This article was written by Tyler Durden and originally published at Zero Hedge.
Editor’s Comment: Even the high profile, mainstream economic experts are beginning to scream that the sky is falling, and that the next wave of economic hardship is upon us. Probably better to just get it over with and start rebuilding, as long as they put the right people on trial this time for crashing the system.
Until the reset comes, the rest of us are debt slaves and spectators to financial ruin. Great fortunes will soon rise and fall…
Carl Icahn Warns “Meltdown In High Yield Is Just Beginning”
by Tyler Durden
Amid the biggest weekly collapse in high-yield bonds since March 2009, Carl Icahn gently reminds investors that he saw this coming… and that it’s only just getting started!
As we warned here, and confirmed here, something has blown-up in high-yield…
With the biggest discount to NAV since 2011…
The carnage is across the entire credit complex… with yields on ‘triple hooks’ back to 2009 levels…
As fund outflows explode..
And here’s why equity investors simply can’t ignore it anymore…
If all of that wasn’t bad enough… the week is apocalyptic…
Icahn says, it’s only just getting started…
If you haven’t seen ‘Danger Ahead’ watch it on Unfortunately I believe the meltdown in High Yield is just beginning
— Carl Icahn (@Carl_C_Icahn) December 11, 2015
He followed up with a brief appearance on CNBC:
As we detailed previously, to be sure, no one ever accused Carl Icahn of being shy and earlier this year he had a very candid sitdown with Larry Fink at whom Icahn leveled quite a bit of sharp (if good natured) criticism related to BlackRock’s role in creating the conditions that could end up conspiring to cause a meltdown in illiquid corporate credit markets. Still, talking one’s book speaking one’s mind is one thing, while making a video that might as well be called “The Sky Is Falling” is another and amusingly that is precisely what Carl Icahn has done. Over the course of 15 minutes, Icahn lays out his concerns about many of the issues we’ve been warning about for years and while none of what he says will come as a surprise (especially to those who frequent these pages), the video, called “Danger Ahead”, is probably worth your time as it does a fairly good job of summarizing how the various risk factors work to reinforce one another on the way to setting the stage for a meltdown. Here’s a list of Icahn’s concerns:
- Low rates and asset bubbles: Fed policy in the wake of the dot com collapse helped fuel the housing bubble and given what we know about how monetary policy is affecting the financial cycle (i.e. creating larger and larger booms and busts) we might fairly say that the Fed has become the bubble blower extraordinaire. See the price tag attached to Picasso’s Women of Algiers (Version O) for proof of this.
- Herding behavior: The quest for yield is pushing investors into risk in a frantic hunt for yield in an environment where risk free assets yield at best an inflation adjusted zero and at worst have a negative carrying cost.
- Financial engineering: Icahn is supposedly concerned about the myopia displayed by corporate management teams who are of course issuing massive amounts of debt to fund EPS-inflating buybacks as well as M&A. We have of course been warning about debt fueled buybacks all year and make no mistake, there’s something a bit ironic about Carl Icahn criticizing companies for short-term thinking and buybacks as he hasn’t exactly been quiet about his opinion with regard to Apple’s buyback program (he does add that healthy companies with lots of cash should repurchases shares).
- Fake earnings: Companies are being deceptive about their bottom lines.
- Ineffective leadership: Congress has demonstrated a remarkable inability to do what it was elected to do (i.e. legislate). To fix this we need someone in The White House who can help break intractable legislative stalemates.
- Corporate taxes are too high: Inversions are costing the US jobs.
Ultimately what Icahn has done is put the pieces together for anyone who might have been struggling to understand how it all fits together and how the multiple dynamics at play serve to feed off one another to pyramid risk on top of risk. Put differently: one more very “serious” person is now shouting about any and all of the things Zero Hedge readers have been keenly aware of for years. Full video below.
* * * Finally, here is Bill Gross also chiming in:
Gross: HY Fund closes exit doors. Who will get in if you can’t get out? Risk off. — Janus Capital (@JanusCapital) December 11, 2015
Too many things going on to not crash and burn…
Reset and start from scratch again…
Not till just before the election next year !
