10 Essential Skills Necessary for Survival

by | Feb 15, 2010 | Emergency Preparedness

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    Preparing for emergencies and disasters involves much more than just stock piling canned goods and freeze dried foods. Whether you are in rural America or in suburbia, consider learning some new skills this year. If you ever need to barter for goods, your skills may be the best monetary unit you possess. Oh, and they might even save your life!

    Tess Pennington of Ready Nutrition provides some recommendations in 10 Essential Skills Necessary for Survival:

    Although it is important to be prepared for disaster situations, many are not adequately trained to handle the disaster situations in which they find themselves. Having the proper skills and training will provide an individual with a well diversified knowledge base on how to survive during and after a disaster.

    • Medical Training
    • Disaster Training
    • Gardening Skills
    • Firearm Certification and Training
    • Canning and Food Preparation
    • Amateur Radio Classes
    • Sewing Classes
    • Outdoor Survival Skills Courses
    • Candle/Soap making Conventions
    • Hunting Skills

    To read more about each skill-set and find information related to your specific area of the country including organizations, training, and more resources, we recommend you read the full article.


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