U.S. Silently Passes And Signs Bill To Create New Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

by | Nov 26, 2018 | Headline News | 20 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    This article was originally published by Aaron Kesel at Activist Post

    A bill silently passed through Congress and to U.S. President Donald Trump’s desk that was signed right before Thanksgiving last week, which would re-designate the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) into a new agency called the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA.)

    statement from President Trump was issued on the White House website:

    Every day, America’s adversaries are testing our cyber defenses. They attempt to gain access to our critical infrastructure, exploit our great companies, and undermine our entire way of life. And we can’t let that happen.

    This vital legislation will establish a new agency within the Department of Homeland Security to lead the federal government’s civilian response to these cyber threats against our nation. We’ve had many, many threats against our nation. Cyber is going to be the newest form. And the threats have taken place, and we’ve been doing pretty good in knocking them out, but now we’ll be — this will make us, I think, much more effective. We’re putting people that are the best in the world, in charge. And I think we’re going to have a whole different ballgame. Cyber is, to a large extent, where it’s at nowadays.

    The men and women of the new Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency will be on the front lines of our cyber defense. They will partner with the private sector, and all levels of government, to defend America’s power grids, banks, telecommunications, and other critical parts of our economy.

    The bill known as the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act swiftly passed in Congress in October; and last week, H.R. 335 advanced through the House Of Representatives without any resistance and barely any media attention. Trump signed the bill into law almost immediately after the legislation passed the House.

    The NPPD was first established in 2007 and has been responsible over the past few years for handling almost all of the DHS’ cybersecurity issues and other projects.

    As part of the DHS, the NPPD was the government entity in charge of physical and cybersecurity of federal networks and critical infrastructure. The previous agency also oversaw the Federal Protective Service (FPS), the Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM), the Office of Cyber and Infrastructure Analysis (OCIA), the Office of Cybersecurity & Communications (OC&C), and the Office of Infrastructure Protection (OIP).

    Nothing is expected to change in day-to-day operations for the agency, but being reorganized as a federal agency, CISA will now benefit from an increased budget and more authority in imposing its directives. Although, CISA will still face oversight by the DHS at the end of the day.

    To put that into perspective for you, CISA now has the same power as the U.S. Secret Service or FEMA.

    CISA will be responsible for leading cybersecurity, critical infrastructure protection programs, developing associated policy, and coordinating with federal and private sector entities on security matters. CSA will also be responsible for performing DHS’ responsibilities in regards to anti-terrorism measures for chemical plants. In short, CISA will be held accountable for protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure from physical and cyber threats.

    According to US-CERT:

    (CISA) elevates the mission of the former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) and establishes the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). CISA is responsible for protecting the Nation’s critical infrastructure from physical and cyber threats, a mission that requires effective coordination and collaboration among a broad spectrum of government and private sector organizations.

    The DHS’s statement on the matter shows that the new agency will be “working with partners across all levels of government and in the private sector to secure against the evolving risks of tomorrow.”

    The new agency will have several divisions including a Cybersecurity Division, an Infrastructure Security Division, and an Emergency Communications Division. Christopher Krebs, the current NPPD Undersecretary, will be the first new director of the CISA agency.

    The reorganization seeks to elevate cybersecurity within the DHS while improving the department’s ability to engage with government and industry stakeholders, Krebs said in a statement this week. “Giving NPPD a name that reflects what it actually does will help better secure the nation’s critical infrastructure and cyber platforms,” Krebs added.

    CISA will be a federal agency in charge of overseeing both civilian and federal cybersecurity programs, (not to be confused with the 2015 surveillance bill of the same acronym.)

    “Today’s vote is a significant step to stand up a federal government cybersecurity agency,” DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen said. “The cyber threat landscape is constantly evolving, and we need to ensure we’re properly positioned to defend America’s infrastructure from threats digital and physical. It was time to reorganize and operationalize NPPD into the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency.”

    Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, sponsored the bill.

    “I also want to thank all the hardworking men and women of NPPD for carrying out our important cybersecurity mission each day within DHS. CISA will help bring the recognition this team deserves and will empower the team to more effectively execute its vital mission,” Nielsen said.

    As a fun fact, in April this year the DHS announced it would monitor hundreds of thousands of news sources around the globe and compile an extensive database on journalists, editors, foreign correspondents, and bloggers to identify top “media influencers” who mention its name. So with that said, this reporter who is a “tin foil hat wearing, black helicopter conspiracy theorist” and probably a terrorist for worrying about increased government surveillance according to DHS press secretary Tyler Q. Houlton, is ready for his close-up.

