Looking for a bug out bag checklist to make sure your bug out bag isn’t lacking anything critical? Instead of another long written post about bug out bags, we thought we’d put one out there in pictorial form.
Hope this gives you a few ideas on items you haven’t checked off your bug out bag checklist quite yet. We know one bug out bag isn’t right for every occasion, but this is how we are packing our bags for a TEOTWAWKI scenario.
And please, let us know if you think we missed anything, or if you’ve discovered a better solution then we have for some of the challenges to bugging out. New products are always hitting the market, and we’d like this page to be a resource for people that stays current.
This Bug Out Back Checklist Brought To You
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Water, Water, Water. Either pack it or have a way to filter it if it’s available along your BO route. The water straw is lightweight.
I totally agree — there is a Katadyn portable water filter included in the infographic.
Two models come to mind: The Katadyn Combi (hard core, multiple thousands of gallons, and can be hooked into your faucet as well) and the Katadyn Hiker Pro (more portable, still filters several hundred gallons)… We’ve got a Berkey for our primary gravity filter, a Combi as one of our reserves, the hiker Pros for our bug out bags and for the kids’ bags we went with the easy-to-use Berkey sports bottles. And, because you can never have too many water preps, our last ditch treatment option includes scores of Katadyn Micropur chlorine dioxide tablets.
Even if all those preps happen to be lost and we have to go low-tech, there are some easy, natural ways to filter water using Bio Sand filters such as the ones developed for use in third world nations — and they can be made from things you find around your property (though, I’d suggest storing some Activated Carbon, available from any pet store, to provide additional filtration capability). See PDF instructions for Sand filters here
Water filtration and collection was one of the first considerations we looked at. Three days without it and you’re toast.
FIRST OFF….. (laughing)…. let me say this. Pretty awesome, loved how it was put together.
Hope to see more of this in the future dude!
If I could snatch me a couple of refugees tooling down the street with bug-out bags like these my preps sure would be solidified. Hope one of them is a lady type. Yuk-yuk.
Its bad when I am the one who first notices you are a dickhead.
FACEBOOK the colors are pretty if you want to be seen
its not going to be hollywood when it falls apart
I raised three boys into adult hood, I get twisted humor, I even laugh at Beavis and Butthead and Celebrity Death Match.
Go Bubba
Please explain to me why everyone has forgotten one of THE most important item in the survival bug out backpack or survival box or containers you NEED to take with you to somewhere possibly safer. SURVIVAL BOOKS
Diagram in books how to collect water, start fires, build a shelter both expedient and more permanent, catch fish, build snares, find your direction, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc,. Let’s face it, there is no way you can remember all of what a survival book or BOOKS can provide. Plant identification, weather forecasting, map books, HOW TO BOOK with very limited and primitive resources. BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS.
Straight up, I have a box of books that weighs about 20 pounds of the best survival books that can help the best IF I have to go into the wilderness. This is an absolutely necessity to me. Those little paper backs weigh little and are packed with information. Army survival manuals are pretty good also.
Please everyone out there, don’t forget the survival books, it will make it so much easier for you not to have to trial and error anything. These books can save you much in frustartion and valuable time and effort.
A Being Darkly Wise: John Atcheson: Kindle Store. A Being Darkly Wise (9780985071219): …
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Linda Runyon’s writings, especially the deck of cards…
Also use electronic versions on a “reader” which can be charged via solar or hand crank from our radio. We have duplicate Nooks that have most everything on them. They stay charged for very long periods and if using for just reading hold a charge for at least 7 – 8 hours of constant use. There are always some that should be in printed form such as First Aid, etc.
Molon Labe
Have fun carrying all of those books. The weight adds up. Unless you are used to carrying around fifty pounds of gear on your back all day. At least you could use it as TP or firestarter.
Try to learn as much as you can prior to the shtf. Keep it all in your head. You need your head and it’s not as heavy to carry around.
True but in the event that your in a group and the only informed one and you get hurt or worse anyone that can read and understand can help you or your get along without you.
get a boy scout manual. has all that info and weighs a lot less than 20lbs! 🙂
@ kimintn. I enjoy books a lot, but IF I had to I could reduce the load of survival books to a “practical” weight of less than 2 lbs. It would be difficult though to part with some of these books on survival.
@ Warthog. There is just too much to know unless you are a hard core do it everyday type of survivalist in the wilderness person. Some people are, and ten thumbs up for them. Still it sure helps to be able to have a diagram ready for you to follow when the stress level may be so high that your brain has some blankness to it that you can’t remember it all. I sometimes need to have that reference if things are not registering like they should. Like kimintn says, at least have one book like the Boy Scott’s Manual. Strange events have that knack of temporarily erasing what we have learned and known and a good survival book is a fine way of quickly remembering and doing it right. 🙂
That’s the beauty of Linda’s cards…solves most of the food problem…I’ve been looking for a set or something similar for the island tropics…no luck yet.
No offense, man, but I’ve hauled 30 lbs of books across 3 continents in a small pullman and I can tell you from experience that it’s an insane thing to do.
Read the books now. Educate yourself well ahead of time and you won’t need to carry one book during the zombie apocalypse. Books are for the unprepared.
I hiked 2.5 miles yesterday with a 50 lbs load on and was burnt. If you haven’t gone hiking with your bugout bag… well, try it out and get back to me.
very important I guess I didn’t think of that because of my training. but those that don’t know these things should study and train themselves in advance. yes bring a book or 2 very useful
NAH. 300# of pig Lead, 10,000 rds 22, another 10,000 30-06, 5,000 each 308, 223. 9mm; 1,000 45 and 38, 10,000 primers and powder. 1,000 # wheat,300 rice, 250 beans. and two tons of other stuff. THAT’S A BUG OUT BAG I’m just not bugging out very far.
Parnoid is a correct name for you 🙂 I’m jealous but I’m sure no one will survive long enough to shoot that many rounds. It would have to be an absolute collaspe of humanity to even come close.
You have the wrong idea. Old story: A Lieut, a Sargent and 20 privates have to erect a flagpole. The Lieut is asked how he does it by the Capt. the Lieut starts to explain the Capt says no; You turn to the Sargent and say: “Erect that flagpole and go away”. This ammo is not for me to shoot. I’m either to old or to smart to go crawling about the bushes, it’s for the young and stupid. They must be kept busy
I think Charles Taylor had that same idea.
If you say so. My ammo is to shoot. If your too old to shoot it; someone will just come take it…. Its not real smart to go around bragging about how much you have either. Don’t talk about it, B about it!
relax. first, you don’t know me. second, From what I can figure out I’m barely average in my neighborhood. Third, I didn’t say I wouldn’t shoot. I said I wasn’t going to run around in the cold and wet.
Thank you so much, Mac! I have been wanting this information for ages! (The PDF instructions for sand filters looks really good too but appears to be many, many pages long!)
Awesome post. I have always tried to organize my items in tiers.
1) Long term food and survival items if you can stay in one place for an extended period of time.
2) Food and items you can put in your vehicle, if you have time, and live off of for an extended period of time.
3) What you can carry on your back if you end up on foot.
4) Last resort, always carry a knife of some kind, the larger the blade, the better.
Often forgotten things:
Either a backup pair of glasses, contact lenses/solution, or both. Medical surgical blade tips. Fishing line (countless purposes). Canned sardines for food (no need for can opener, good shelf life, excellent source of energy, light weight). Small vat of Vaseline. Tampons (to clot gunshot wounds or deep puncture wounds). And the list goes on, but as everyone has said, WATER, FOOD, FIRE, PERSONAL DEFENSE, SITUATIONAL AWARENESS AND SURVIVAL INSTINCT, and MEDICAL SUPPLIES. Find items that have more than one use to consolidate space and get creative with everything.
Where do I find those multi filters that can be hooked up to my kitchen faucet? My husband is real handy and has to disconnect the kitchen sinks and the water when he installs the kitchen cabinets he builds and then re-install garbage disposals, sinks, etc. and repipe also if needed.
I already have enough micropur chlorine dioxide tablets to do up to 35 gallons of water plus (3) 6 gallon jugs with pour spouts, and approx. 35 gallons stored in 3 qt. jugs. An attachment on my faucet would be so much easier because I recycle this water every 6 months. It is exhaustig to dump it into my washer instead of wasting it.
4 year prepper
The simplest and most low-tech means of purifying water is the SODIS Method. You fill clear plastic or glass bottles with CLEAR water and place them in the sun for six hours. The water cant be too cloudy or it doesn’t get fully treated. In a lot of rural areas this is usually the only means of water purification available, and its very effective. Another plus is it doesn’t change the taste of the water like Chlorine Dioxide or even worse Iodine. Its next to impossible to get children to drink water after its been treated with Iodine.
Somthing we did in Iraq that I still do “call me parinoid”. Take a hacksaw blade cut it off at 6-7 inches.
Round the corners. Tape the end you cut off with electric tape “like a handle”. Cut a slit in the back of you pants waist band on the inside. Slide the blade in to the slit. This is almost imposible to find on a pat down “being its on the flat of your back and thin”. If you are ever taken prisoner “Most people tie the hands behind the back or zip-tie”. And you have a way to get loose.
THANKS, now why didn’t I think of this. Necessity is the mother of invention. This is a great tip and a BFO. Thumbs up for you.
@ Ramadiron that is an outstanding idea, its also a good place for some cash, the British SAS carry or used to carry Gold Sovereigns in a belt for bribing prison guards and such, but your hacksaw idea has my wheels turning.
Our Berkey came with 3 of these:
Free with the purchase!! Weren’t we lucky??
I added those mylar ‘space blankets’ to mine. They can be used to help cover your infra-red heat signature as they each reflect up to 97% of your body heat back in. They make a good emergency ‘blanket’. They will serve as a rain poncho or protect you from wind. They can be used to build a solar still to collect water. They can be used to provide shade. They only weigh about two ounces and can be put in a shirt pocket. They are usually available at any store that has outdoor camping/sporting goods for less than $5.00.
you gotta have a good set of bolt cutters, and rubbing alcohol.
Excellent graphic!!! Anyone who has looked into the subject has seen most of this before but it’s a good summary and reminder. Here’s one more thing (and it’s pretty important): You need a DESTINATION. Without a known destination and at least a rough idea how much time you’ll spend there, it’s impossible to figure what supplies you’ll need. For example, I didn’t see any reference to critical documents such as passport, birth certificate, SS card, insurance papers, etc. These are important if you won’t be going back home, which is always a possibility if you bug out.
The graphic shows a stretcher made of duct tape. Awesome idea! OK, preppers, what’s in YOUR bugout bag???
My bug-out-bag fits in my shirt pocket so we can literally walk out of here with the shirt on our back and it will sustain us until we get to the first cache. Not everyone one will be able to get home and if the FEMA camp counselors are coming in the front door you may be slipping out the bathroom window.
I have a Ruger 10/22 and thousands of rounds of ammo, but prefer my AR-7 survival rifle for survival treks because it weighs only 3 1/2 pounds and will sit in the small of my back.
You are so right about having a destination even if it only a rented storage unit popular with rural convenience stores. Equally important is having three routes to get there. We can drive my EMP resistant manually aspirated 80’s diesel, take the rail trail most of the way, or hoof it in a few days with caches spaced to hit a new one every night.