It’s a scheduled event .
Is that the time frame? About 9 months? Im not very savvy on this topic, a part of me says it will happen sooner than that?
No recovery can happen under existing conditions. Must be a total reset. Not happy with starting all over at my age but at least I prepped for it and will be ahead of the game than most.
Big B
YUP, in the same boat with you, getting to old for this crap, been prepping for long time, BUT not looking forward to what is about to happen, only thing to look forward to is maybe my kids and there children will have a future!! hope i live long enough to see the new reset!
Here is some factoids I gathered from another site. The world is about to burn:
1. Investors in high-yield bonds are expecting to see their first negative return since the start of the credit crisis in 2008.
2. Factory orders continue to drop
3. Default risk spikes
4. M&A set record
5. Iron ore prices tumble
6. Baltic dry shipping index tumbles
Here is how to prepare.
Here is how to get your mind off this stuff.
Same boat. Long time prepper and tried of it all.
The hurry up is over and now the waiting begins. Can’t do anymore till it all shit starts happening.
i just want to live long enuff to say “I TOLE YUH SOOO!”. right now i just have to put my hands over my mouth and giggle into them, because nobody listens….it’s HAPPENING! as we write, it’s unfolding right now, and to the dimwits that can’t see it, yer about to git left on the side of the road, naked, and BLEEDING, from an orifice! financial engineering INDEED! right now i feel like i been given the heimlich maneuver by barney fwank.
The I told You So, is a favorite saying but I want them to say,
1 What the hell is that?
(Firefight commences!)
2 Do you see that?
3 Don’t want none of that.
I was looking on the internet at pictures of improvised weapons and came across a group of fighters using a large slingshot made of welded angle iron.
In other words we be fooked!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Baltic dry goods index is tanking
its been tankig for a while now. its just another lg on the fire at this point.
FBN said the credit market bubble is bursting.
Junk bonds are tanking.
Same shit, new day…
Won’t pretend to understand those charts. Do understand this: there is no safe place to put your money (if you have some) besides for hard assets. Get out of debt. Own your home outright if possible. Same goes for vehicles and toys. Have some cash on hand. More importantly, have the basics of life on hand.
Years ago we had a CD that paid out around 6% and we were scoffed at for not having that money riding on riskier things. Even if I could get 3% risk free right now, I would not be buying as many food preps as I am. It just makes more sense now to invest in the food, which has a very high chance historically of just continuing to rise in price. With 0% interest for us working folks, it is no wonder that the velocity of money is down.
I don’t really understand all the charts and graphs
What I do understand is the smell of shit when it’s flung
And when the money I make ain’t worth the shit I smell
“Until the reset comes, the rest of us are debt slaves and spectators to financial ruin. Great fortunes will soon rise and fall…”
To point out. I believe that the word “RESET” is being used in place of Crash or Collapse. I say this because a few new readers have asked for clarity in its usage/description.
I don’t remember any other writer using this word to describe what awaits us. I read plenty of commentary.
While many here have used this word/term in plenty of our comments for some time.
Anybody add to this. Am I mistaken?
sling –
I think many of the financial guys use the term “reset” as a PC way of saying crash. Couple months ago I read (forget where) that the crash or collapse is the result of a reset. The explanation went on to define reset as a”return to true market valuations”.
Not being a financial wizard myself, it all spells SHTF to me.
Chuck in Bama
Thought we might have coined it here at SHTF.
sling –
The term very well could have been coined here, and the word spread! I’m sure the boys in gov’t & Wall street weren’t clever enough to come up with it.
At least the schmuck who wrote the article I read had half a brain that kinda worked to be able to make the distinction he made.
I can’t add anything but that he crash will e a result of the banking and fed’s present policies that will have to be chucked and pre fed rues apply.
If you ever had a Nintendo freeze up back in the day, you’ll remember it had 2 buttons. Power and Reset. And if the Reset button didn’t do it you’d have to take out the cartridge and blow on it. Funny how everyone figured that out independently without the internet.