    Historically, it has been the FBI who keeps files on journalists and dissidents, not the DHS. The FBI has had files on famous journalist such as Michael HastingsPeter Jennings, and Walter Cronkite.

    Now we can add CISA to a long list of agencies that are authorized to spy under the guise of protection. Although, many may find themselves asking what purpose does the NSA and CIA now serve?


    Aaron Kesel writes for Activist Post. Support us at Patreon.

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      1. “. Although, many may find themselves asking what purpose does the NSA and CIA now serve?”

        Same as they always have… drug/arms dealing and false flag attacks.

        • That’s right. It free’s them up some to pursue other nefarious activities. Besides, it gives them just another net to snag you in if the others miss.

          • Brought to you by Republicans, and signed into law by a Republican.

            And we thought the Republicans were the good guys.

            I an so looking forward to some grid lock beginning in January.

      2. More fraudulent 5th column NWO government.

      3. I’m sorry but if Trump is peddling crap, we are beyond done.

        The deep state was well entrenched. The USA was all but toast. Unless Trump can produce. He is our last hope.

        I pray we yet have hope. If Trump has our back we have a chance, if not it is time to start digging off the grid bunkers.

        On the building permit, call it a wine cellar if need be.

        • What is a building permit???

          • Catch’n comes before hang’n.

        • I think, he gets his funding from the same place as Soros.

          Have you ever canceled a subscription to something, without any 5D chess? I would like it explained, simply, why seditious too-big-to-fails can’t be turned-off, like a lightswitch, well before the point of irritation.

      4. Yup……not buying it. I can’t even get spam calls
        stopped on FCC telephone “do not call listed”……
        Bite me again. Such hype. Loser news.

        Oh and the phones have Chineese hacker chips inside.
        Security is only safe if it is in Hitlery’s or Obutho’s phone or
        computer…….safe in the enemies hands.
        Those two will gladly give to the enemy all of our security 24/7.
        Like friends with benefits, like Freeda…..(Freeda everyone).

        Takes away more of my security, my privacy, my freedoms, but not
        the other way around. Only takes away the main reason for using these
        computers by the average reader.
        Yup….Shootin’ the golden goose they are!!

        Always makes me a li’l deslexic.

      5. imhblo —
        Seem to create pet projects, in opposition to eachother.

        • As in take 10 mil. from FEMA and give it to I.C.E?

          • *MM

      6. When it matters (vaccines, fluoridation, chemtrails, privacy, 5G, gun laws, etc.), you don’t get a choice. When it doesn’t matter, you DO get a choice (The Don vs. Hillary).

      7. Should there be a law that requires the Senate and House to inform the public by reporting well in advance of voting on bills. Front page in the ten most widely circulated newspapers. Twenty five tv Spots that give the public the information. And also put it on social media and the internet.

        Maybe the public would like to have some say in what comes down the trail.


        • C’mon B, you know we have always been on a “need to know” basis.

      8. More job creation…

      9. Right now, when you connect online, you generally have a static IP address (although country folk can have a somewhat dynamic IP address). Then each electronic device that connects has a unique MAC address as a signature but it can be anonymously masked.

        In the future, expect a unique address that identifies who communicates so there will be no anonymity on the Internet. Meanwhile China is forcing their citizens to have a social credit score based upon how they act on the Internet to determine who is loyal and productive and allowed to have Internet access and likely an occupation.

        Some will be shut out as undesirables in a familar pattern within Marxis history just like the HORRORS of Siberian labor/reeducation camps and the Chinese Cultural Revolution when untold millions were savagely purged.

        • That’s already happened.

          Advertisers started paying Google in 2002, to de-list websites that were factual – but critical of their products.

          Mainly in the category of Adverse Events from American Biotech (people hurt by American biotech products, e.g. Laser Eye Surgery).

          The Biotech industry had a full-court press going, between pressuring Google to de-list websites, and then withholding factual data about Adverse Event Results from the FDA.

          The latter was documented by Dr. Morris Waxler, after he left the FDA & started the website –

          • I read through some of your site. Totally horrifying. I’ve known a few people at work who got it done and were initially thrilled to not need glasses or contacts. Later on, it was as described where they seemed to have constant dry eyes or other irritations but the people tended to blame new allergies and the like. They often urged me to have it done but I was never convinced it was a good thing and now I know why.

            Thanks for the link.

      10. Domestic suppression agencies.

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