That is a great way of showing a person what they need. May be overkill for one person for three days. I would swap out some of the food items for a couple of energy bars, bland I know but nutritional. I cannot state the importance to me at least of having coffee and the ability to make a quick cup. Everyone to their own preference.
I carry in my bug out bag my M6 Scout, an over and under 22 /410. Very light and an instant choice of two calibers of which to choose from. Plenty of ammo stored in the stock. Also you cannot go wrong with a couple of large leaf and garden plastic bags. Great as a lower half of the body cover and or for use as a rain jacket.
They have counselors in FEMA death camps?
Probably, full employment for those social science types, you know.
That’s the PC term, they are actually Interrogators.
Molon Labe
I’ll look into that.
Do you know if they’re hiring?
Question, most would keep their bugout bag in their vehicle. How would you do this when our temps in summer and winter are so extreme? I haven’t overcome this to keep in my new truck.
I have a bug out bag but with a 72 food and water kit. I don’t see how you could get everything mentioned above in one bag and if you did it would be extremely heavy.
I always keep bullets of every caliber arm I have because I never know which one I may have when SHTF.
GOD BLESS!! and stop paying outragous prices for bullets and maybe they will come back down!!
“Question, most would keep their bugout bag in their vehicle. How would you do this when our temps in summer and winter are so extreme? I haven’t overcome this to keep in my new truck. ”
In summer & winter when temperatures are at their extremes, I keep a large insulated cooler in the trunk of my car. The bag and other gear go in there. It’s not 100% but it does help insulate your gear to a degree.
I’m thinking you probably would need a trailer for all that stuff.
In fact, what some might consider is getting a bicycle with a trailer. They are available online at reasonable cost. Some will carry upwards of 200lbs.
A bicycle is a very efficient means of transportation when motor vehicles are no longer an option.
Just a little twist on the concept…
A 20 in Dahon fold up bike with knobby tires and puncture resistant tubes.
An old golf bag cart, with articulating hitch modified to have 20 in wheels, spares in a pinch, and can be expanded outward width wise. plenty of room for multiple bags.
Both fold up to a very small footprint and can carry that 200 lbs.
Tested it… and use the combo frequently…but not with the full capacity all the time. 🙂
Good thinking Jerrytbg
– would make an excellent moving target…Hate to rain on you Pollyannas’ parade but you just don’t get it. I’m sorry if I sound like a jerk, but if and when it gets this bad you had better keep a lower profile than a bicycle pulling a golfbag full of “goodies”..
Being discrete Jack is obvious…
nite only, someone else scouts ahead…
Please, opsec is paramount…
Good thinkin.
Add about another 15 lbs to that load for tools and spare bike parts. It sucks carrying a broken bike home, never mind pulling the trailer.
Yeah, I’ve had to carry bikes home before on 3 occasions.
Regarding the weight of bob’s: back in the day, hq reminded us about the regulations that combat load was 62 lbs.this means, the average grunt was expected to carry all of their personal gear, ammo, weapon water, etc… and should weigh no more than 62lbs. So, we took the published list of what we were to carry, and I think it hit 70 lbs, before ammo and weapon(s). 210 rounds and an m16 add up. Throw in a main and reserve chute, and you are struggling to get in the plane. I was, luckily (not) the rto, another 30lbs to,the mix. At least i didn’t have to jump in the 50 cal (can you say anchor). At the time I weighed 160lbs, so my combat load was close to my body weight. After jumping, it got lighter of course, but the long, multiday movements took their toll. In later army career, I was in a LRS team. Expected to last, without resupply for at least 4 days in training, in combat, who knows? At least with LRS, we had pick of the litter regarding equipment. Standard sleeping bag became wiggy sleep system, in summer the weight was under a lb. we broke down everything. We had special mre’s that had minimal packaging, no wasted weight. Everything was at least dual use.
So, my point? Use the gear to,actually do a movement of your expected time/distance. I suspect most will find out the following:
1. You are lucky to make it 2 miles. If you have discipline, you will soon start shedding gear, rather than giving up the movement.
2. Suddenly the more expensive, lighter gear, looks pretty good.
2a. Dehydrated food weighs almost the same as normal food, when you count the weight of,water to rehydrate. Packaging is where you save weight.
3. The average hiking pack is woefully suited to,being a bob, get an old fashion Alice pack.
4. Gear in the pack, up high, is easier to carry, than crap,stuck to the outside, or down low, or both.
5. Canteens suck, unless you have the right web gear.
6. You are freakin’ loud walking with all that crap, figure out what is making the noise. Prior to movement, we’d jump around and figure out where the rattles where coming from.
7. Experience is worth at least as much as the gear.
8.moving through woods? Get a machete, you never know, and since you are by yourself, you will be breaking trials at times planned or not.
Yeah, I don’t know where in the hell everyone thinks they’re going.
Having gone through a couple of moderate natural disasters, running off in the middle of one never crossed my mind. I’d rather be holed up in my place with a rifle, a bathtub full of water, and 200,000 calories of beans and rice in canisters than starving in a traffic jam or chasing 300 calories of squirrel around a rock under a bush someplace.
I am with you. If you want to bug today seems like the perfect day. We already bugged in plain sight. Just another pretty little farmstead perched on a hill miles from anything “important”.
There are lots of farmsteads(small acreages 2-6)in my area for sale. Most of them under 200K.
That sounds more like my get home bag.
Selkirk, I am with you. With everyone else running off into the twilight zone having heart attacks from trying to carry such heavy burdens****** I am thinking there won’t be that many problems for me. If things get too extreme, just remember that animals get hungry also and are already wild. You just might wind up being the huntee instead of the hunter. Try climbing a tree away from a bear with that heavy backpack. (I used to be a hunter in my youth.)
I don’t have anywhere to go anyhow so my preps are for bugging in the familiar.
My little town is so small and everyone knows each other. I am in hopes that the law enforcement (?) can keep the towns people from venturing out in the country where I am
4 year prepper
@ shoot & 4year
Bug-in, man. Sounds right to me. If you’re both set up in good spots out of the cities and obvious disaster zones, good on ya.
I saw a Doomsday Preppers in which some guy lived on top of a fault line, and was planning to bug out when the earthquake happens. The best prep, hands down, is to move off of the damned fault line. Common sense goes a long way.
I keep a 3 ring binder with my (and child’s) birth certs, ins. cards, SS cards, etc. that I carry around with me. It’s handy. Also my medical record (military). For items I find necessary in daily life that I don’t won’t to forget when it’s time to BTFO, I’ve done the following: I attached a laminated card with the exp dates of perishable items to check on monthly that are in the kit. On the other side of the card is a check list of items I use daily that I need that won’t be in my kit. When it’s time to go, grab your kit, check your expiration date list (for situational awareness), check the back of the card for your other items, (phone, charger, 3 ring binder and med record, current Rx meds, etc.). Grab and go.
Well, I’ll have to assume it’s a great chart/poster.
Can’t make out the details on an android phone.
Keep preppin’
How much does it all weigh?
A good bush hat. Hiking boots. A good leather belt. Truncated leather gloves.
The phone?? Probably 3-4 ounces, including the otter box. 🙂
Keep preppin’
Looks to me about 60lbs. If you can afford the expensive ultra light weight shit…..45lbs. Physical fitness is rarely mentioned on this site. 45lbs is difficult to carry more than a few miles for the “un conditioned”. 12 miles a day is what we try to accomplish on trails in higher increasing elevation. 6 to 8 if you are blazing your own up hill trail. Any more than that and I burn too many calories and am sore the next day which would be bad if I had to cover some major ground in a hurry.
Bugging out is a fantasy. You’re volunteering for the refugee corps.
Right on, Dub.
Ain’t nobody just hopping up off of the couch, strapping on the 60 lb rucksack and launching into a ten mile jog.
I’ll take any bugout bag advice with a grain of salt until I see the professor humping the damned thing for a day.
Knowing what you actually can carry is absolutely necessary to set the parameters of your kit. The only way to know that is to load up and hit the road on a regular basis.
Apart from the fact that you’ll have to ditch most of your stuff if you’re out of shape, INJURY is also a consideration. Strains and sprains are no big deal when you can go home and heal, but they add up fast when you can’t do that.
After 40 years working on a National Forest, making a living by walking cross-country, I can tell you three things : be in shape or get nowhere, a mile on the steepest trail is equivalent to 1/4 mile of no trail, and as an average, cross-country, don’t expect to get more than 1 mile an hour.
Experience wins.
Good luck finding 22LR ammo for that rifle. cheaperthandirt is selling 50 round boxes for $16 ! Ammo is now an asset.
Oops, sold out. 500 round bricks are $149 and 50 boxes of tracer $39. omg
Oops. That’s 50 round boxes of tracer for $39.
I hear ya. I refuse to pay these ridiculous prices for 22LR. Since the craze, there’s been a 268% increase in the price around me. Screw them. I’ll wait them out.
I used to think the local surplus store was to pricey, but I just got 50-22lr for $5. Multiple boxes no problem. Check out your local surplus… good luck!
Waiting them out no Ill continue to reload.
22LR can be found at gun shows. I saw boxes of it here and there.
I saw 550 round boxes of .22LR at a gun show last weekend for $100. This is nothing more than greedy, opportunistic, cut-throat price gouging. 100 round boxes of .22 shorts for $12, which would usually cost under $7 bucks?
The one thing about ‘America’ that I personally dislike most, is how greedy, selfish, and materialistic most Americans have become. White Europeans seem to have largely adopted the sort of ‘jewish’ mindset that places their own pursuit of material gain ahead of the older, more traditional American values of honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, consideration for others and honor.
I wonder if there is a cure for this plague, or will it eventually destroy our entire civilization?
Slingshot puts small game on the table. Marbles are still cheap and legal for now. ;-/
I’m STILL thinking of getting a BB gun?
Stupid?? or what?
You mean pellet gun, right? .177 or .22…
THAT is NOT stupid… quiet and effective!
You’re welcome.
jayjay look into big bore air guns. they go up to .50cal
you can bear hunt with them.
you see the video where the guy took out a big hog?
worth looking into …
You are not crazy at all, but thinking ‘outside the box’ for sure. In WWII some (not all) German snipers in the forest used .25 caliber ‘air rifles’ as they were silent and deadly…and still are. Here is a very nice Ruger .22 cal brek barrel air rifle. It uses no extra compression or gases or simple break of the barrel and it’s cocked, locked and ready to rock! There are numerous reviews online of this great piece and I cannot say enough good things about it.
Umarex Ruger Air Magnum Break Barrel Single Shot Air Rifle .22 Caliber Pellets 19.5″ Barrel 1200 fps Adjustable Sights Black Synthetic Stock with 4×32 Scope
For only $160.00 bucks or so, it cannot be beat!
Except of course unless you order it from warehouse H for even less! $149.44 😉
It makes me increasingly nervous about ordering any sort of weapon or accessory for a weapon online, using a credit card. Or, from a mail order catalog. Electronic tracks, friends. These communist cockroaches who now control the Democrat party are not backing off on their tyrannical lust to disarm every American, folks. They are already plotting how to bring their gun control agenda back up, and this obsession they have with ‘universal background checks’ – which is registration, plain and simple.
