grid down scenario, you lose your light source completely (we will cover strategies for survival electricity in the next installment of this series). But, if you have the ability to produce your own electricity, then indoor growing may be a godsend. Keep in mind that with hydroponics, food growing can be done year around, even in winter. Pests are much easier to control. And, your crops are also much safer from a threat I see rising to the forefront in the near future; GMO pollen. GMO pollen has the ability to “infect†healthy non-hybrid plants and mutate their seedlings. What would happen if your acre of veggies was suddenly hit with a blast of GMO pollens from breeds that use engineered terminator seeds? Say goodbye to next year’s crop, unless you have indoor gardens and extra seeds to back you up…
Sprouting: One easy way to get nutritious greens any time of year without special growing lights or fancy equipment is to sprout beans. All you need is a wide container with small holes in the bottom, and any number of sprouting beans or seeds. These include; lentils, garbanzo, mung, adzuki, pea, peanut, alfalfa, barley, pinto, and others.
The beans are spread in a thin layer across the bottom of the container and sprayed lightly with water daily. Some indirect sunlight is recommended. After around 3 to 5 days, they will begin to sprout, producing healthy greens even in the dead of winter.
The Omnivore’s Advantage
Vegetarianism seems like a spartan way of dieting, but really, vegetarians have a difficult if not impossible time when it comes to survival environments. Vegetarianism is a luxury, one that you cannot afford if you hope to get through a grid down event. The key to survival is flexibility and adaptability. Forgoing a meal of meat is not an option if you wish to avoid starving.
While killing and dismembering Bambi for your stew pot is not the most pleasant of exercises for many, its something all of us might have to get used to very soon. Traditional hunting, though, is not the most practical way of obtaining meat during a collapse, and counting on hunting alone could very well end in empty plates for you and your family on a regular basis. Here are some strategies for making sure that never happens…
Raising Chickens: Chickens are some of the easiest livestock to raise. They require little space. If allowed to roam the yard they practically feed themselves, they lay eggs which are a fantastic source of protein, and, when they stop laying, they can be eaten.
One problem to watch out for with chickens is ‘fowl cholera’. Symptoms include greenish yellow diarrhea, difficulty breathing, swollen joints, darkened wattles. Infected birds die quickly and there is no treatment. Destroy all infected birds, even those that survive (they become carriers and infect new birds immediately). Other diseases and sicknesses usually require some care and warm shelter, while the bird’s immune system takes care of the rest.
Raising Rabbits: Rabbits are another very easy to raise meat source, though they cannot be allowed to roam like chickens and dry warm cages are necessary. As we all know, rabbits breed like there’s no tomorrow, so you will have a never-ending supply of new stock. Rabbit food is relatively inexpensive to store, though veggies from your garden often work just as well. In fact, planting a couple quick producing crops just for your rabbits may be an effective feed source. Rabbits also need clean water regularly, because they dehydrate easily.
Bring The Game To You: Running around the forest with your scoped bolt action may not be the cleverest way to put meat on the table during a collapse, unless you have a lot of well armed buddies to keep watch over you while you lounge in your tree hide for half the day. There is too much wasted time and too many risks involved. During a societal breakdown, sometimes you have to work smarter, not harder.
Bringing the game to you is not so difficult as long as you know what they like. Leaving salt licks and corn on the perimeter of your land will bring deer, and in some places wild pig. Wild flower and clover patches attract rabbits which can then be snared. Wild turkeys like crabapples, beechnuts, and acorns during winter, and clover during spring.
Another more expensive option is to build a small artificial pond on your land. Animals for miles around will congregate there to drink, especially if there are no other streams or lakes nearby.
Don’t Be A Liability
Preparation is not just about you, it is about all the people you save by not becoming part of the problem. The more Americans prep, the less Americans starve in the midst of calamity. Fewer empty stomachs means less fearful minds and less panic when the other shoe drops. In this sense, survival preparation is not a hobby, or a mode of self interest, it is a duty. Frankly, if we care at all about the continuity of our ideals, our belief in freedom and independence, then we should also feel obligated to become more self-sufficient. If the economy were to slip into oblivion tomorrow, would you be a pillar of strength, or just another frantic helpless man-child waiting desperately for a handout from the nearest criminal bureaucracy? Would you be a strong-point in the protection of liberty, or a weak link holding the rest of us back?