Ineffective leadership is what I see. You can’t micromanage your employees they will throw out the anchor and produce nothing. I’ve said how long can this go on before the machine breaks down. When it does people will do nothing and the so called leadership gets away with it. I’ve seen it so many times. Corporations take advantage of workers and gov. They pay workers squat and they end up on gov programs to supplement their lives. Fuck corporations I’m glad their taxes are high. They get what they deserve. They all cry poverty while the CEOs get huge bonuses. Larger booms and busts sounds about right and they don’t care as long as they get their $. Your just the help. They are gonna get rid of you when they are done with you.
Because you’ve given so much of yourself to the company that you don’t have anything left we can use.
Ok, Ok. We get the message. It’s going to go to crap. Oh wait it all ready did. Some of us just haven’t felt it yet!!!
That’s kinda where I’m at with this
women in grece are selling themselves for the price of a sandwich and here walmart is still got people walking out with new flatscreens daily; we have a way to go.
What makes anybody think a reset will be
it’s possible what is needed is to make serfs out of the whole country with debts they spend he rest of their lives paying.
we’ll see
you may have a point, BUT, IF the NWO wants to reduce the world pop. then that means MASS death and only a few will becoome serfs to many wealthy that would be left, NOW I am NOT saying it will happen that way I am saying that is there plan, OUR plan is to stop them and take our country back. we will see how the tide flows!
have a good day! who knows when it will go away.
Haven’t had a vehicle payment in 5 years I keep up on maintenence with it. People trade vehicles in way too soon nowadays they miss out on the years of no payments to rush into payments again just for new vehicle. A huge reason they never save $. Housing is another people’s rents are as high as a mortgage and they will never own the place. Live within your means and you should be able to put away a few bucks here and there do things to save yourself on labor related costs like fix your own car if you have the knowhow and tools. Home repairs yourself it’s not hard to do. The garden and hunting meat to save on food costs. I save all my change in a jar it adds up when you throw a days worth of change in their daily. gonna get a big spool of Paracord with some of my change. Could get 100 rnds of pistol ammo for roughly the same price. Maybe grab a couple oz of silver bouillon. Just some options. Scrap some metal for spare cash too here and there. Work all the overtime I can. Small things add up in time to something substantial. there is no excuse for being unprepared. Banks and corporations will keep up the utopian dream as long as possible but it’s gonna fail eventually take advantage of the good times were in now because ugly is coming.
Thanks for that paragraph full of sound advice! I completely agree with everything you wrote. I personally don’t think the real eset will occur until after Armageddon.
Asshat,good advice,though save 1981 back pennies/nickels,they have true metal value.What you said reminds me of a wise poster and his annoying phrase!He keeps saying”The smalls add up!”.
AH- On the subject of people who always have to have the latest and greatest vehicle… you are so on the money. A relative came over to my house for Thanksgiving. She is going through a divorce so we tried to make the day enjoyable for her and her son. Since her ex is still paying their food bills, she takes out petty cash when she goes to the grocery. He had been hiding money from her for a long time and basically buying toys with his salary while they lived on hers. She is concerned about nickels and dimes now, and this concern animates her conversation. But, when we took a walk out by the lake by way of the front street, she showed me her “new” used car, which she has a $400 monthly payment on. I was shocked. Then we took a ride qround our subdivision in our golf cart… just for fun. We have deer back in here and we can spot all the young bucks right now looking for does if we go out at the right time. I joked and said that the golf cart was my new “ride”. She made a comment about how the golf cart blocked access to my car, a 2002 convertible sitting in the back of a tandem garage. I turned to her, again unbelievingly and said I didn’t mind driving our new SUV most of the time. She was startled because she didn’t realize it was brand new as we bought the same make and color as the 2001 that my husband replaced. (We do that on purpose.) told her that we had walked into the showroom and paid cash for it. She said, “Well, I can’t do that on a teacher’s salary”. I wanted to yell, “Yes you could if you would stop paying interest for 15 years and drive an older car till it wore out.” It took two cycles of driving really embarrasing junkers to get to the point where we can do this, but at this point, it is worth every nasty look we got and bit of duct tape that I used:)
Day late and a dollar short.