Ideally, I recommend that people use gun shows or department stores and pay cash only. No plastic. Avoid leaving tracks that these Communist rats will be able to follow later, people.
yup…cash only… 😉
If you are concerned that much, just know that the scan of any item deemed “trackable” by the feds, can trigger an image capture of the purchaser via the overhead security camera at EVERY register. Filter through a facial recognition and they’ll know who you are anyway.
You don’t need to be the most covert prepper, just don’t be the first they come for, word will spread quick and the BOB will suddenly become useful. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.
I have a Daisy that shoots BB’s and/ or Pellets. I use mine to shoot the sparrows that try to nest in my Purple Martin gourds.
Now when I come out the door they take off before I can even lift it up to sight in.
There is no leash law here in the country so it is good for cats, neighbors dogs, etc.
We shoot the rat snakes that try to eat the eggs with my husbands .22. He is good too. He shot one that was inside one of the compartments and next thing I knew his head was hanging down outside the hole. His brother-in-law is tall and he reached up and pulled him the rest of the way out. Needless to say that compartment had another entrance hole in it.
Another snake was wrapped around my parakeet cage trying to get my “Little Fred” I have never heard that bird so quite before. He has a large vocabulary too.
4 year prepper
Good article and helpful; especially for those that are gonna plan to make a run for it. You know what i mean; big city dwellers that won’t be able to find potable water/food/security when their’s runs out and plan on “heading for the hills”.
If you are one; a big city dweller and are planning to bug-out, I pray to God, to be with you and yours, cause you are probably gonna need all the help you can get in a total collapse/SHTF situation.
Hope will not be lost if you plan and prepare with the “right” mental attitude and have God walking with you.
One thing that the article says to take along in a bug-out situation is a “small plastic shovel”….. I totally “disagree”. Why? Because more than likely, you will be digging in soil other than sand, and what happens when it breaks all to hell like a thin toothpick?
Useless! Digging may wind up being one of the most important survival strategies you come across. Example: Out of potable water; you may find a damp spot like a wet weather spring. At least with a sturdy steel shovel you can possibly dig down to where you can get a little puddle to seep water from. With a thick cotton towel, you could even soak up water from several feet down and squeeze it out into a container.
That is how you may have to think to survive. Don’t skimp or cut corners, because of a weight issue, when it comes to vital tools. If i were in a “definite/have to bug-out situation, I would want a full size shovel with a telescoping or folding, full length handle. I may need to dig a big hole to hide some of my preps, or kill a deer and need a big hole to cook up all the meat at one time, over coals and rocks etc. (like old style pit barbecueing of pigs). Definitely not a whimpy little piece of plastic crap.
I get a catalog from that is primarily knives and cutting tools. They offer a folding stainless steel shovel/multi-tool for only 16 bucks. i can’t vouch for the quality, but it would sure as heck be better than a small plastic one.
I keep a small New Testament in my BO bag.
read revelations, the plan is all layed out for us.
A small trowel can be handy for latrine digging, and covering up tour campsite when you move.
Did I miss the trench tool? AKA folding shovel somewhere? A trowel remind me of the military trench tool.
I don’t get it. Where’s the plug in?
We call that a Bug in Bag!
Don’t forget the snake bite kit…
I read your comment yesterday and remembered it tonight when I read this regarding snakebites:
I’d add a Golf caddy with two wheels. The human back wasn’t really made in mind to carry 40 pounds or more over long periods.
I doubt most places have ground that will be too tough to pull a Golf caddy that has twice the weight of what you can carry on your back.
I’d like to see something that attaches to your belt above your butt crack or maybe a shoulder harness. That you pull as you walk.
If you were following a road or decent rail. You could jog at a decent clip with my Golf caddy scenario. NOT with a mountain on your back.
Golf caddies are great.
So are two wheel (16 inch puncture proof tires) carts. Make your own if you are handy. Light weight, they’ll haul heavy loads, or whatever you can handle.
Back packin’ is for young grunts. The only thing I want on my back is an H harness, cartridge belt, 1911-A1 with magazine pouch, two canteens with cups for cooking and 4 bandoleers full (total 192 rounds, 13.5 pounds) of good stuff-30-06, black tips and SP. Total about 25 pounds.
Rest of the good stuff goes on the cart including my rifle (M1) in its scabbard. I pack stuff in modules including a light weight combat pack, easy on.
A first aid kit without at least 5 different antibiotics in quantity is a toy.
Semper Fi
Dont forget this stuff it looks like deodorant but its runners lube we called it Ball Bearing Grease in the military works wonders for forced marches. Chaffed nutz with stop your bug out in a seconed!
“Ball Bearing Grease” OMG, ROFLMAO, “Ball Bearing Grease”Oh my lord!!!!!!!
That is funny, but so true. Over 5 miles with a heavy load your begging for a chapped ass. Gold Bond is a vital piece of gear in the go bag. Compression shorts or under armor boxer briefs are a life saver on long forced marches/hikes.
I have a wagon with the rails.
I screwed the rails on and they are now permanent.
I use it for yard work and it could be used for carrying lots of BOBs.
But, it’s gonna have to be a nuclear explosion to get us out or someone sets fire to the house.
Yeah, I know. It can happen.
Thatll be fine if theres nobody else on the road your walking on, if you gotta go over any sort of rough terrain (escape and evade) you may be screwed.
Come on Kula, I ain’t going be on no roads and I’m sure not going to get screwed. That SOB hasn’t been born yet.
Besides, in the big leaf country, or anywhere else, bicyles work just fine. Ask Charlie, he kicked ass with a sack of rice and rpgs and he’s still there riding and pushing his bicyle while our people worry about water filters, and twinkies.
Semper Fi
Was just jokin around, over here i wouldnt get too far with anything with wheels unless i was on a road, either too steep, too rough, or too many trees, been trying to figure out how to lighten my pack without dropping too many important items, figuring ill stuff everything in my jeep and know a spot close by that will get me up and away from the houses and people if its looking that bad, and that way i can at least drag more stuff and cache it here n there, if i gotta run im just taking my battle rifle and sidearm and tac pac anyway cause there is no way in hell i can carry a fully stocked pack and enough ammo to be worth a crap, think it will be a fine line and will have to really keep alert if things go south.
You make a valid point, might I add that many of us are overweight and out of shape and will be trying to move that weight on a bike, or hoofing it!!!!!! Gotta get in shape. And Ramadiron’s comment about runners lube, Ball Bearing Grease sounds like a great idea.
Ive snagged a shopping cart I found on the side of the road somebody had abandoned. I plan on using that if ever my family needs to bug out. It gives more room for supplies and could also be used to wheel the kids around. I plan on still having bugoutbags incase I have to leave the cart but my overall plan is to stay on my property and avoid becoming a refugee.
Sierra Dave – Take a look at the Exodus Bugout Cart. It has a capacity that far exceeds a golf bag. It resembles the wooden hand carts used by pioneers when they crossed the 1000 mile prairie by foot. It has many cool features and is clearly built to take lots of abuse.
The biggest downside is the extremely high cost: well over $1000. It seems like if you’re handy with tools you could cobble one together for under $100.
Click my name to watch a video made at a survival expo.
And some good light-weight tarps with rubber bungee cords & thin rope!! Will use ‘Kessler lens’ for starting fires & heating water. So I will be in my ole van,down by th RIVER!!……mm
one should look at the small 16″ foldable shovels. it has a shovel head on one side and a pick axe on the other. they are light weight. I think char cloth should be added to the bug out bag as well.
And a couple of kid’s to carry It for you……..
Obama’s anti-gun history:
1996, Obama supports a ban on the manufacture, sale, and possession of all handguns.
1998, Obama endorses a ban on the sale or transfer of all semi-automatic firearms.
1999. Obama supports a 500% tax increase on both guns and ammunition.
1999, Obama proposes banning gun stores within a 5 mile radius of any school or park.
1999, Obama co-sponsors legislation limiting gun purchases to one gun a month.
1994-2002, Obama serves on the board of the radical anti-gun Joyce Foundation.
2003, Obama votes to ban hundreds of conventional rifles and shotguns.
2004, Obama votes to prosecute victims who use a gun in their home for self-defense.
2004, Obama backs a proposed federal law that would abolish the right to carry nationwide.
2005, Obama votes to ban common rifle ammunition.
2005, Obama votes to expose the gun industry to potentially bankrupting lawsuits.
2005, 2007, Obama votes to reject pro-second amendment Supreme Court justices John Roberts and Sam Alito.
2008, Obama supports Washington DC ban on guns in the home for self-defense.
OH!, but he took the Oath of office, of the president of the United States of America, and in that Oath it clearly states to uphold our Constitution and the Bill of Rights…so when do we impeach this lier in cheif? or are we all just going to sit here until he completely fucks us? CANT YOU SEE HIS ADGENDA ? or do we have to stick you in the eye with it?
He’s a commie and his fellow commies aren’t going to impeach him.
Our Job
maybe you should and while your at it maybe you should pay back the American people for all of your golf trips you have taken. and your simian wife’s trips over seas to shop
Take the first ape and the little apes and go back to Kenya where you came from and where you belong
The sunny, confident President Barack Obama who was the master of all that he surveyed at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner last Saturday night was nowhere in sight at the podium in the White House press room Tuesday morning. In his place was a glum character, whose gloomy demeanor matched the lack of legislative motion he was discussing — and the many obstacles (from Republicans to Russians) he complained were in his way.
As for Congress, it’s not the president’s job to make them behave and cooperate. “That’s their job,” he said. He objected (again) to the sequestration, but didn’t sound like he had much confidence that he could reach a “broader, larger deal” on taxes and spending with the GOP.President Obama seemed more bored and resigned than frustrated and angry — and far from a happy warrior.
so it seems we are having some effect on him and his master plan. those pesky republicans just wont play fair and wont let him have his way
Just as Obama has long wanted to end the sequester, so too has he wanted to close the prison at Guantanamo, but he expressed frustration that politics were preventing that, too. And the American people’s short attention span has been no help. “Out of sight, out of mind,” he observed.
LOOK jack ass you put us in the whole mess and didn’t think some one would actually take you up on the offer
it was his idea to have the “Poison pill option ”
now that it has been taken he doesn’t like the results
After listening to a recitation of his political predicament, the president said, “If you put it that way, maybe I should just pack up and go home.” It was a joke, of course, but no one laughed and, judging from his attitude, it almost seemed as though he wished he could.
Only when asked about Jason Collins did the president become animated and eager to respond. Obama praised the NBA center for his decision to come out of the closet about his sexual orientation and said that the American people should be proud of the growing acceptance of gays and lesbians.
In terms of energy and forward lean, Tuesday morning’s performance was about as static as the Obama presidency has ever been.
His administration is not the first to fall into a Slough of Despond early in the second term. It’s all but inevitable. Still, the session was notable primarily for the complexity and intractability of the issues Obama is now facing.
On the Boston bombings, it is now clear that somebody dropped the ball on the Tsarnaevs, and the only question is who. It might well have been the Russians, which means that Obama has to get closer to Vladimir Putin than he wants. It also means that U.S. and Russian security officials must overcome decades of Cold War distrust.
