Bob Chapman on Why Inflation is Unavoidable

by | Aug 25, 2009 | Bob Chapman

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    The International Forecaster, Bob Chapman, discusses inflation, precious metals markets and banksters in his latest post:

    We wanted to remind our friends in the deflationary camp that they seem to be forgetting about the crony capitalist bailout mentality that is setting us up for hyperinflation.  A large portion of world wealth held by private non-bank investors has already gone up in smoke (meaning that it was transferred from the middle class to the Illuminist cabal), and what wealth remains to be lost by non-bank private investors is far smaller than the losses which lie in wait for the anointed legacy banks on Wall Street, which losses will generate a crony capitalist bailout from the leaders of our Crony Capitalist Bailout Nation that will require the Fed to print money out of thin air in quantities more vast by far than all the losses suffered by non-bank private investors worldwide from the beginning of this financial crisis.  Those losses are hidden by mark-to-model rules for bonds and derivatives and are also being kept out of sight in a smoldering volcano full of toxic waste, aka the Quadrillion Dollar Derivative Death Star.   Remember that government spending of the type necessary to push through a recession or depression will only produce elevated double digit inflation such as we experienced recently and in the early 1980’s.  To get what Zimbabwe and the Weimar Republic experienced, you need a carry trade in the subject currency established by a partnership between currency speculators willing to short the subject currency, and a central bank willing to print as much money as the currency speculators demand.

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