I had sort of wondered what the prequel to Rawles’ Patriots series would look like.
No need to wonder any more.
Looks like we’re in for a ride. If you have a bunker you better be headed toward it.
Lets get this shit show on the road and get going. I’m tired of waiting.
Unemployment up a lot even by their numbers. Retail sales up less than a percent. Dry index way down. No stock guru by any means. But the price of oil always tells the tale.
less than $2 a gal should be major red flags to everyone.
Junk bonds have been warning us for days. Hang on to your muffler bearings kids…time for a overhaul.
I’ve been trying to read about survival in economic collapses.
Everyone says, if I could have planned better, I would have had more food stashed away.
If you are new to prepping start by buying extra of the normal food that you eat that has long shelf lives. Buy it when it’s on sale, and rotate it to stay fresh. When it goes on sale again buy more, repeat this until you are running at about 80% of its life is on the shelf. You never want to throw stuff out. Buying on sale will free up money that can be used for further prepping.
There are tricks to improve shelf life. A bag of flour in a ziplock bag in the freezer can keep for years. Even just bagging your flour and freezing it for a week, then putting it back on the shelf can kill critters that will spoil it, you could double its normal life. Olive oil is good for about a year on the shelf, freeze it and it keeps near indefinitely. Keep canned food at a cool dry even temperature and it can remain fresh far beyond its normal shelf life. Shelf life stamped on products is now based on worst case storage conditions or two years which ever is shorter per FDA.
Try to plant long term food crops, I have an asparagus patch the grows along the foundation of my garage. One planting can produce for up to 40 years. Try to find four year old plants if you like this. I’ve also planted raspberries, apples, peaches, filberts and have a thriving vegetable garden. Re the apples, I was able to find two great varieties that will pollinate, honey crisp and gala. The honey crisp are famous for having one of the longest shelf lives after picking.
Planting some of these means waiting a couple years for results. Remember this economic crash could last decades. Stop procrastinating, it is the antithesis of prepping.
I also have a small freezer, it’s always well stocked. I chose one that was small and very efficient. It’s not frost free, but that saves energy and keeps food better. Buying in bulk again saves money, buy more on sale, and use the savings to build your stock. By what you normally eat and rotate it. A small generator saved the $everal week$ of food we had in it when the power went out for a week once. Obama’s unrelenting war on coal will undoubtedly cause brown outs and rolling blackouts as the grid gets overloaded. Work out a way for your generator to run heat, and refrigeration if possible. Picking and operating a generator is a whole discussion of its own for another day.
Once you are done with these things, then start buying some long term stored foods. Sample some and try before buying a lot of something you won’t want to eat. Again watch for sales. Suppliers want to move any aging inventory, so they can always provide goods that still have long shelf lives. Watch for sales with a good discount, I think 30 or 40% off stuff that has only lost 10 or 15% of its shelf life is a bargain.
Learn to garden,can/pressure cook, fish, hunt, ways or preserving meat and fish. Get some chickensleep and a rooster. If you’re worried about the crowing you can get a “no crow rooster coller”. Learn where your local fresh water resources are. Have alternative methods of cooking, disposing of human waste. Plant berries, other fruit, compost and tons of other self sufficiency methodologies. Storing food is okay, self sufficiency is better.
Plan twice, good summation of every basic regarding food.
In our climate (think south Florida only “souther”, storing food is the challenge.
Flour and most everything else you’d normally keep on the shelf at home must be refrigerated, which closes off a lot of space in cold storage.
I’m keeping a fair amount of long term storage #10 cans in a concrete and cement block basement built halfway into the hillside but temps. still reach 82 inside, with humidity about the same, sometimes higher. The only thing that’s spoiled so far is a can of pancake mix and dehydrated eggs. The rest is a mix of beans, rice, staples, pasta, etc. and is doing well.