From what I’ve read, the Russians gave us enough information to put the Tsarnaev’s on the radar, and we failed to follow through with it. Even the mother is a radical, it’s all coming out now. Yet we couldn’t discern all this information a year ago?
We dropped the ball, completely.
VRF sorry but fuck his ADGENDA……….
@ VRF. 2013- BO’s sick dreams of ammunition shortages coming true.
2013- BO’s plan of trying to disarm all Americans, still in the works.
BO and these other european “pacifists” disarm everyone of everything are trying to be the destruction of the militia meant to protect the country from foreign invasion. Anyone that supports ANY watering down or dimantling of the 2nd Amendment is a “red borne” traitor, treasonist.
By the way, there was a 5.3 earthquake deep towards the Antarctica at the Balleny Islands region. This is a strange spot as ONLY 62% of the time does this lead to a major earthquake within 15 days. However WHEN it does it leads to swarms of major earthquakes. This area many times has targeted the Peru and Chile border region. I still can’t believe that Mexico to Chile has not been hit yet. To me this means something horrible is coming, as these precursors for the past month have been aiming at these areas like a target at the shooting range. I hope your family in South America stays safe.
I love articles on bug out bags, and believe everyone should have one. But my home is my castle and my fortress and I’ll probably stay put in a Schumer Hits The Fan scenario. I just love to write that SHTF phrase out, because the first word is so interchangeable. Anyway if you truly want to know what you need in your bag, just make one up, and when complete, grab it and just take off to wherever your planning to go, and spend a couple of days,if in the Bush you’ll quickly see what’s missing from you BOG! Trekker Out. Semper Paratus!
You got it right; I’m willing to move my king bed downstairs but that’s as far as I’m going. Load out my AR, Brownings and M!A; Pour two fingers of 25 Year old, “Very OLD Bartin” and wait You young and dumb can run around in the cold and wet I’ll harvest the jerky on the front porch
Mountain Trekker – Everybody everywhere wants to stay home no matter what happens to the Schumer and the fan. But as a longtime prepper and longtime reader of SHTFplan, there are some scenarios that basically force you to abandon your home in a real hurry (like a few minutes). In these scenarios, staying home is basically a self-imposed death sentence. If you can’t think of such a situation, let me know and I can rattle off a few, but being a basically positive, upbeat kind of person, I don’t like talking about situations that are virtually certain to lead you to an immediate, grisly, horrible death. Being able to quickly remove yourself and your family gives you an option, and having a well-equipped bugout bag ready to go at a moment’s notice could be the difference between life and death. I might add, that having that BOB makes the decision far easier and THAT REASON ALONE justifies the effort, time, and cost.
Think about that. The whole neighborhood is witnessing a zombie apocalypse and your neighbors are squabbling about what’s going on, what to do, what to bring, and where to go. Meanwhile you’re packed and ready to go in a few seconds. Who is far more likely to survive? MT, I’d like you to be in the group that survives so you and all SHTFplan readers can help me rebuild civilization.
i think i’d want more than a plinker ruger 10-.22 rifle … like a bolt action .223 5.56 rifle with durable 300 yard scope at minimum .
The 22LR is the preferred weapon of both deer poachers and hired killers because it’s powerful enough to do the job and a lot quieter. Keep the real firepower at your bug out location.
@GovDude very good point . it’d be good for night ops .
Suppress 22lr 60 GR Sub sonics. How Sweet
The heavy 60gr. subsonic round requires a different barrel rifling twist rate, than standard 38-40gr HV does, in order to stabilize for accuracy beyond 30yds shot placement.
In most commercially available .22 rifles, the projectile will wobble, then tumble. Producing a KEYHOLE in the target, if you hit it!
The sole exception, per extensive testing, has been the Marlin/Glenfield bolt actions. They did not KEYHOLE and 50yd accuracy was acceptable. Marlin semi-autos scored poorly as well. All semi-autos tested, regardless of mfgr, experienced extraction and jamming malfunctions.
I guess its something inherent to MICRO-GROOVE rifling, without bolt blowback, in the bolt-gun.
Also, .22 shorts – particularly the subsonic flavors – are extremely quiet, which will come in handy when the occasion arrives for stealth.
Trust me. first time you trip and fall, that scope will be waaaay off. And if you are off trail, you will fall. Survival rifle 22/410 with bird shot and slugs will take anything down at close range.
The farther down the comments I get, the heavier the bag gets. lol So let me add my two cents gun wise. I have one of the old AR 7 Explorer rifles that breaks down and fits into the floatable stock. I know, I know, people always chime in about them being junk. However, I have owned mine for around 25 years with no problem if I use CCI and stay away from the 30 round aftermarket mags. It still shoots true with the iron sights. Would make a good bug out gun for small game, etc IMO.
A Charter Arms AR-7 was the first gun I ever owned which I purchased as a teenager. I put thousands of rounds through it until I got married and traded it. A few years ago I got a Henry version as part of a bulk sale and I still love it.
My 10/22 is set up exactly as pictured with the Butler Creek folder. And its bigger brother, the mini-14, also has that particular folder. They are very well built and makes the rifle easy to pack. YMMV.
My 10/22 isn’t a folder, but I’m considering such a stock now. I’ve got the bolt lock modification that allows the bolt to slide forward by pulling back on the charging handle. Also have a mag eject extender that curls around the trigger guard. These two things along allow for rapid reloads and putting the weapon back into battery. I just bought Williams firesights, which are tritiums irons that replace the factory sights. Allows me a better opportunity to get a sight picture on something in low-light conditions.
I would recommend getting the first two upgrades at the very least.
Lastly, I’m pretty sure the 10/22 doesn’t come with mounting swivels for a tactical sling. They will be helpful also.
I have a 10/22 take down model. Being that it splits in half with the touch of a button you can stow it about anywhere. Add a quick detach scope and you’re in business. I haven’t had a single problem with mine yet other than people oogling it at the range. Then I have to stop and show them how it comes apart and remains accurate when I put it back together. Check it out if you haven’t looked into them yet.
Folding stocks are over rated. I have one on my AK and as you said; its a paid for reload so if I had to clear a confined space; I would use the glock 19.
pain to reload… small KEYboards
Indy Colts, in a confined space the Glock 19 would be ideal. Mission drives equipment. Now if you were going to stay in a larger area (bedroom) and make your defense there, then the AK, with the stock locked out, would have it all over the G19 in firepower. If you got intruders coming in with SBRs or PSDs you’re gonna need the AK.
When you get to your bug-out location, you may need to clear it out of trespassers. That 10/22 will be nice for getting to the location, but you’re going to need something bigger, say a .45 or 9mm pistol to work with, unless you want to hang around the perimeter for several days and try an occasional head shot with the .22 when they come outside.
I think a AR15 or something cached in the vicinity of your destination would be a good idea.
YEA @ P-Patriot….pistols are nice but nothing works better in a closed space than my ole,cheap Ranger 88 12ga. pump and Oops,somebody must have cut the barrel off!!?? (bought it sight unseen)……mm~
Boston Marathon Bombing – FBI False-Fag Crisis Actors
are cashing in on their New Fake Gory False-Fag Fame !!!
CHEATING naive kind hearted Americans out of $$$ 100′s of 1,000′s of dollars .
FBI DHS False-Fag Crisis Actor: Christian Williams
has already collected $100,000. on his donations page from ignorant foolish Americans .
Boston Marathon Bombing – hooded guy with the sunglasses collecting donations
actors group he belongs too …
Are you the Nina everyone here loves to hate?
Proverbs 29:27 The righteous detest the dishonest; the wicked detest the upright.
John 3:13 Do not be surprised, my brothers and sisters, if the world hates you.
Mahatma Gandhi on Ignorance Hate and Truth
“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.”
;0P pssszzt
No offense Nina since I neither hate or even know you. But how about saving the rants for another topic and staying with the current topic. I’m just saying. D1 out
Oooh I’m sorry is this website called the ‘Dragonmedic’ website ?! ;0P
NO ITS NOT Poindexter !
@dm how about you just ignore my posts and pretend they aren’t there .
Ya’ Reprobate !
;0p pssszzt
I feel spectacular you are only keeping the name calling for me. At least that’s a step in the right direction. And you have been heavy and overwhelming lately. Even I when looking for raw meat to use in an attack. Get bore with your repeating blah blah.
We cool.
Good call.
A mule to carry all this shit.
You will also need the following manuals/books:
How to break a mule
How to pack a mule
How to feed a mule
How to shoe the mule
How to fix a broken nose
How to wrap broken ribs
and Mules for Dummies
Hopefully the mule doesn’t kill before you get to use it.
at least a little red wagon or a red sled….and someone forgot the duct-tape and paracord…but I guess that’s what silver and gold is for…
and like Mama said,don’t forget to take a sweater.
im curious if someone has made a list like this for colder climates? i live in alaska,and i see some differences from what mine would look like and what this one does.
Seems like you’d be able to follow the same plan, but increase the warmth of your clothing and sleeping bag. Plent of good cod weather gear that could squeeze down nicely into a compression sack. Perhaps down items would fit your needs?
Not to question but in Alaska you are already bugged out about as far as you can get. Any TEOTWAWKI situation requires you to get into the bush, living in the out of town is entirely different than lower 48. your problem is not people, it’s weather. A 22 is almost useless, you need 30-06 or 300 win mag. You must get shelter, a moose (some big game to survive), about 10 cords of wood, 400# of flour, salt, oil and lots of clothes. Any BOB is just to get you to a known location with supplies. (Unless you are an expert far beyond what this page talks about.) If you are just trying to get home or to a camp not far, Hide extra supplies in several places on they way to your spot. And just go
Hollow out the bible to hold the gold and silver.
Your as good as dead if you do that…..
Look where that got Judas
Dead, like everyone from 2000 years ago. but famous, that’s better than most. Why do you people dislike him? If you are right God himself wanted it to be that way, he was only doing Gods work. Jesus cannot die for us, if he does not die.
live near a nuclear power plant ??
you have my sympathies !!!
Plastic bags, tape, broomsticks fix San Onofre leak
Kinda related story,I watched River Monsters on Animal planet recently.The host,Jeremy Wade,was given permission to fish at the cooling pond for reactor #4 at Cherynobl.It’s really strange to see a guy fishing within a couple blocks of the reactor.Strange part is you can be standing really close to the place and not be in immediate danger,but walk 10 feet away and the radiation alarm can go off signaling a hot spot.
The fish he caught by and large looked healthy,good size,coloring,no lesions,but what is happening at the cellular level who knows.The weirdest thing about the place is the grass is green,trees look healthy,and you can hear a pin drop for miles.
forgot to post this little piece
stuff like this is why you have a bugout bag
Insider Gives Meltdown Warning for Restart of CA San Onofre Nuclear Plant
“I don’t know nuthin’ bout nuthin’ ”
Obama: ‘I’m Not Familiar’ With Benghazi Whistleblowers Being Threatened
why does this president know about a gay basketball player and not Benghazi?
To summarize we have escalating situations in North Korea, and Syria, Obamacare, An $18 trillion and counting debt, and yesterday was spent with the press, and calling a gay basketball player who strung along a woman for 8 years a hero and role model.
