Bob Chapman: Hyperinflation Cannot Be Stopped

by | Jun 11, 2009 | Bob Chapman

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    Bob Chapman says the Financial Bailout Plan Keeps Zombie Banks Alive.

    The Chairman of the Fed, Ben Bernanke, would have us believe along with other, so-called experts, that monetary easing will come in time to head off hyperinflation. Unfortunately that cannot happen. The minute money and credit is withdrawn from the system it will collapse. The underlying deflationary drag is too great and that drag will take years to diminish. How can our Fed Chairman and our Treasury Secretary think for a moment that they’ll just be able to turn the tap off when their current orgy of spending ends? Politicians unfortunately see this, as only they would, as an opportunity to purchase votes by making sure the spending continues. It will be interesting to watch over the next several years, as many nations scramble in the bond markets to raise money to keep their economies going. There is no telling at this point how high interest rates are going to go.

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    For readers interested in more analysis of Deflation / Hyperinflation scenarios, SHTF highly recommends listening to the June 10, 2009 McAlvany Weekly Commentary with economic advisor Bert Dohmen.


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