The strength of one can have reverberations in the lives of thousands. Preparation makes us strong. Adaptability and knowledge makes us unafraid. Training and experience makes us successful. These are the principles upon which America was founded, and these are the principles which will allow America to live on.
You can contact Giordano Bruno at: [email protected]
Also read: SURVIVE ANYTHING! Chapter 1: Nuclear Attack
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You would be surprised to see how long 50# of black beans will get you. They are very nutritious and high in protein and fiber. (Don’t forget the Metamucil if SHFT). Pressure cook presoaked beans in cool/cold water for 24-36 hours and they will be done in 12-14 minutes. 50# black beans at Sam’s club will run you $39. Store in mylar bags with O2 abosorbers in food grade 5 gallon buckets with gamma seal lids for easy access and safe storage. Keep some garlic powder, cumin, deydrated onions, onion powder, salt and black pepper around for seasoning. Good food, cheap and easy to make.
In most Central/South American countries, red beans and rice are a staple. Most folks eat them every day; some eat them twice a day for lunch and dinner. LEARN how to cook regular rice, not the so-called ‘instant’ rice. Spices will be critical, dehydrated garlic, onion, salt, pepper, chili powder, etc. Nothing worse than bland beans and rice. Learn new things now while you still have the chance. Later on you will be ‘playing for keeps’.
God Bless & good luck to all. Please enjoy a Merry Christmas and a safe, happy and prosperous new year.
Food insurance. Very few people have it. Many will die for it. Those chickens look good. Where is GoldenFox? Her food channel is up!
@Mike –
how exactly do you pressure-cook something in COLD water?
one thing I’ve not seen too much written on is water. when TSTF, or the grid goes down for an extended period, how will people get water? wells or city water require electricty, and in a STF scenario, people will be flocking to rivers and streams and ponds. running a generator will help some, but unless you’re running an alcohol engine, fuel will run out, and will eventually be found by others due to noise…. just something to think about.
Uh, Sketch……I think Mike said ( although the sentence IS awkward) that you pressure cook beans that have been PRE-SOAKED in cold water for 24-36hrs…..the pre-soaking softens the beans up, then it only takes a short time in the pressure cooker.
As to water, well, when the grid goes down, most people WON’T have water…..but then they won’t have food, or a whole lot of other things because they failed to plan accordingly.
Comments… soak the beans (overnight is good) to not only soften andhasten their cooking..after soaking, you rinse the beans before cooking. this is to make beans less gassy /toxic…so they will be easier to digest after eating. if ya gotta go get pond water/river water for cooking and cleaning i suggest you make sure you have some kind of water filtration system to use which will save you some time and fuel when you have to boil the water for cooking orcleaning.
Recently I got in touch with patriot/prepper folks (age 60 plus) that I haven’t communicated with in  some time.  Some of them have major health problems,  said they’re through with the prepper lifestyle, are burned out and since nothing has happened they choose to live a normal day to day life.  I was shocked to hear one couple quit  their garden, canning, etc and are moving back to town  after over a decade of country living.  Many long time patriot  folks are aging and are fed up with  hype over many years and  decided to  unclutter and quit storing stuff.  Several folks passed away recently, leaving preps that  heirs/spouses threw out/sold.  Their prepping was in vain all these years.  If an emp attack hit, life wouldn’t be worth living anyway.  Everyone should have at least 30 days of food, but all this piling up stuff for others to throw out someday is a waste..I know, I’ve  seen it happen to others.
Yeah – I’m just busting his chops.
You turn on the gas, propane, throw a log on the fire, pump up the fuel stove, pull some amps on the pv charged panels, or run water thru the Berkly filter, even if it’s out of your pool after you boil it & let it cool down OR you distill it. If your thinkin ahead, you have a well & a Honda quiet gen. Know what you mean Sketch. Berkly white 9in silver impregnated filters are the best… You can clean them instead of pitchin them.