And this is who is leading us all off this cliff, and we sit back and allow him to do it..Apathy is alive and well all the way from the White House to our homes
Let the fuckin pile o shit go off the cliff, and then let all the libtards who re elected this idiot go over too when the govt cant feed them or keep them safe, and let all the lame govt petty tyrants wallow while their cushy jobs, lifelong benefits, and promise of COLA retirement benefits go away too.
I call it re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
VRF, guess we know where his priorties are. But that’s nothing new.WASP
Cause he’s a commie pervert.
Cause he’s a stupid fu*ker!
I’d go along for the stupid fu*ker handle.
Guys, bugging out is a death wish. Just stay where you are.
That said, a pair of handcuffs, tazer and a HAM radio. Night vision. A signal cone that fits on top of your flashlight. A whistle. You need a ballistic helmet and vest in youre going to bug out. Bags and waste enzyme fot shitting. Hand sanitizer. “Bath wipes” to clean yourself without a shower. A collapsable camp sink. A lot of loperamide to treat GI upset. Antibiotics. Buy the best pair of boots you can afford. Get snow, jungle, or desert boots if appropriate for your area.
sometimes you gotta bug out, to get home…
I dont always stay at home, gotta life and such
There are a lot of reasons you might have to bug out. Let me toss a few out there –
a) Someone thinks you have food and they have a pint of gasoline and a beer bottle.
b) Someone thinks you have something worth while and tells 20 of their friends.
c) Mandatory evacuation at gun point. Spare me the “I’ll die first.” Dying is easy, living in utter hardship to fight another day is the hard choice.
d) Bio/chem/rad ‘mishap’ in your AOO.
So yeah plan to bug in if you can do it. But don’t let that plan see you on the road with nothing but the clothes on your back if you can help it.
Dying is easy, living in utter hardship to fight another day is the hard choice.
Survive its death. Oh will that piss them off. And the EXs too.
Junk Silver: “before 1964” should be before 1965 or, 1964 or earlier. Common mistake it seems.
Great Info Graphic. I also purchased a paper North America map book. EMP or just plain loss of power and you might not know what turns to take to get away from the Nazi’s. Plus, EOTWAWKI it will be a neat education tool for the in the hut. I’d also add a pen. Not sure if I saw that.
This is my bug out bag:
not bad for 38 pounds.
Nice, some great info.
Molon Labe
at least a little red wagon or a red sled….and someone forgot the duct-tape and paracord…but I guess that’s what silver and gold is for…
and like Mama said,don’t forget to take a sweater.
sorry…this belonged waaay up the thread.
Meant to say : great kit and eclectic taste in gear.
Comrades , get fair prices on ammo on
Yeah right jackasses like the Facebook Page sells there and he get paid.
First gun control laws in America were made to take guns away from blacks and indians.
So why were they repealed!WASP
some good news
PHOENIX (AP) — Arizona cities and counties that hold community gun buyback events will have to sell the surrendered weapons instead of destroying them under a bill Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law Monday.
The bill was championed by Republicans in the GOP-controlled Legislature who argued that municipalities were skirting a 2010 law that was tightened last year and requires police to sell seized weapons to federally licensed dealers. They argued that destroying property turned over to the government is a waste of taxpayer resources.
There’s something to be said for night having vision goggles. If you have those maybe it’s possible to hide and sleep during the day. And move at night.
America Is The Land of Opportunity For ILLEGAL ALIENS!!! Gov’t Gives Free Phones, Free Health Care, Full Voting Rights, ‘IMMEDIATE’ ACCESS TO WELFARE For ILLEGAL ALIENS And $3,000 Hiring Edge Over Americans!!!
AMERIKA is so SCREWED it will NEVER RECOVER , it will just turn into another 3rd World Sheeithole !
Oh wait it Already is One !
Now more than ever this is so true–
How do I become an illegal alien
Don’t forget the M18 Claymore’s.
Why spend 30$ on a berky sport bottle when you can buy 5 20 gallon filter straws for the same price. All you have to do is fill a bottle up with dirty water and drink with your straw. It would be best to use a stainless steel (un insulated) bottle so that you can boil your water first.
Boil it. You don’t need all that expensive shit. All you need is a pot and a fire. Might even throw in some coffee, or tea and then fill all water containers with plain boiled water.
If you can’t make at least one fire a day you’re in a heap of hurt.
Don’t Believe the Hype –
TAKE THIS FEAR REPORT with a BIG BUCKET of SEA SALT: the woman who created this report is HOMELESS and RECENTLY LOST HER JOB for being mentally unstable . The FREEMASON controlled blue collar factory lumber mill town she calls home CFALLS MONTANA is known for the Locals being poorly educated , high crime rate , drugs , alcoholism and religious fanatics .
She’s a FRAUD looking for $$$ !!!
NinaO ;0p
Multi Nukes Set To Explode May 5th 2013?!? Martial Law?
MORE FRAUD from www AmericanHolocaustComing blogspot com
Pamela Rae Schuffert = FRAUD
this woman is a FRAUD as well as running a fear news porn GRAFT SCAM for donations $$$
Obama Signed “Operation Ring Of Fire” Exec Order For NUKES and MARTIAL LAW
She has a history – check out this
post from 2011
by Pamela Rae Schuffert (Notes) on Thursday, June 2, 2011 at 2:27pm
Your emergency support is needed. I was just blessed with a donated
car. But in order to pick it up, I must travel 750 miles (From WV to MO)
from where I am staying to help a family in crisis in Appalachia. All my
funds have been used in part to assist them. I also just discovered they
live in a perchlorate contaminted region, where it is in the well water.
VERY unhealthy for me to be exposed to it daily. CAN YOU HELP WITH
THIS?Contact me, Pamela Rae Schuffert at [email protected]
it goes on and on, Nina
April 21, 2011
God supplied a MIRACLE TODAY! SOMEONE anonymously sent me $2000! I am
now going to the outdoor store and purchasing my quailty backpack, my
sleeping bag, water purifier, campstove, medical emergency supplies,
vitamins, candle lantern, etc. THANK YOU JESUS! may the miracles
continue to COME!-Amen. -Pamela Rae Schuffert
Pamela Rae Schuffert shared a link.
December 9, 2011
Please send support for Christmas-I have no support at this time and
almost no gas! -Pamela Rae Schuffert PO Box 3073 Columbia Falls, Mt
December 25, 2011
A Divine and holy celebration of the Christ child coming to earth to
save a lost and dying world, to all my beloved readers! I am safely in
Alaska now, helping msy friend Lisa and her family…and to be helping
Alaskan Eskimos soon as well here in Kotzebue. Pray for my
strength…became ill with severe sinus infection problems after my
flight and arrival here. Thank you ALL!-Pamela Rae Schuffert
November 20, 2010
From Pamela Rae Schuffert-This holiday season, my heart is heavy.
Because I refused to stop my Christian witness with patients in my
health agency, I have been fired. No job means no income. Please pray
for John and I. Please consider sharing your love and encouragement in
the form of financial support at this difficult time for us. Thank you.
God bless you all, Pamela Rae Schuffert, PO Box 279, Montreat, NC, 28757
Dam, are you kidding me?
really people ?
no one mentiones the spray cheese? a bug out bag with out spray cheese?
dam rookies
no one mentions the spray cheese?
I have to be the one to say no bug out bag is complete with out spray cheese?
dam rookies
Not a single bag of Cheetos, either.
I keep a lifestraw in mine along with duct tape a good compass, a Super tanker all weather butane lighter filled, a SOG multi tool; a six inch adjustable wrench; and a Fenix flashlight with a spare battery and a six foot 1/4 in dia siphoning hose.Topped off with a four day supply of dehydrated food pouches.That is along with most of the stuff mentioned above. Weight about 30 lbs.
Good thinking for a Yankee. But back in Missouri we never carried a compass. We always carried a possum in a sack. If we got losted, we just turned him loose and he would lead us to a road. If your not from possum country, you may not understand. Trekker Out.
LOL old man.
That’s some funny shit! Hit one last week.
@ Mountain Trekker:
I use to carry a possum around in a bag but got rid of it because he use to sleep all the time! Keep prepping.
I really like the chart and links. The problem is how much does it all weigh??? If it really is a Bug Out Bag vs a get home bag then you need your main weapons system and sidearm. that should add 20 to 23 lbs. easy. Oh what about your armor? That’s another 12 to 17 lbs.
Did I say I was a pretty big guy? The above pack out and primary weapons, ammo and armor is likely over 100 lbs. Even being a big guy I’m not humping that much weight very far.
I would recommend you test yourself by loading out 100 lbs. in a distribution to simulate a combat load. 70 lbs. in a pack and 30 lbs hanging on the front. With sand or various size weight you can do it with out drawing too much attention to yourself. Make sure you keep a 10 lbs. weight in your hands at all times to simulate your weapon.
Figure out how much weight you can handle before you have to Bug Out. It may save your life!!!
I agree. I’m 6’5″ and I’m lucky enough to own some of the “toys” like body armor, NVGs, etc. And out of curiosity I loaded the pack with a fairly normal load, then put it all on in conjunction with the defensive load out and hopped on the treadmill. After a mile I was like “screw this”. It really made me stop and rethink my entire bug out plan and if some of my purchases would even be taken with me if I had to. I estimated that if I HAD to carry that load my trip would take 5x longer than a typical backpack used for hiking.
Good for you, now you know. I would recommend you load out and walk in the woods, it’s a whole different ball game.
I use mostly Kelty tactical packs, but from experience with that kind of weight no pack is going to hold up for long. If you attempt a bug out on foot your going to need a lot of other skills like fishing, hunting, trapping and dumpster diving. For most people this type of bug out just shouldn’t be attempted. Having the skills I wouldn’t attempt it with my wife and dogs unless I was going to die staying where I am.
Out of 100 people bugging out in a wilderness; I would say most die within 30 days. It is that dangerous if you don’t really know what your doing. It won’t be a camping trip. Good luck.
@Patriot One….
This is why I suggested a bicycle with a trailer. Someone else suggested a golf-bag cart.
Wheels make things easier.
With a bicycle, even if you are not in the best of shape, you could probably cover 10-20 miles in a day with no problem. Of course, if roads are impassible due to military/zombie activity, then hiking may be the only option.
If that’s the case….a person is going to have to make the decision to dump a lot of stuff. I would imagine one would have to be in as good of condition as a Marine to hump 100+ lbs. Even 30-40 lbs will not be possible for a lot of people.
Bugging out is very scary stuff people. And the one thing you will need more than anything else is just plain old luck.
True Walt, but you still need a fairly firm surface to actually ride the bike. I have mine rigged with front and rear racks but the max load on the racks is only about 40 lbs. With that said thought you can pack about 400 lbs. on a bicycle and push it fairly easily. I also have an Aosom Elite II bike trailer which has a max load of 180 lbs. and ride to the grocery store occasionally. With a load of groceries its a hump to get and I’m only moving at half speed maybe 7 mph depending on the wind.
What ever system you decide to use, make sure you use it; at the very least twice a year. Another big consideration is on a 10 mile ride I’ll burn through 4 bottles of water so plan accordingly.
Many who attempt to bug out without knowing their limitations will simply die of dehydration or a heart attack.
During the initial Bug Out you should scout out areas to hold up every mile along your egress. During the first 3 weeks, while your body acclimates, only plan on 2 to 5 miles per day on foot and maybe 7 to 14 on a bike.