Thanks to one poster here (cookin’ Mom?) for the advice on storing brown rice in canning jars after heating in the oven. That should help.
It’s all a crap shoot, folks.
On another topic, my posts yesterday vanished after several days of no problems.
For once I’d like to see Mac, or Test, or Eppe (how do you always show up as the first post?) to explain this crap that many of us go through to contribute/participate/ridicule here.
Is it that the system can only send so much data to the nsa at a time? 🙂
Ketch, in my view, I have developed a few rules for myself in posting.
1. Keep it short and nice.
2. Be courtious, no bashing if possible.
3. I hit this site many times in a day.
4. I tell all to thank Mac and Tess for what they have running here.
5. I tell all to read the archives.
6. I try to not post on every article.
7. I may go a few days without posting.
8. I try to post jokes pertaining to the thread, hard to do.
9. We all are human, think on what Mac has to do in spamming posts.
10. Been here for years, maybe I get thru quick because I adopted these rules a long time ago.
I try to place a optimistic end to my post, like….
Bless all here..
Good set of rules.
I do try to post on many of the articles with questions and answers for prepping. There again some topics need
“Thought Provoking Material” to get people to post their opinion. Cover all the angles, so to speak.
Amen sling.
11. Use the same moniker always.
12. Try to use good grammer and spelling.
13. If one provokes a fight, walk away.
14. Play fair in the sandbox.
As for prepping, most all has been posted before, so read the archives, much to learn if one is just starting…
Be well all…
Good advice
I fall out of that sometimes , get pissed spout off
Still end up not feeling any better afterwards
The shit storm we are thrown on a daily basis can really grind one down
I guess if I weren’t paying any attention I could be like those clueless ones
And come on here all positive and stuff
It just keeps looking more bleak as each step the establishment makes
Waiting for the reset or what will set off the conflict before that happens
Really weighs you down
EotS, we all do get bummed out on where this planet is headed.
I have had my share of nasty posters attacking me over the years.
I too have said things here that I regret.
And world affairs get worse daily.
What could be accomplished if all the war money was spent on could be diverted to exploration of space, underwater, inner earth, new power sources, medicine, famine, and all work together for the common good of all???
I know, dreaming again…
Screw it, I am gonna post it here too…
Not mine, mind you, but was funny…
Don’t Shave That Hair!!!
I have recently made a mistake in my life, and I offer my story to you, that you may learn from my error. It all started, as many things do, with me having trouble shitting.
No, I was not constipated; this was not a regularity problem but a matter of technique. It seems my ass-hair had grown to such a length that tiny grogans were constantly getting tied up in the matted jungle between my asscheeks. It led to much frustration, with me KNOWING that I still had something to drop, but unable to shake the tenacious turd loose from its butthair dwelling. Eventually I would have to do two things: either reach down with some paper and try to pinch off the lingering loaf (which required careful precision to avoid smearing the creature all over my rear, especially since I had no way of seeing what I was doing) or just go for broke, start wiping, and hope that I could remove all the leftover fecal matter before the toilet paper reached its Can’t-Be-Flushed threshold.
I was contemplating this problem, when I had what seemed at the time to be a bright idea. “Hey! This is my butt and my butt-hair, right? So why don’t I just eliminate all the hair, and then my grogans will flow out like beer from a keg!” I said to myself. It is a statement that will go down in history with a lot of other regretted statements. “How many Indians could there be?” said by General Custer. “Looks like a good day for a drive!” by JFK. “There! America On-Line now has complete Usenet access!” by some idiot system tech. Such was my anal shaving idea.
I performed the operation that night, with a cheap disposable razor and a towel to sit on. Starting from the bottom, and shaving from the crack to the cheeks, I began the arduous process of ridding my ass of hair. Occassionally, I would have to clean the razor of accumulated hair and miscellaneous slime, which I did by wiping it on the towel. Slowly, my twin mounds and the between-ravine began to resemble the hairless cheeks of a newborn baby. Finally, I wiped the razor one last time, and surveyed my work. The towel was covered with a pile of hair. My ass was smooth as ivory. I smiled, satisfied, thinking my troubles were over.