Beano Mike.
Thanks for all the good ideas, may God bless you all.
I understand what you are saying (about all those people that prepped, nothing happened and then they just tossed the preps), however, how many of those same people paid into national socialism, er, uh, I mean, social security and died before they retired. How much did they get out of the 10s of thousands of dollars they spent? Nuthin. Nobody complains about that. I guess maybe they feel good about donating to the national debt.
My point here is that don’t go crazy. Don’t burn yourself out. Just like you must balance your preps (as I commented on this article when it came out on, you must also balance how much ahead you prep for.
So, balance your preps with a goodly amount of God, Guns, Guts, Gold, Groceries and Gas. Then, realize that you can’t store enough to last you forever. I think many prep like they are going to try to live forever on what they store. You cannot store that much! What you can do is store enough to get you a start. When it all goes down and TSHTF, you won’t suffer so much until you can either get into production or find new sources for food, gas, etc. Or, it may just be time to ween you off of some things.
The fact is, preps are NOT the END ALL to your survival. In fact, you could have a survival plan that includes very few preps. …or EVEN NONE! I know, I blaspheme, but, the preps are not the most important part. While I commented over on about prep class balance, I didn’t mention this:
Don’t prep and store with stuff that does you no good now. Use your cache to bring you convienience, savings and peace of mind. If your preps are breaking the bank or burning you out and you’re not using them, well, you’re doing it all wrong.
I figure I’m keeping a rationed maximum of 3 months worth or food and fuel. You may only want 2 weeks or a month. But, the point is you have a plan, you know what you have and if things blow up you don’t panic, you’ve planned ahead and you can react properly to whatever and how much SHTF. Remember too, it might be that it won’t be a complete collapse and you’ll have time to bulk up on other things before more excrement contacts the blades.
The point is that your preps will give you a head start, it will provide you with convienience, a hedge against both shortages and complete breakdowns and a base upon which to stand while you obtain the next months food.
Not only will it give you that buffer, it will also teach you how to store and rotate. Then, in hard times, if you run accross a gob of provisions you’ll know how to handle them efficiently.
Frankly, its nice to have a grocery store in the basement. I draw it down about 20% then fill it back up about once a month. If I see a sale in the interim, I hit it and same some money as I overstock on an item.
…and when I lay in bed at night I know if the grocery stores arent there in the morning, its not an extreme emergency.
As far as those people burning out, is sounds like they were “extremists”. I’ve lived the prepper life not because I thought there was a disaster coming but because THERE IS ALWAYS A DISASTER COMMING! A lay off. A storm. Power outage. The minor disasters don’t even effect me anymore. But, I’m the son of a small country farmer. I didn’t have to aclimate myself to the prepper life style, I was already there. I just bought a few more canned goods.
The prepper life style isn’t really about prepping at all. Its just realizing that this just in time distribution chain we have running the supply lines to our grocery outlets is a recent development and, in times of peril, will break down in an instant. Its also about realizing that things can go wrong and you can handle them. Its thinking about a YOYO (your on your own) situations that could arise.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: If you’re thinking about it and realize it can happen youre 50% of the way there. The first step in prepping is to lose the sheople mindset. Thats the most essential part. All the rest is just cake and icing. (…or guns and ammo, depending on how you look at it!)
Godspeed to you all! May you fare well in whatever condition we find ourselves.
[Â run water thru the Berkly filter after you boil it & let it cool down ]Â I thought those filters did all the work. Have to boil first ?
My previous post was worded badly because I was in a hurry. I soak my beans for 12 hours and then rinse them. Repeat 2-3 times depending on how your lower abdomen responds via methane gas expulsions. The soaking will soften the beans. Don’t use shitty water, because the beans will soak in the shit. The soaking/rinsing removes chemicals that made the shell black and this is what causes gas buildup in most people. Once soaked, pressure cook with about an inch to inch and a half of excess water covering the beans. Do not salt or season until cooking commences. Pressure cook for 12-14 minutes. Beans will store refrigerated for around 7-10 days and they have the complete proteins that our bodies require to survive. Rice does not. The fiber in the beans will keep your bowels from plugging up and causing painful bowel movements. I hope I did not get too graphic.