Excellent advice Patriot…
As far as hydration is concerned, as someone who has ridden quite a few miles on both a mountain bike and a road bike, I can confirm that hydration is paramount. We had a saying when it comes to that….”If you’re thirsty, you’re already dehydrated.
I recommend a small backpack with a bladder inside the pack. This allows you to continually drink without having to reach for a water bottle. It also makes it easier on keeping the bike upright. 🙂
A small backpack is also good to put some very essential items in the event that you have to actually abandon your bike to deal with a threat.
I remember pictures of 49ers pushing wheel barrows when off to search for gold…but the fellow that rode his bicycle all the way up to the Klondike on the frozen river. I used to be a backpacker but decided to become a sailor when discovered I couldn’t cook without my cast iron skillet.
If i may be so bold. Where are you all gonna bug out to? Everyones bugging out to where now.. the Mountians, your summer cabin,or just the countryside?.. Well so were all gonna bug out with a week of food on our backs so we can get to the hills and then fight it out over rabbits and deer for a few weeks till their all gone, then what ya gonna eat? My advice: Stock up, bug in and wait for the masses to do their worst.. Come out when the COAST is clear..
So true TP. Believe it or not 98% of the population has no clue what bugging out means. Least have the equipment to do it. Do you have any idea how many people don’t even have a flash light.
I estimate in a SHTF event 20 million would perish in the first 30 days and as high as 100 million in 90 days. There is a lot of wisdom in waiting till the coast is clear if you can.
Near 10 million in LA Basin. NY area has another 10. Start counting, your 20 Million in 30 days is way low, Metro areas with over 2 Million start eating each other in a week, and are out of gasoline so they cannot drive out and can’t walk 10 miles.
I think I’m just about right on the 30 day number, however the 90 day may be way off. During the onset of an event many will have enough to live for 30 days. I’m not saying survive , but it will take that long for starvation. Even longer if you are getting proper hydration.
After 30 days as the system grinds to a halt, the lack of clean water and sanitation will breed disease, plague and pandemics. Most of which will run its course and burn out by the 90 day mark. As it unfolds the survivors will be gaining more and more knowledge on how to deal with the new paradigm. beyond 90 days everything becomes pretty conventional. You will have groups that work together and produce and you will have the bad guys who seek to take what they need.
Not as a knock on preppers, because I believe in being prepared, but many of the surviver’s will be people who were totally unprepared, but adapted and overcame with what the had. In fact they will be the majority. You can survive almost anything with water and a good knife!!!
@Patriot One
You are making good sense as I
find myself nodding my head yes reading reading your comments .
Long term biker here . 33 yrs .
Haven’t owned any has powered wheels in years .
Been humping groceries home weekly in my backpack 2 miles One way .
Backpacking is freedom for me .
Thumbs up!
Probably the best idea terminalprepper.
Another thing people have to consider….
Do you have small children? Elderly? You aren’t going to leave them are you?
The idea of bugging out and all the cool gear that goes along with BOBs is great. However, any buddy that’s had to hump a ruck and do it under stress no doubt will tell you it sucks. Factor that in when talking about bugging out……
This brother though he was the cat’s ass…standing so close…ha.
Hey “Bro”….this is for you.
Our kids know how to handle guns.
What were you thinking?
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Has anyone considered using one of those 2 wheel grocery carts For transporting items instead of, or in addition to some type of a backpack? There is no way feasible that I am physically able to carry around even a 50 lb backpack for very far. it just isn’t going to happen. But I do have a 2 wheel grocery cart that will easily carry that much weight, and is very sturdy. Plus, in a torrential downpour, this cart would serve as a prop for a tarp shelter to keep one a little dryer.
I have used this cart to transport stuff many places, and it folds flat. any opinions???
If you are going to be roadbound, then a wheeled cart is the way to go. However, a roadway could be a very dangerous place to be. If you are physically not fit, that 50 pound pack could limit you to 5 miles a day across moderate terrain, or less. If you have 300 miles to go, that’s 60 days, and ‘things become problematic.’ If you have 100 miles, 50 pounds of food and water will get you there in 3 weeks or less.
Question? I know there are a lot of gun people on this site. Does anyone own an AR pistol, and if so will the upper for the AR pistol interchange with the lower for the AR rifle, and will they work without a problem. Seems if they would work,you could use the short barrel and a collapsable stock and have a nice little bug out gun as well as a good house gun when the SHTF. Don’t bother to tell me this is illegal, just as 20 million Mexicans are illegal. I already know this! But when the SHTF we ain’t going to worry about how long the barrel is. If this would work, don’t do it until the REV.WASP
Because dumbass like you in the past fuck it up for all of us now. There always is A Little e in the crowd.
All gun control laws are repugnant, unconstitutional and must be revoked.
They won’t be revoked until all commies are revoked.
An AR based SBR wouldn’t be my first choice personally. You honestly don’t save enough in length since you still have the buffer tube even if you don’t have the stock and it makes it a little ‘off’ in my personal opinion.
We went with 14.7″ barrels with pinned flash hiders or permanent suppressor mounts for ‘shorties’ to kick them over the 16″ limit by a tiny bit. Perfectly legal without having to pay the $200 tax stamp, background check etc.
Having an illegal weapon is asking for trouble IMO. If for any reason you ever attract attention of big brother and it’s found you’re now a felon. Remember if even one other person knows about it, then they may “Dude you ought to see this awesome gun Bob has, it’s like this long.” and that person etc. Why risk all the problems that being a convicted felon brings down for a few inches of length.
Or just suck it up and pay the $200 tax stamp and have it legal.
If you’re going to be stowing the weapon anyway then it just doesn’t take that long to pop lower and upper apart and get even shorter and put them back together again either.
To answer your other question, reliability can be an issue when putting a sbr barrel on an upper that’s set up for a standard length and vice versa. You may, probably will, need different buffer tube springs at the least because what works for the pressures of a full barrel doesn’t necessarily work for the pressures of a short one.
Waste of the power in the round. Make a sub gun and get a Stock for a glock. Do not attach.
At least that what I heard.
Even being in possession of a stock for a Glock (gee that rhymes) could get you in trouble if I understand the laws correctly.
I think they call it an “intent to construct” or something like that.
Thats not true at all. Stocks on a glock is legal. You can buy one on Amazon
Nope. You are wrong.
Attaching a stock to a modern pistol makes it a short barreled rifle as per the BATFE.
Do it at your own risk.
You have to pay $200 NFA stamp tax and register it with the ATF. ATF form# (ATF Form 1-5320.1)It legal if you file the correct PW and don’t mind telling the government about it.
You’d better have the paperwork BEFORE you purchase the stock.
Again….if you have the stock in possession and don’t have the paperwork (permit, tax stamp, whatever you want to call it), according to the BATFE, it constitutes an “intent to construct”.
It’s a felony and will get you put in jail.
-Here you Walt-
Got a 1911 or a Glock?
Wanna carbine conversion kit?
I think that there is a good possibility that in a SHTF situation, TPTB are going to probably try to disarm everyone. So ANY firearm will be “illegal”….and thus an “illegal” Short-barreled Rifle (or SBR) will be merely a formality.
And yes… AR pistol upper will mount to an AR lower.
A word of advice. Don’t go out and buy an AR pistol upper if you don’t have an AR pistol lower (clearly marked as such) already in your possession. If you have a pistol upper, and don’t have a lower to go with it…and you have another AR rifle, you can be charged with the “construct” of a SBR. That’s a felony. Again….after SHTF…it may be a moot point. But until then, if you get caught with it, you are going to been in a very tough spot.
The laws regarding this are very confusing to sort through…so it’s best to just avoid exposing yourself to the potential legal problem. Also, the BATFE are notorious for being rather capricious when it comes to interpreting the laws. Why give them an excuse to cause you a problem?
Very true. Same as the s for a g. Must have a legal use for it and it can lay on the shelf all day. Camera support mount for those days I go bird watching. Not a joke.
Don’t forget you’re iphone.
or your portable solar panel charger.
Location location location. Where I live water is a problem, not drinking water but finding dry wood, crossing rivers and streams, keeping gear dry etc. The mountains around here are steep and thick with growth. Just walking off trail will get you soaked all the way through by brushing up against plants. Staying on trail will leave you open to assault. Down bags and jackets once wet are useless. Synthetic fill for bags and jackets, wool or fleece for clothing. Your feet, socks and boots will get soaked. Wool socks and oiled boots are better than goretex. Mole skin for blisters.
Tip #1. Off you ass on you feet, out of the shade and in the heat. Put your gear on your back and go out and enjoy nature with an overnight backpacking trip with your kids or grand kids or friends. Make it a way of life and enjoy making memories.
Tip #2. A pair of trekking poles will save your knees and give you extra balance when carrying a heavy load. You can wrap some electricians tape around a trekking pole and use it for repairs or first aid.
Tip #3. 151 rum will work as a fuel in a pepsi can stove. You can also use the rum for first aid. A pepsi can stove will boil water in a short period of time.
Tip #4. A pair of trekking poles will double as tent poles in a quick setup and take down pup tent when you are also carrying a light weight rain proof nylon tarp.
Tip #5. A pepsi can stove will burn under a pup tent and it wont broadcast much light and can be put out in an instant.
Tip #6. A road flare will start a fire if you are so cold that you can’t hold a match or find dry enough wood for a match to work.
Addition to the bag
136-174/400-480 MHz Dual-Band DTMF CTCSS DCS FM Ham Two Way Radio
and preprogrammed frequencies…
I received mine last week for $42 including shipping. In addition to 70cm and 2meter HAM, it will do GMRS and FRS (@ 2 and 10 times legal limit), emergency responder Tx and Rx frequencies, and receives National Weather Service and commercial FM broadcasts. DO NOT transmit on any unauthorized bands unless true emergency or SHTF.
Click on my user name for more information.
I have two, one stays in Faraday Cage, and the other in my bugout. Can use the solar panel to charge. Also have 12 volt charger/batteries for CR123 and AA batteries. Have programmed in sheriff, rescue, and fire locally of surrounding area and it can be use to scan them. Will try to get license…
Prepared Pastor,
The Baofeng uv-5r on eBay for $50 or less can receive and transmit on 2 meters and 70 cm bands AND the frs/gmrs frequencies AND both bands of police, fire and emergency, AND the five MURS frequencies. You need only a ham technician license to be legal on most, but you should not use the emergency bands ever unless in dire straights. And you can receive commercial FM stations while monitoring the local police band – the police calls will interupt the music.
This is a prepper’s dream.
Finally, you can for about $25 buy a 5 foot fixed antenna for the two ham bands, or another fpr the gmrs emergency bands, that will remarkedly improve communication distance. Look for Ed Fong on eBay under ham antennas.
Sure, the baofeng has a lot of features that my kenwood handheld does not have, and the handbook would have been better I Chinese, but it is my go to comm. K5ATB if you want to contact me.
Bug out bag? Where are we going? When the shtf there’s no place immune. Life continues to go on and it will suck. You will still have to work or seek out a living while you worry about gang style home invasions. Again read the book by Ferfal. Gives an account of Argentinas economic collapse in early 2000.