Little did I know.
I now have a great respect for anal-hair. Like everything in this world God created, it has its mighty purpose in existence. It was only after I had removed it that I started to learn how much I had been taking it for granted. For one, it provides friction. I learned this the next day, when I walked out into the sun heading for class. After climbing two flights of stairs and starting to sweat, I started to notice something unpleasant. The sweat was accumulating in my crack, and was causing the unpleasant sensation of my two asscheeks sliding past each other with every step. I thought about going to the bathroom and wiping it off, but had to get to class. Eventually, I thought, it would dry.
Unfortunately, it did dry, but only after mingling with the microscopic shit- molecules lingering around my brown starfish. When I stood up after class, my cheeks were stuck together with a slimy sticky shit/sweat combination. As I made my way back to my dorm, it started to itch. God-DAMN, did it itch! Felt like a swarm of ants was making its way up and down my crack. Fighting to keep from jamming my hand down there and scratching away, I rushed back to the dorm.
Unfortunately again, this exertion caused me to sweat, and when I finally reached my room, my cheeks were sliding back and forth against each other like a pair of horny cane-toads. I quickly dropped my pants, and attempted to dry my ass off by sticking it in front of a fan and spreading my cheeks. As I pulled the two mounds of flesh apart, a horrible stench burst free and filled the room. Every dog within a 4 block radius started to howl. I had it worst of all, as the ripe aroma of festering shit/sweat went into the fan and blew back into my face. I fought to keep from heaving. And as I sat there, fighting vomit, my ass cheeks spread and dripping, with the concentrated aroma of my body odor mixed with the tangy smell of my own shit blowing right into my face, I had only one thought: “It will be like this until the hair grows back. Weeks.”
Later on, trying to deal as best I could, wiping my ass at every opportunity, I discovered another wonderful use for ass-hair – ventilation. I attempted to launch a fart, only to have it get stuck between my asscheeks. Apparently, with no hair, the two pink twins can get vacuum sealed together, and the result was a frustrating fart that slid up and down between my cheeks like a lost gerbil.
As if that wasn’t enough, I am now enduring further torture. As anyone who has ever shaved anything knows, when hair is first growing in, it comes in as stubble. Imagine your ass having the texture of a brillo pad. Well, that is what I am dealing with now. It is a hellish torture, and there are many times when I just look out the window and contemplate why I shouldn’t just jump out and get it all over with in one fleshy splat, rather than endure this constant agony.
i can’t remember EVER having a post not show up here…that mac is one tolerant sumbich! (thanks, mac!)
Me neither. Mac does a great job and lets us vent way more than most places. Where else could acid post and be tolerated for his occaissional gems?
This what you want this is what you get
I think the name of the song is order of death.
PTPO: Very good advice, but you must be able to protect it and yourself. Growing and preserving is a full time job in itself, but for me you left out the most important thing source of clean water. Without that your spinning your wheels.
I’ve made it a point to read articles on water problems in bankrupt Detroit.
In Detroit only a small percent of people pay their water bills anymore, but the state has stepped in to keep pumping water for the also bankrupt water company. Cutting off fresh water could be interpreted as a crime against humanity if people start dying.
That said people absolutely need enough water to weather a significant outage due to disasters.
Should the government ever fail to step in during a crisis to reestablish fresh water supplies that are cut off for any reason, would be a serious sign that the government has essentially declared war on you, and likely they either want you dead, or the disaster is even too big for them to handle, like a total electrical grid collapse.
Alternate water supplies absolutely are a must. Very close to me is a pristine spring fed lake, that is one of my planned alternates. Water in that lake is likely better quality than my city tap water. In an EOTWAWKI situation that would require me to resort to it, that lake water may also end up fouled by people dumping bodies in the lake, yes I expect it to be that bad if the taps stop flowing. The water will need to be boiled or chlorinated so it doesn’t kill you.