Water issues can be solved fairly easily. In a lot of places the water table is fairly low. For me it was about 35′. Took two of us 3 hours to put it in. It has an electric pump and I use it to water the garden (remember putting in a well is in a lot of cases illegal so check your local laws). I have a hand pump though if things get worse I doubt the bylaw enforcement officer will be around to fine me.
Sugar is on its way to $3, wheat on its way to $8, beans $13, $6 corn, $2 coffee, these are spot prices. I haven’t known anybody that can buy Spot. He barks too loud & rides the fire truck but his radiator doesn’t leak. The single most important thing about survival: is the will to survive. NR is speaking this.Â
I have stocked so that nothing is wasted even if (God willing) the worst doesn’t ever happen. Everything I have in supply has been purchased at a really great sale prices  and has saved me tons of money on groceries. I only buy brands and items I use anyway and do not let the m get out of date,etc… Basically I just have a small grocery store in my downstairs garage and if nothing else is convenient. I started about 18 mos. ago in the beginning because of the inflation. Now it is for survival. Anyhow… My latest discovery I found at Lowe’s, Home Depot. Those thick as heck 5 gallon plastic paint storage containers for 3 or 4 dollars. I know some have asked restaraunt ,etc… for their bulk plasic containers but these are so much better because think about it. The paint cans ,once filled, have a “gasket: in the lid so to speak so once your supplies are placed in there, your hammer it down to REALLY seal it. When ready to use you open as if it were paint and then ofcourse you have lost your “extra barrier” but still have a snap on lid. I only use these for dry ingrediants that have been vacuumed sealed (after placing in freezer) for 24 hours to kill any unseen bugs etc.. possibly in there. I put a variety of such as sugar,flour, dried beans ,pasta ,rice,powder milk (all bought on sale, with exp. date carefully checked) to last for several years. This way…I can leave them “sealed up” and open a new one for a new variety of supplies. This is way beter than say having a bin full of flour or whatever and you have to break the gasket seal just to get to a cup of flour. Each sealed bucket is sort of a “kit” full of possibly 1 or 2 months of food. Throw a few bay leaves in as well for extra security against pests. I use these buckets just for my dry goods. Nothing wasted…Just fewer trips to the store and at better sale prices. Thought I would share this idea.
NetRanger…You have a very good point about waste. Don’t buy it if you don’t noramally eat it and don’t break the bank. Watch for sales so it is a win win situation as food prices keep going up. If for no other reason use the system to save money on groceries. Have a system so NOTHING is wasted. :0)
I did ask waaay back for opinions on a few things I do need to order to make some dishes. Has anyone tried the freeze dried or dehydrated eggs,cheese, or butter? These are some thing I reaally need to add  to my supply to help complete my food supply. I need to know I can use it in any event anyway. I do not want to spend money on ANTHING I will end up throwing away. Oh and how about the potatoes as well. I am not used to cooking out of a box of instant anything.
Also, once your food supply is established  be sure to stock up on aluminum foil (heavy duty), toilet  paper, baby wipes , detergent,bleach, paper towels as you find a good sale. You use it anyway and prices are only going up. Heavy duty alum foil is great for makiing pacets and cooking meals in an outdoor fire. FYI
Donna, check out the caned butter and cheese at Pleasant Hill Grain. (other places carry the same brands as well). I found this to be the absolute best butter to be found anywhere, and I use it every day too, not just for someday. Side by side comparisons with other store bought brands……….well, no comparison. It’s expensive but worth it IMO. Buy a single can to sample, you won’t be disappointed. The cheese is Okay considering what it is and the shelf life involved. Kraft makes a similar product as does Velveta; personally I like this canned variety as it will hold up better in potentially adverse conditions. As far as eggs go, I have bought powdered eggs from various resources however chickens are the way to go if at all possible.
Ditto on that SJ. Would pass on the cheeze. Taste like soft yellow plastic. Butter is great but you can “can” your own much cheaper Donna. I have a gal. of dehydro eggs but…. Takes a week to get used to them or is it the other way around?