Tip # 2
Ski poles from the thrift store are about 10$ and will not fold when you fall on them like my 60$ collapsable REI ones did. I also use wool as Rick sugests. when its wet it still insulates. Also goretex seams/threads stretch and leak after you trip and fall in them 2-3 hundred times… which you will if your blazing.
I know what you mean about the REI trekking poles. I’ve had my share of bent ones. I do still get them for snow shoeing. They have a disk that fits on the bottom of the pole that works like a snow shoe and keeps the pole from sinking in. For hiking I use fishing rod blanks and glue a rod handle on them.
I don’t ski and I can’t recall ever seeing a ski pole, do they have the snow shoe foot on them?
Yes they do. I also use them for snow shoeing. I use redfeather 9×30 shoes.
you can carry way more ammo than 50-100 of .22…just sayin
I think the .22LR is highly underrated as a survival weapon in a SHTF situation.
In fact, I will go so far as to say that if I could only take ONE firearm with me, it would probably be a .22 rifle….and a bolt-action at that. A good semi….maybe…..A Sig 522 for instance, comes with a folding stock. Very compact.
I know that a bolt action .22LR would DEFINITELY be my choice in a rural area. If my bug-out route were to take me through a lot of urban territory, then the semi-auto would probably be more desirable.
No….a .22LR is not a “one-shot stopper” if you are aiming at the torso. But a head-shot will put anyone down.
I am thinking in terms of having to be on foot. If you think ammo is hard to find now, wait until TSHTF. Chances are, what you can carry with you may be all you will see for a LONG time. It’s much easier to hump a 500 round brick of .22LR than it is to carry even 200 rounds of .223. And forget about larger calibers. Try humping 200 rounds of .308 and see if you aren’t cursing it before you’ve gone 5 miles…not to mention that a rifle in .308 will probably weigh more than 2X or 3X as much as the .22 rifle.
I assure you that if you shoot at someone with a .22 rifle, they are not going to say, “Ooh….he only has a .22” A 32gr. slug traveling at 1200-1400fps can be a great deterrent. And as I said…a head-shot is a “one shot stopper”. Aim small, miss small.
Also….a .22 has a much, much smaller sound signature. Forget about what you see in the movies with the sound suppressed AR’s and high-powered rifles. The main purpose for sound suppression in those weapons is more to reduce hearing loss of the shooter than to quiet the weapon so it can’t be heard. Your enemy will still recognize suppressed high-powered weapons. But a suppressed .22 is a different story. Background noise…if there is enough of it…is enough to make the suppressed .22 virtually silent.
Even without a suppressor, a .22 has a much lower sound signature……which means it’s harder to tell where a shot came from.
The object in a bug-out situation during SHTF is to AVOID confrontation. Yes….an AR with a 30 round magazine (and a dozen spares) is more desirable in an all-out firefight. But if you get yourself into that kind of situation, you are very likely screwed anyway. If you have to end up using a weapon, your best course is to fire one…or at most….a of couple rounds (which may serve to discourage or slow down your attacker/s) and then get the hell out of Dodge. Shoot and move. Shoot and move. Unless you are absolutely cornered, attempting to stand your ground is absolute suicide.
And as for using a .22 in a rural environment……it is perfectly capable of taking virtually any game you want to go after. The key is shot placement. Again…head-shots will rule the day. As has been mentioned….the .22LR is the preferred weapon of poachers for a reason. If you take a deer with a high powered rifle, you’ve just announced to everyone within a mile or two at the least that ….1. you are there 2. You may have just scored some grub. In some conditions, you can fire a .22LR and it’s possible that someone even just a few hundred yards away will not hear the shot….and if they do, they will have a harder time figuring out where it came from.
Granted….this is just my opinion….but I’ve given this a lot of thought.
7.62 x 39 is my choice because 5.56/223 is made for tumble/roll. 7.62 doesn’t stop and will go through all of bodies if they are lined up at your front door trying to get in. I’ll deal with the extra weight to have a larger caliber but in the end its what ever you feel comfortable with.
Indy, only the big stuff with an M1 bayonet backed up with 8 rounds of black tips.
Semper Fi
If they’re at your front door, you haven’t bugged out the back door yet.
My kind of guy, Walt.
I too, like the .22. Don’t leave home without it. I’ve got all kinds of them. In the rifle I like my Remington Nylon .22 the best (short-barelled .22 Kit gun is just fine, if you’re a pistol shooter) Semi-auto, the Remington never misfires. Iron sights only. Loaded spare tubes allows one to load it like the old Spencer. Some of the Civil War types with the Spencer had Blakeslee boxes with loaded spare tubes for fast reloading (ten, seven shot tubes per box.)
The Remington holds 16 rounds and ten tubes hold 160 rounds for fast reloading.
For sound suppression in the Remington you’ve got to contend with the bolt cycling and that makes an extra sound.
If I want sound suppression I use by M1 Garand. I load a lead 170 grain bullet with a very light load of Unique giving me about 800 fps. One hole accuracy at 50 yards and the bolt doesn’t cycle. I also carry the lightweight Lee portable loader, dies, scales, primers, a pound of Unique and some lead bullets for squirrels and such.
I’m old, but I still do my pushups. I said before on these pages: An H harness, pistol belt, two canteens and 4 bandoleers (192 rounds {13.5 pounds} with black tips, soft points and squibbs.)
Semper Fi
Wise choice, Walt.
Here’s some back-up for you.
Filter thru a cornucopia of video evidence and be justified.
You’re right!
Opinions on night vision? Something I don’t have yet. Please no info on the $2600 kind. Not doable. Thanks
Cabela’s sells a small handheld monocular-type night vision scope.Runs on 3 AAA batteries.
Good info, Walt.
Keep an edge on your bayonet. The Korea era bayonet has good steel and it fits both the 03-A3 and M1 Garand.
Semper Fi
With a full moon a good pair of binoculars works well. Just another reason for a good light gathering binocular.
Semper Fi
Listen to Redbeard.
Likely 1st(+) gen Russian stuff, but its better than nothing.
Remove batteries when not in use and never activate in daylight or a lighted room.
Avoid Israeli mfgrd. junk at all costs!!!
Great post Mac! Hadn’t considered putting duct tape in my bag, although its required in my home and vehicles. Otherwise, looks a lot like our bags!
I have a suggestion for duct tape.
Instead of putting a roll…or partial role in your bag…which takes up a lot of room, take an old credit card and transfer your duct tape to it. This serves to flatten the duct tape out so that it takes up less room in your pack. I do the same thing with electrical tape and medical tape as well. You won’t get a whole roll of tape onto the card, but you can get several yards. And you can make up multiple cards and keep them in different locations.
Excellent material, thank you.
Just a few extras I have in my kit, things I also carry when I go camping in the Colorado Canyon, or the Sierras.
I always carry a good, sharp saw-back machete (Ontario Knoves), two saws (a folding saw from Milwaukee and a chain saw, rolled up in a flat tin can), a folding shovel and a hatchet (Black Widow).
Other than the tritium compass I also carry a GPS.
I also found that knee protectors, bandanas and strong work gloves come in handy, as well as a good first aid kit.
Also, if you are camping out far from civilization, I use the small bells and fishing line from the fishing kit to set up a tripwire based alarm system around the tent, and place mothballs around the tent: bears, mountain lions just can’t stand the smell … 😉
One other thing that folks need to consider…..
Buy the very best quality you can afford in anything you get.
Your life will depend on the durability and quality of the stuff you’ve got in your kit.
I see bug-out kits advertised, and when I look at what is being sold I often cringe.
For example….someone will put a kit together and they’ll buy a cheap $10 knife that will break on them when put to use. At the very least it will dull quickly and it will become darn near impossible to get the edge back. Take the time….do some research and buy a good quality knife that will stand up to abuse. And stay away from hollow handled Rambo styled “survival knives”. They are almost guaranteed to break. It’s hard to go wrong with knives made by companies like Ontario, Esee, Kabar..and if you have the funds…go for something by Busse Combat, Swamprat Knives or Scrapyard Knives. Their blades are pretty darn near indestructible. is another great source. Excellent, functional tools at a reasonable price.
Consider getting a good quality Axe as well. And don’t scrimp on this either. Huskvarna, Wetterlings, Gransfors Bruks all make excellent axes. Even Condor Tool and Knife makes a good axe at reasonable cost.
The important thing is to do the research and buy the best you can afford. Youtube almost always has some good videos of people doing reviews on equipment. Look for videos by Equip2Endure. Those guys do really good reviews and comparison tests of all kinds of outdoor gear.
Consider a Wyoming Saw as well. They break down to a very small size. And it’s much easier to saw a log, than it is to chop a log….and less dangerous.
All your other gear should be the best quality you can afford.
Equipment failure during a recreational camp out may just be an inconvenience. During SHTF….it is downright unforgiving.
Over the weekend, we came four votes away from the United States Senate giving our Constitutional rights over to the United Nations. In a 53-46 vote, the senate narrowly passed a measure that will stop the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. The Statement of Purpose from the bill read: To uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. The U.N. Small Arms Treaty, which has been championed by the Obama Administration, would have effectively placed a global ban on the import and export of small firearms. The ban would have affected all private gun owners in the U.S., and had language that would have implemented an international gun registry on all private guns and ammo. Astonishingly, 46 of our United States Senators were willing to give away our Constitutional rights to a foreign power. Here are the 46 senators that voted to give your rights to the U.N. Baldwin (D-WI) Baucus (D-MT) Bennet (D-CO) Blumenthal (D-CT) Boxer (D-CA) Brown (D-OH) Cantwell (D-WA) Cardin (D-MD) Carper (D-DE) Casey (D-PA) Coons (D-DE) Cowan (D-MA) Durbin (D-IL) Feinstein (D-CA) Franken (D-MN) Gillibrand (D-NY) Harkin (D-IA) Hirono (D-HI) Johnson (D-SD) Kaine (D-VA) King (I-ME) Klobuchar (D-MN) Landrieu (D-LA) Leahy (D-VT) Levin (D-MI) McCaskill (D-MO) Menendez (D-NJ) Merkley (D-OR) Mikulski (D-MD) Murphy (D-CT) Murray (D-WA) Nelson (D-FL) Reed (D-RI) Reid (D-NV) Rockefeller (D-WV) Sanders (I-VT) Schatz (D-HI) Schumer (D-NY) Shaheen (D-NH) Stabenow (D-MI) Udall (D-CO) Udall (D-NM) Warner (D-VA) Warren (D-MA) Whitehouse (D-RI) Wyden (D-OR) Hello All, here is the list of all the TRAITORS in the U. S. Senate, People this needs to go viral. These Senators voted to let the UN take our guns. They need to lose the election. We have been betrayed. 46 Senators Voted to Give your 2nd Amendment Constitutional Rights to the U.N.
Is there a specific reason all those voters are Dems??
What’s up with that?
JJ, dems are commies. So are most of the rest.
Yep, 3 counties in Washington state seem to control the other 35 counties. We have a hard time here getting the Dems out of office on the west side, need about 80,000 GOP voters and it will work.
Almost forgot: in the bottom of the pack I have three 55 gallon drum liners, and in the top pockets of the field jacket I have binoculars and a scanner (radio).