I have planned for lack of water, but that is a regional thing where the solution for me is not the solution for the rest of the country.
Found a WND article from the middle of 2014 where the UN threatened to step in because Detroit was shutting off water for nonpayment.
ht tp://
(Remove space http to make link work.
Anyway it supports my premise that shutting off the water including not making huge efforts to restore water and sewer service after a disaster would be an international humanitarian crime.
This is one topic to watch as the economic disaster widens across the US and Americans can’t pay their bills.
Off Topic: Make My Day…I read your reply post to the fool anonamous last nite…I have concluded that this particular anon as well as a few other fool trolls has one major thing in common…IE: that being is if somebody could remove their brains, and place their brain into a JayBird, the damn thing would fly Backwards!
Off Topic; Make My day… I read anonamous replies to me last nite and have concluded that if I were indeed changed into fertilizer, whatever I was put on would die!
High yield = High risk.
Before making high risk investments, compare your odd on them with the odds on a Los Vegas slot machine.
Las Vegas may turn out to have the better odds in the long run.
Off Topic:
Can someone please explain why evangelical leaders supporting a non-NBC Cruz are against Trump, a proven NBC, when there is a Muslim in the White House?
Are they trying to close the barn door 7 years too late?
Where were they when the fraud stomped on our religious rights??
I am having trouble here posting? Trouble??
Thanks for all the comments and advice left here!I left the Cooperate world a couple of years ago now, I was tired of feeding the “beast”, they can make their money etc. without my help.
I paid a substantial amount in taxes, paid off my home etc. Started a small business mostly selling preparedness supplies, and firearms etc. Put a fairly large solar power system (6600 watts) with batteries on my home and bought more food storage, and am no where near ready for what is likely coming.
Don’t ignore the warnings, something is coming, and it’s going to be tough for everyone, just keep in mind of who the real enemy is is the coming battle. The battle is between good and evil what ever it looks like, it is not one people against another, its those who choose to make things better and help others verses those who will kill and rape and steal with out thought. The oldest battle of all. That being said, I bet I have more arms and ammunition etc. Than most of the peppers out there, I just hope and pray that when SHTF and people go crazy, they stay civilized enough I can share what I have stored, and not have to kill them to protect my family and community. We need to advance and work together as communities, individually we will fall. If you can’t trust your neighbors at all, it’s time to move.
Do what you can, if you even gather a 1 month supply of food, that is less someone else will have to share with you out of their supplies. Chose to help one another, choose to turn to God, what ever your faith. Pray for his mercy and blessings.
Note: when people come in my store, and see the workers are armed, they often ask if we need to use the guns often, I tell them the guns are here to help good people remember they are good people, so we don’t ever need to use them. They than laugh a bit when they ask to look at some stragicly placed shot guns in the displays, and I tell them that one is not for sale, they know it’s loaded and ready to rock and roll.
Get yourself a good Field Surgical Kit and a First aid Kit dedicated to gun shot wounds. I would add a pen light and Medical scissors that cut tape and cloth with the enlarged blunt tip. Nice to have and hope you do not have to use it.
Thanks, I have 2 with Isreal chest wound bandages, but do need material for stitches, I have a good amount of antibotics, for my fish tanks lol.
Above all else Tron get some antibiotics. You can have all the bandages in the world but without antibiotics dead is dead.
High yield = high risk. Now they are locked in and can’t get out. What a crock.
This is not mine, copied from craigslist…
Don’t Shave That Hair!!!
I have recently made a mistake in my life, and I offer my story to you, that you may learn from my error. It all started, as many things do, with me having trouble shitting.
No, I was not constipated; this was not a regularity problem but a matter of technique. It seems my ass-hair had grown to such a length that tiny grogans were constantly getting tied up in the matted jungle between my asscheeks. It led to much frustration, with me KNOWING that I still had something to drop, but unable to shake the tenacious turd loose from its butthair dwelling. Eventually I would have to do two things: either reach down with some paper and try to pinch off the lingering loaf (which required careful precision to avoid smearing the creature all over my rear, especially since I had no way of seeing what I was doing) or just go for broke, start wiping, and hope that I could remove all the leftover fecal matter before the toilet paper reached its Can’t-Be-Flushed threshold.