Interesting, but not exactly correct.
Open-pollinated (OP) v hybrid. Every seed is a hybrid. F1 or F3+. F3+ breeds fairly true and F1 gets you something else. The what of this something else is the question. Here is the problem. Unless you can store several years worth of F3+ ( OPs), your seed will be hybridized by the neighbor’s plants. You wind up with an unknown F1 hybrid seed.
Almost every post I read on this subject talks seed, but fails to talk seed propagation. I like “Seed to Seed” by Suzanne Ashworth. I save seed. Practice makes for proficiency.
I read about only selecting the veggies you like. That is complete BS. In survival scenarios, you eat what you can get. So you don’t like spinach. It’s easy to grow, so shut up and eat it. Long-term survival is a mind-set.
Hydroponics. The moment I hear the term is the moment I know the proponent is doomed to death. Hydro requires massive inputs. Electricity and fertilizer. Yes, it can be done organically by a person with a real depth of knowledge, but that person ain’t you and from hard-learned experience ain’t me either. Instead you had better think container gardening for specialty veggies and field for commodity veggies/grains.
Animals. Forget rabbits. Yes they are fairly easy to raise, but all you get is protein. Without a fair amount of fat, you will die from dysentary brought on by protein poisoning aka rabbit starvation.
Chickens are the best choice. Another possibility is guinea pigs. Yah, rodents. They are also common meat item in the Andes Mtns among the poor. You might wanna do a web search on Andean diets and recipes. Never forget the lowly pig (porcine variety). Not quite as good at feed conversion as chickens or guinea pigs, but still pretty good.
Grains. It takes acreage and basic tools. Been there, done that. Austrian scythe with cradle, hand threshing, yada, yada. Acreage and time. Forget about beaucoup bushels per acre. You ain’t a commercial grain grower. An acre will kick your butt. My experiences, winter wheat, winter rye, canola and brown mustard. Brown mustard for sprouting.
Sprouting? Aha, gonna sprout seeds for survival? Sprouts are mostly a waste of good seed. You add no nutritional value to seeds by sprouting. What is in the seed is in the sprout. Some starches are converted to sugars, but carbs are carbs in a survival situation. Some seeds are worth considering from the sprout perspective. Radishes for example. Low nutrition and storage life for the root, but prolific seed producers and a welcome addition to the diet as sprouts. Uh, the radish is a brassica. Eat the leaves. Same for brown mustard but minus the root crop.
“we should also feel obligated to become more self-sufficient” Bull. Nobody can be self-sufficient. We can strive for self-reliance and that demands commerce aka trade. If you have acreage, think field crops. Greenhouse, think specialties such as tomatoes and peppers.
Learn how to preserve the harvest. Practice it until it is second nature and then never quit. Research dehydration. Low energy inputs and long-term storage.
Those who can – do. Those who can’t – teach and write books. Some doers write books during the winter. The mission is to separate the doers from the non-doer teachers. I like Elliot Coleman’s gardening books. “Square-Foot Gardening”? Uh,huh. Doesn’t work here cause the ground is too cold. Container gardening on pallets does work.
The key to long-term survival is thinking long-term self-reliance. The pantry will empty out awful fast. Your labor and your ability to trade will directly influence your families long-term survival. Time is running out. Your proficiency had better be developed before the SHTF. Use the KISS methodology. Keep It Simple Stupid. Learn from your locals that are doing. They have already done the R&D for you. They know what grows and how to do it.
To Laura (And others she represents, but don’t post):
Prepping can be a double-edged sword. In the (coming) event(s) when things go sideways, great that you are prepared. However, since no one can acurately predict WHEN that might be, and that time line can run into the “years” category, we oftentimes find ourselves doubting or questioning why we did this, and begin to turn on ourselves for doing anything in the first place. I’m not a psychologist, but I’m sure there is a defined syndrome out there covering this exact cycle.