Take apart old hard drives. The Platinum coated disks are used for signal mirrors, reflecting heat from a Pepsi can stove, and for personal hygiene.
And don’t forget about the two super strong magnets that are inside the hard drive….they have hundreds of uses.
I’ve not read all the comments, but in all reality, most people are going to have to “bug in”. If everything goes up in flames, the roads will be clogged, food scarce, etc. People need to make sure they have a way to purify water, have plenty of food stored, etc. I have bug out property that I own outright, but it is in a rural area 450 miles from where I’m employed. Getting there would be a nightmare of magnificent proportion. I’m convinced most folks will have to hunker down, and hopefully they have like minded neighbors. I hope and pray that it doesn’t come to that, but reality points otherwise. It is a sad situation, but there are so many stupid people in this country that they would rather concentrate on what someone cares about their idiotic post on Facebook. I along with most of my friends see the righting on the wall, and that being said, with God on our side, maybe we can survive. When it turns ugly thhough, it will be fast, catching most unaware. I have access to clean water, do my fair share of hunting, but if it comes between me and you, and you have not had the foresight to prepare, well, sorry, you will be out of luck when you want to come bumming. Too many handout types that think no further than their next welfare check and foodstamps. This train is full speed ahead and will sooner than later going to run off the tracks. Sad indeed.
Cities will look like bombed out WWII cities. The destruction will be due to fire.
Have multiple caches. Hide them well.
What’s sad are folks that think like this and I don’t mean to single you out but since you brought it up.
It doesn’t take much time to prepare for a disaster so it’s a wise thing to do but letting it slant your perspective about life and humanity probably does more damage to society in the long run than the actual disaster.
We’re only here to learn to co-exist with others and enjoy life and in the end we will all pass on. I’d rather help as many as I can (who can end up in a bad way either from their own lack of planning or from just bad luck.) It could be you that needs the help if something happens. If we lose our humanity then we’ve already become extinct and deserve it.
The writing has been on the wall for thousands of years (billions/millions really) but most likely it will happen past our lifetimes. It’s good to leave a good legacy to friends and family and maybe help them when the time comes (or help just from what you prepared) but in the end we still die and if it comes down to total anarchy where only 1% of us survive then I feel sorry for the 1% left to try and survive. It’s happened before and it will happen again but what will sustain our species is our humanity (and luck) and not our ruthless will to survive.
Something Brandon Smith at alt-market wrote that tries in well with this article.
If I were going to bug out I would prepare a couple of bicycles for my wife and I to carry as large a load as possible. The only essential item I would add to the list is an can build just about anything with one and they are excellent self defense tools. I am going to stay home and defend from there. I have deceided to speak with my long time neighbor and friend and make a defense plan. If I can find one or two others that are serious about making plans and demonstrating so by their supplies/planning, I think it will work. There is no way that a one family can survive in an all out everyone for themselves senerio. We will eventually have to depend on others to help us, I plan on cultivating these plans now before shtf.
You bet, a community is going to do much better than some loner family holed up in their house. You need to be able to put labor in the field to plant and harvest, gather wood, distribute it all, stand watches constantly, and fill out a squad or better of defenders.
The MacGuyver articles are good for a laugh. They are meaningless to 99% of the population, already known to .9%, and do little more than spark visions of the apocalypse in the remaining .1%.
Nice graphic
Doesn’t print worth spit (missing pieces)
Needs a list of the items
Better yet, buy a search and rescue manual, add self protection items and your done.
A little further up in the comments I made a few remarks regarding my Ruger 10/22. I said I just got some Williams fire sights, a swivel set, and a sling to go with what’s on there now. I just picked up the rifle from the gun shop, after getting the new firesights put on there. 1000 percent improvement. They’re tritium irons that make shooting much faster. Combined with the bolt release and mag release I have on it, I’ve got a great little rifle. Here’s the link to the stuff I bought. I very highly recommend everyone get these upgrades:
Williams firesights (3 dot, for about 20 dollars)
Here’s the auto bolt release (about 9 dollars):
tactical barrel band (37 dollars, not necessary but useful if you want a bipod):
Extended mag release (40 dollars. expensive, but worth it):
Swivel set for adding a sling (12 dollars or so)
A very good quality, very cheap sling:
note, with the swivel set, you need a 1″ wide sling.
Thinking about getting this, if I can see the irons with the mount attached:
This stuff adds up to about 200 dollars. I’ve had this rifle for about 3 years. Got the barrel band, bolt lrease, and extended mag release first. Then got the rest just recently.
The real benefit is the ability to perform a fast tactical reload and get the bolt pushed forward again quickly, which the basic 10/22 can’t do. tritium sights make low-light conditions as well as normal light easier than the standard brass dot front sight and v-shaped rear sight.
This is all bullshit, if you “bug out” the largest weapon you should carry is a handgun because it is easily concealed, here is my list of needed weapons for “bugging out”
1) handgun
2) bow w/ arrows
3) 2 different types of machetes.
then you dont need Off or bugspray because then you’ll just be hurting yourself in the long run.
people, stop buying all of this worthless bullshit and stick with the basics. you dont need a mobile solar battery charger because the most advanced piece of hardware you’d seriously need is your handcrank radio and a set of headphones.
Is there a text version of this great graphic? Is so could someone point me in it’s direction.
Some people may or may not know exactly what a bugout bag is or why they are important to have. This shows a great explaination
Why not just grab one of these?
That way you can play cards and have survival information without the weight.
thats some good advice you have there…thanks for the info…
AWESOME guide for people just getting started; great job!
You political crazies need to wise up. People in general take advantage of any power (it’s human nature) but yet we need organization to stave off anarchy. Take the good with the bad and try not to be a slave to one side or the other or obsess negatively against one side or the other. The president is one person and often is a scape goat for those that need something to focus their anger on. It’ll be the repubs turn next term and 50% of the pop will flip flop. Just remember, that power corrupts and fear of power makes you weak in the head.
I loved this comment. It is my belief that we never figure everything out in life, but some have it figured out better than others. Your perspective is great.
I love the infographic. Who did the artwork?
One question…you recommend a Katydyn water filter. Are those purifiers? Only concerned because in a SHTF scenario you would want protection from the nasty viruses. A case of diarrhea while bugging out would be bad news.
here is another good resource on Bug Out Bags and what you should put in them . . .The Best Bug Out Bag List
Why a Bible?
I was looking for a copy & Paste list. This image won’t even fit on a 81/2 by 11 sheet. I love all the great info in the comments section tho. Keep on keepin’ on!
Kel Tec Sub 2000 9mm
Heck ya fits in the bag and has the most common ammo plus a 9mil pistol aint bad
top part of the infographic…
further is used “further your education”
“further hone your defense skills”
farther is used for distance.
“carry your bag farther”
“walk farther”
This is awesome! It’s laid out like one of those graphics from the Old Boy Scout Manual. Good work!
Jeddak made a rather long comment about helping others rather than planning to steal away and protect yourself. I am of two minds about that. Obviously, while I can, I want to help others, because later on, if I find myself in a bind, the laws of sowing and reaping/karma/reciprocal returns tend to weigh in your favor if you do that sort of thing. At the same time, I feel preparedness, which is something I’m only beginning to consider, is important. While the bug out bag depicted in this graphic neglects little aside from a hand gun, some salt and a Jar or two of peanut butter, it may be a little too much in a situation where you have to really bug out.
over a decade ago, I was caught completely unprepared when a large seasonal storm hit the region of the world I was living in at the time. I was in the process of replacing an exterior wall of my house, (I had ripped the entire wall off and replaced about half of it), when a friend pulled up to the shore in front of my house in a skiff said there was a class 5 storm headed directly for us and told me I had 5 minutes to get my wife and my two toddlers in the boat with anything we needed to bring. We had a place to go and people that were prepared to feed a group of twenty or thirty people for two or three weeks if necessary. We left the house as it was, with instructions to my helpers that if they were going to stay, then to complete the wall and put a tarp on it, and if not, then just leave it as it was and bug out. The storm never hit directly, but between the surge and the rain that accompanied it, we had massive flooding that had killed livestock, wiped out crops, destroyed food stores people had on hand, etc…
Upon our return to our home, we found that the indigenous people in our village, due to the kindness we had always shown them, had kept looters from our house, finished the replacement of the wall and secured all the doors and kept a constant watch over our property. We brought a 100 pound sack of dried beans, another of dried rice plus some staples to keep house, with us when we returned. I told my wife that these things would be scarce soon and she was to keep it all on lockdown and to conserve it all.
Some people have the heart to protect themselves and some people have the heart to help others, but the two are sometimes mutually exclusive things. My wife would rather die than to keep food secreted away while others didn’t have any. So when she saw a neighbor with no food, she would give that neighbor a pound or two of rice. This went on without me knowing about it for a day or two and suddenly I noticed we our dry food was only three quarters of what it had been. This could have begun an epic fight between my wife and I, but after a few cross words between us, I realized that she was right. I didn’t have the heart to keep food for the future when friends around me were starving. Sowing and reaping won out.
Long story even longer, when the foreign military helicopters began to bring in the relief food, the advance guards that were left there every morning to protect the LZ from rioters, asked for a flushing toilet. Since we were the only ones in the village or for the surrounding 5 mile radius with one of those, we were happy to invite them to use ours, as it was also an opportunity to get news from the outside world. This turned into a regular thing over the next week and the LZ guard teams began to use our house, conveniently located only 100 yards from the LZ, as a hangout between chopper visits. Once the storage houses where the relief supplies were stored was opened up for orderly distribution to the families in the area, the indigenous people were told this was only for them. Well, they began to make an impromptu census for the purposes of equal distribution and a fairly large contingent of the natives stood up and planned to walk out of the proceedings unless our family of Americans was included in the list. Their reasoning was that, because we had shared what we had, they should share what they were given. Not to mention that the soldiers who had stayed with us began to collect all the unused items from the MREs of all their battalion at their base, so they could bring those to us. They brought us 5 or 6 boxes of unused MREs and portions of MREs. They also asked us if there was anything else they could bring us, and since we were interested in what was going on elsewhere in the region and the world, they collected a bunch of magazines such as Newsweek, US News and World Report, etc… I feel that because we decided to share what we had with those that needed it, God made sure He provided for us, too.
You may not believe in God, and that’s okay, but whether I’m wrong and there is no God, or whether I’m right and He DOES exist, you can’t tell me the law of reciprocal returns doesn’t work.
Preparedness for survival is a good thing, but never sacrifice morality. If you see someone in need and can afford to help them, even if it hurts you a little, you might consider doing it. You will be rewarded in the long run, in one way or another.
Ok. Think spartan people. You will not get along very well with a 50+ lb pack. Most people who would carry all of this are not thinking about the actual situation that they are prepping for. Zombie BS, NO. Natural disaster, power outage, mass histeria…most likely if at all. Think water, food, medical, shelter, fire, weapon(???), currency, clothing and most of all a plan. Unless you are going on an extended hiking trip most of the above materials won’t be needed. 72 hours is sufficient for most situations. However, If anything have a means of getting to all of the above materials, not carry them all with you to god knows where. is an excellent source of information. The website has a list of states effected by a natural disaster. It gives accurate information as to what to expect and how to prepare. Here’s more websites worth reading up on:
Think realistic. Get educated. Be prepared.