I was contemplating this problem, when I had what seemed at the time to be a bright idea. “Hey! This is my butt and my butt-hair, right? So why don’t I just eliminate all the hair, and then my grogans will flow out like beer from a keg!” I said to myself. It is a statement that will go down in history with a lot of other regretted statements. “How many Indians could there be?” said by General Custer. “Looks like a good day for a drive!” by JFK. “There! America On-Line now has complete Usenet access!” by some idiot system tech. Such was my anal shaving idea.
I performed the operation that night, with a cheap disposable razor and a towel to sit on. Starting from the bottom, and shaving from the crack to the cheeks, I began the arduous process of ridding my ass of hair. Occassionally, I would have to clean the razor of accumulated hair and miscellaneous slime, which I did by wiping it on the towel. Slowly, my twin mounds and the between-ravine began to resemble the hairless cheeks of a newborn baby. Finally, I wiped the razor one last time, and surveyed my work. The towel was covered with a pile of hair. My ass was smooth as ivory. I smiled, satisfied, thinking my troubles were over.
Little did I know.
I now have a great respect for anal-hair. Like everything in this world God created, it has its mighty purpose in existence. It was only after I had removed it that I started to learn how much I had been taking it for granted. For one, it provides friction. I learned this the next day, when I walked out into the sun heading for class. After climbing two flights of stairs and starting to sweat, I started to notice something unpleasant. The sweat was accumulating in my crack, and was causing the unpleasant sensation of my two asscheeks sliding past each other with every step. I thought about going to the bathroom and wiping it off, but had to get to class. Eventually, I thought, it would dry.
Unfortunately, it did dry, but only after mingling with the microscopic shit- molecules lingering around my brown starfish. When I stood up after class, my cheeks were stuck together with a slimy sticky shit/sweat combination. As I made my way back to my dorm, it started to itch. DAMN, did it itch! Felt like a swarm of ants was making its way up and down my crack. Fighting to keep from jamming my hand down there and scratching away, I rushed back to the dorm.
Unfortunately again, this exertion caused me to sweat, and when I finally reached my room, my cheeks were sliding back and forth against each other like a pair of horny cane-toads. I quickly dropped my pants, and attempted to dry my ass off by sticking it in front of a fan and spreading my cheeks. As I pulled the two mounds of flesh apart, a horrible stench burst free and filled the room. Every dog within a 4 block radius started to howl. I had it worst of all, as the ripe aroma of festering shit/sweat went into the fan and blew back into my face. I fought to keep from heaving. And as I sat there, fighting vomit, my ass cheeks spread and dripping, with the concentrated aroma of my body odor mixed with the tangy smell of my own shit blowing right into my face, I had only one thought: “It will be like this until the hair grows back. Weeks.”
Later on, trying to deal as best I could, wiping my ass at every opportunity, I discovered another wonderful use for ass-hair – ventilation. I attempted to launch a fart, only to have it get stuck between my asscheeks. Apparently, with no hair, the two pink twins can get vacuum sealed together, and the result was a frustrating fart that slid up and down between my cheeks like a lost gerbil.
As if that wasn’t enough, I am now enduring further torture. As anyone who has ever shaved anything knows, when hair is first growing in, it comes in as stubble. Imagine your ass having the texture of a brillo pad. Well, that is what I am dealing with now. It is a hellish torture, and there are many times when I just look out the window and contemplate why I shouldn’t just jump out and get it all over with in one fleshy splat, rather than endure this constant agony.
We need to get over any kind of expiration date on canned food.
Quality/taste might decline in a few years, but especially with food manufacturers getting the BPA out of the lining material, if it is in a can and undamaged it is damn near eternal life for the food inside.
Aren’t people still opening and eating C-rations from WW2 about 70 years ago ?
A qualifier I would put on my last post, is that cans need to be in a relatively cool and dry place for that almost unlimited life.