I’ve prepped in many other ways to prevent/prepare for a disaster, and don’t “question or doubt” myself. For example:
1) Homeowner’s insurance. I bought my first home in 1994, and have purchased & re-purchased this policy for 16 years. Never once did I call myself a fool, or elect not to re-new.
2) Life Insurance. I’ve got a wife & 4 kids. I have no doubt that my death is in my future. However, I have no plans of checking out anytime soon. My guess is that “event” (while a certainty) is probably not on the immediate horizon. Yet, I don’t look in the mirror and think, “what a fool for continuing to pay those premiums.”
3) Auto-Insurance. We have 2 vehicles. My wife and I have been driving for 25 years, and neither has been in an accident. yet, we continue to load up on this product too.
4) Umbrella Policy Insurance. I have a pool on my property, I drive cars, I don’t know what the future holds etc etc…Yet, I have $2Million of protection for things I cannot see/predict for the low cost of $285/year.
I’m sure you get my point.Â
Prepping is simply another form of insurance. Some folks have a higher threshold for risk then others. Personally, my threshold is low. I like insurance. Although, as a Christian, I put my full faith in God, he also gave me a fully functional brain that prudence demands I use. And in its use, I’ve determined that insurance is a good thing to have. Under that same umbrella, prepping is the MOST prudent thing you can be doing right now. We are currently living through the calm before the storm. At some (unknown) point in the near future, that calm will rapidly cease, and we will all be cast into a new paradigm…one in which NONE of us is intimately familar with. Basic needs, survival and the like are not commodities I have much experience with. I like (and FULLY depend on) my electricity, running water, gas in the car, utilities, appliances, functioning US Dollar (FRN’s) etc…If those things continue to work as they do now, then GREAT.Â
If they don’t….then what?
If seems to me this issue is pretty simple.Â
People who choose not to prepare will have no answer to the question, “Now what?” People who choose to prepare…Well, you know.Â
What is your answer?
Comments….. I still think that surviving what might be coming will be like a very long camping trip. If you can make it with no electricity, no steady supply of water, eating out of a can, cooking over a fire pit, hunting in the woods for something to eat, catching some fish for supper, you just might be avble to make it.
    Any number of natural, or man made events can easily throw us back to the 1800’s in a flash. I can’t even imagine the panic of people who live in apartments in the city, waiting for the power to come back on, trying to use a phone system that doesn’t work, and watching as gangs of hooligans go from house to house for crimes of opportunity. There is no pretty way to paint that picture is there?
    With all that is going on in our society, there is no way we avoid at least some of these events from happening. The stage has been set, and you can bet your last dollar the government is prepping for what’s coming. They already know it’s just a matter of time.
   Good luck–you’re going to need it.
Donna…be careful using those paint buckets for food, if they are not food quality, they may be made with inferior plastic that can release toxins into your food.
But here is what YOU need to know:
1. It’s later then you think.
2. Food will be worth more then money in the future.
3. Someone you know intends to either sponge off you or take what you have when things get tough.
4. Someone you don’t know intends to either sponge off you or take what you have when things get tough.
5. By the time it becomes obvious to everyone it will be too late to prepare.
6. If you don’t prepare then you are the one planning on sponging off someone you know or to take what they have when things get tough.
There are no 100% answers. Some would have you believe that you need 20 or 30 different things in your garden to survive or pigs and cattle to provide protein. Most likely what you will need is something to get you past the tough times until some kind of “normalcy” returns. Russian Peasants would survive the winter mostly with beets. Until the crop failure the Irish poor survived on potatoes. Many root crops are easy to grow and easy to store. Consider rutabagas which are a good source for vitamins and minerals.  Squashes are easy to grow and there are many varieties which will also store for many months after harvest. When you consider squashes don’t forget pumpkins which contain vitamins and minerals. Â
Store dried beans and rice which will provide needed calories and a complete protein and supplement the stored food with root vegetables and squashes over the winter and fresh vegetables and wild edibles in the spring/summer/fall.Â
Wheat is a great storage food and can be versatile but you will need a grinder and oven to make the best use of it.   Â
Comments…..@ gonewiththewind, hey that 6 point list you posted is great. Very straight to the point, and very true. Nice job…